1,766 research outputs found

    Architectural assumptions and their management in software development

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    Bio-inspired design of a kinetic node for adaptable structures

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    Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute Of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2011Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 112-119)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiii, 119 leavesThe architectural design should no longer consider just in terms of today's demands, but also the life cycle and the further requirements of the built environment. The design process should consider the adaptation to the changing conditions which can be in terms of the building usage, environmental factors or even in the changes ofsociological demands. Rapid change in activities of modern society and building technologies, has led to the need for adaptable spaces. Those spaces can be obtained by the adaptable structures which have potential for using our resources in efficient way and also for responding to the era's needs. This can be achieved with kinetic structural systems and learning adaptable structures from nature.Nature has always inspired humanity by solving the basic needs with minimum material and sustainable solutions. Observation of nature enables architects and engineers familiar with highly developed structures and lead to the creation of new forms. The designs that are produced by learning from nature lead to practical engineering solutions in terms of sustainability. The aim of this research is to propose a joint; kinetic node with multidisciplinary approach. This kinetic node is designed by inspiring from the minimum energy shape configurations and the structural orders in natural structures especially the cell membrane and analyzing the joining details of space truss structural systems and the geometric principles of Bricard linkage mechanism. This new kinetic node gives capability to construct variable static and dynamic structural systems while constructing in different structural orders

    Tracing the Flow of Perceptual Features in an Algorithmic Brain Network

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    The model of the brain as an information processing machine is a profound hypothesis in which neuroscience, psychology and theory of computation are now deeply rooted. Modern neuroscience aims to model the brain as a network of densely interconnected functional nodes. However, to model the dynamic information processing mechanisms of perception and cognition, it is imperative to understand brain networks at an algorithmic level–i.e. as the information flow that network nodes code and communicate. Here, using innovative methods (Directed Feature Information), we reconstructed examples of possible algorithmic brain networks that code and communicate the specific features underlying two distinct perceptions of the same ambiguous picture. In each observer, we identified a network architecture comprising one occipito-temporal hub where the features underlying both perceptual decisions dynamically converge. Our focus on detailed information flow represents an important step towards a new brain algorithmics to model the mechanisms of perception and cognition

    Mizahın “haha”sı ile öğrenmenin “aha”sı arasındaki derin ilişki: Bağlam temelli çizgi roman geliştirilmesi, öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri

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    The research aimed to determine the opinions of the students and the course teacher with regard to using the comic book prepared in accordance with a context-based scenario as teaching material for the science course. Phenomenology, one of the qualitative research approaches, was used for research purposes. A context-based comic book was used as course material for 12 hours in a class of 18 5th-grade students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven students and a course teacher, following the implementation, using the interview forms developed within the scope of the current research. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed by content analysis and classified under the themes of “Academic”, “Affective”, “Association with Daily Life” and “Comic Books and Humor”. Pursuant to the results of the research, students, and course teacher declared the comic book as effective course material on the grounds that it makes the subject matter entertaining and understandable, facilitates learning, provides an opportunity for a permanent learning experience, provides an opportunity for individual learning, increases class participation, and supports the learning processes of students with literacy and language problems. Based on the results obtained, it has been suggested to use context-based comics in different units and lessons.Araştırmada fen bilimleri dersine yönelik bağlam temelli bir senaryoya göre hazırlanan çizgi romanın öğretim sürecinde kullanılmasıyla ilgili olarak öğrencilerin ve ders öğretmeninin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada bağlam temelli hazırlanan çizgi roman, 5. sınıfta öğrenim gören 18 öğrencinin bulunduğu sınıfta ders materyali olarak 12 ders saati kullanılmıştır. Uygulama sonrasında yedi öğrenci ve uygulama öğretmeni ile mevcut araştırma kapsamında geliştirilen görüşme formları aracılığıyla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ile çözümlenerek “Akademik”, “Duyuşsal”, “Günlük Yaşamla İlişkilendirme” ve “Çizgi Roman ve Mizah” temalarında sınıflandırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin ve uygulama öğretmenin çizgi romanın ele alınan konuyu eğlenceli ve anlaşılır kılması, öğrenmeleri kolaylaştırması, kalıcı öğrenmelere fırsat tanıması, bireysel öğrenmelere olanak sunması, derse katılımı artırması, okuma yazma ve dil bilme konusunda problemleri olan öğrencilerin öğrenmelerini desteklemesi gibi durumlardan dolayı etkili bir öğretim materyali olduğu yönünde görüş bildirmişlerdir. Elde edilen sonuçlardan hareketle bağlam temelli olarak tasarlanan çizgi romanın öğrencilerin öğrenmelerini desteklemesinden dolayı öğretim materyali olarak farklı ünite ve derslerde yaygınlaştırılması tavsiye edilmiştir

    Spatial multicriteria analysis for sustainability assessment : a new model for decision making

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    Policy makers have to consider the sustainability perspective in strategic planning decisions. Identifyand measure the level of sustainability, through its three dimensions, is a priority. Therefore, the aim of this work is to present a new model, called GeoUmbriaSUIT, integrating Multicriteria Analysis and Geographic Information Systems, specifically developed for helping Decision Makers to take policy decisions about sustainability in planning. The model provides outputs which are easy to be understood by not experts; the evaluation path is traceable and transparent, thanks to back analysis. To better explain the potentiality of GeoUmbriaSUIT and its functioning, a case study about Malta is described. Our results showed that in four regions of Malta the best dimension was the environmental one, while only for two regions (Northern Harbour and Southern Harbour) respectively the economic and social dimensions obtained the best scores. The integration of MCDA-GIS resulted to be a useful tool for sustainability assessment.peer-reviewe

    The Medium of Visualization for Software Comprehension

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    Although abundant studies have shown how visualization can help software developers to understand software systems, visualization is still not a common practice since developers (i) have little support to find a proper visualization for their needs, and once they find a suitable visualization tool, they (ii) are unsure of its effectiveness. We aim to offer support for identifying proper visualizations, and to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques. In this dissertation, we characterize proposed software visualizations. To fill the gap between proposed visualizations and their practical application, we encapsulate such characteristics in an ontology, and propose a meta-visualization approach to find suitable visualizations. Amongst others characteristics of software visualizations, we identify that the medium used to display them can be a means to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques for particular comprehension tasks.We implement visualization prototypes and validate our thesis via experiments. We found that even though developers using a physical 3D model medium required the least time to deal with tasks that involve identifying outliers, they perceived the least difficulty when visualizing systems based on the standard computer screen medium. Moreover, developers using immersive virtual reality obtained the highest recollection. We conclude that the effectiveness of software visualizations that use the city metaphor to support comprehension tasks can be increased when city visualizations are rendered in an appropriate medium. Furthermore, that visualization of software visualizations can be a suitable means for exploring their multiple characteristics that can be properly encapsulated in an ontology