3 research outputs found

    Dual Band 1x4 Linear Metamaterial Bowtie Antenna Array for Autonomous Vehicle in Public Safety Band Communications

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    This research presents the design, simulation, and fabrication of a dual-band 1x4 linear metamaterial bowtie antenna array for applications in 5G wireless systems and public safety band communications. The single-element antenna is a compact dual-band structure with a complementary split-ring resonator (TCSRR) element, and it exhibits resonant frequencies of 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz, covering the sub-6GHz 5G spectrum and the public safety band. The antenna aray design is optimized for impedance matching and radiation efficiency. The 1x4 linear antenna array is designed with a quarter-wave transformer feed network and carefully controlled mutual coupling to enhance gain and directionality. Simulated and measured results confirm the performance of the array, with a reflection coefficient within -10 dB from 3.2 GHz to 3.85 GHz and from 4.55 GHz to 5.95 GHz and 3.45 GHz to 3.75 GHz and 4.45 GHz to 5.7 GHz, respectively. The array exhibits a peak realized gain of up to 8.7 dBi and efficient radiation patterns. This work offers promising insights into the development of antenna systems for advanced wireless communication applications and vehicle-to-vehicle communication in public safety band

    A dual-band high gain complementary split- ring resonator (CSRR) loaded hexagonal bowtie antenna with enhanced bandwidth for Vehicle- to-Vehicle (V2V) communication applications

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    A highly reliable and efficient communication system is needed for a vehicle to navigate and drive to the destination without human control (known as an autonomous or self-driving vehicle). In this work, we consider various parameters for the antenna design, ensuring reliable communication amongst vehicles and infrastructure. Specifically, we consider the type of antenna, the method used, operating frequency, substrate type (with thickness and permittivity), size and shape, gain, and bandwidth. An optimal threshold value or range of these parameters is identified. Moreover, a complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) metamaterial (MTM) based hexagonal bowtie antenna for a high gain V2V communication environment is presented. This antenna covers sub- 6 GHz fifth generation (5G) bands (3.15-3.95 GHz) and Wi-Fi band 2.4GHz. Printing was done on a low-cost FR4 substrate for the radiating patch. Antenna Bandwidth is enhanced using a partial ground plane. The radiating layer is based on hexagonal patches printed on the double side of the substrate, and the CSSR structure is etched from patches to enrich antenna gain and bandwidth. More importantly, the proposed CSRR employed antenna provides gain and bandwidth of 1.6dBi / 6 dBi and 100MHz/ 8000MHz at 2.4GHz /3.5GHz, respectively. A highly known software, CST microwave studio, simulates the proposed antenna. Simulated and measured results make this arrangement a potential candidate for 5G high gain V2V communication

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de alarma vehicular con geolocalizaci贸n, mediante el uso de aplicaciones m贸viles

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    Dise帽ar e implementar una alarma vehicular con geolocalizaci贸n, mediante el uso de aplicaciones m贸viles.Por medio del trabajo de grado, dise帽o e implementaci贸n de un sistema de alarma vehicular con geolocalizaci贸n, mediante el uso de aplicaciones m贸viles, se realiz贸 la programaci贸n de una interfaz en Arduino que permite controlar funciones espec铆ficas del veh铆culo referentes a seguridad, se dise帽贸 una interfaz electr贸nica que acceda a conocer la ubicaci贸n del veh铆culo en tiempo real mediante la comunicaci贸n GPS (Sistema de Posicionamiento Global), todo esto se control贸 con el desarrollo y dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n mediante software libre, que permita la comunicaci贸n entre la placa base Arduino y el dispositivo Android para tener acceso a diversas funciones del veh铆culo referentes a seguridad y geolocalizaci贸n, se finaliz贸 con la implementaci贸n del prototipo en un veh铆culo Chrevrolet Grand Vitara 3P a帽o 2007. Mediante el dise帽o e implementaci贸n del prototipo de alarma vehicular, se obtuvo un sistema de seguridad reforzado y de mandos c贸modos ante situaciones de emergencia, ya que dicho dispositivo se interconecta con la aplicaci贸n creada e instalada en el celular del usuario v铆a Bluetooth y mensajes de texto (SMS), con la posibilidad de abrir sus puertas mediante la pulsaci贸n de un bot贸n dentro de la App que se ha desarrollado; por otro lado, cuenta con varias se帽ales que permiten al usuario le llegue una notificaci贸n (SMS) a su celular, si una de estas se帽ales es irrumpida, con un tiempo menor a 5 segundos, especificando que ha ocurrido en el veh铆culo. El prototipo cuenta con un sistema de localizaci贸n en tiempo real mediante un M贸dulo SIM808, que forma parte de este, el cual brinda la posibilidad de saber las coordenadas y velocidad del automotor, adem谩s posee un sistema de corte de inyecci贸n llegando a inmovilizar el veh铆culo, todo esto se encuentra disponible en la comodidad del dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n de bolsillo mediante el env铆o de SMS, finalmente dentro del veh铆culo se tiene un centro de notificaciones que permite al usuario visualizar mediante una pantalla OLED, si se ejecuta alg煤n comando v铆a SMS.Ingenier铆