3 research outputs found

    Incorporation of Multiple Sources into IT - and Data Protection Concepts: Lessons Learned from the FARKOR Project

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    The IT- and data protection concept of the FAmiliäres Risiko für das KOloRektale Karzinom (FARKOR) project will be presented. FARKOR is a risk adapted screening-project in Bavaria, Germany focusing on young adults with familial colorectal cancer (CRC). For each participant, data from different sources have to be integrated: Treatment records centrally administered by the resident doctors association (KVB), data from health insurance companies (HIC), and patient reported lifestyle data. Patient privacy rights must be observed. Record Linkage is performed by a central independent trust center. Data are decrypted, integrated and analyzed in a secure part of the scientific evaluation center with no connection to the internet (SECSP). The presented concept guarantees participants privacy through different identifiers, separation of responsibilities, data pseudonymization, public-private key encryption of medical data and encrypted data transfer


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