36 research outputs found

    Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Ranking and Clustering Problems

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    Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Ranking and Clustering Problem

    Stochastic Data Clustering

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    In 1961 Herbert Simon and Albert Ando published the theory behind the long-term behavior of a dynamical system that can be described by a nearly uncoupled matrix. Over the past fifty years this theory has been used in a variety of contexts, including queueing theory, brain organization, and ecology. In all these applications, the structure of the system is known and the point of interest is the various stages the system passes through on its way to some long-term equilibrium. This paper looks at this problem from the other direction. That is, we develop a technique for using the evolution of the system to tell us about its initial structure, and we use this technique to develop a new algorithm for data clustering.Comment: 23 page

    Local Guarantees in Graph Cuts and Clustering

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    Correlation Clustering is an elegant model that captures fundamental graph cut problems such as Min s−ts-t Cut, Multiway Cut, and Multicut, extensively studied in combinatorial optimization. Here, we are given a graph with edges labeled ++ or −- and the goal is to produce a clustering that agrees with the labels as much as possible: ++ edges within clusters and −- edges across clusters. The classical approach towards Correlation Clustering (and other graph cut problems) is to optimize a global objective. We depart from this and study local objectives: minimizing the maximum number of disagreements for edges incident on a single node, and the analogous max min agreements objective. This naturally gives rise to a family of basic min-max graph cut problems. A prototypical representative is Min Max s−ts-t Cut: find an s−ts-t cut minimizing the largest number of cut edges incident on any node. We present the following results: (1)(1) an O(n)O(\sqrt{n})-approximation for the problem of minimizing the maximum total weight of disagreement edges incident on any node (thus providing the first known approximation for the above family of min-max graph cut problems), (2)(2) a remarkably simple 77-approximation for minimizing local disagreements in complete graphs (improving upon the previous best known approximation of 4848), and (3)(3) a 1/(2+ε)1/(2+\varepsilon)-approximation for maximizing the minimum total weight of agreement edges incident on any node, hence improving upon the 1/(4+ε)1/(4+\varepsilon)-approximation that follows from the study of approximate pure Nash equilibria in cut and party affiliation games