12,102 research outputs found

    Parts formulas involving the Fourier-Feynman transform associated with Gaussian process on Wiener space

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    In this paper, using a very general Cameron--Storvick theorem on the Wiener space C0[0,T]C_0[0,T], we establish various integration by parts formulas involving generalized analytic Feynman integrals, generalized analytic Fourier--Feynman transforms, and the first variation (associated with Gaussian processes) of functionals FF on C0[0,T]C_0[0,T] having the form F(x)=f(⟨α1,x⟩,…,⟨αn,x⟩)F(x)=f(\langle{\alpha_1,x}\rangle, \ldots, \langle{\alpha_n,x}\rangle) for scale almost every x∈C0[0,T]x\in C_0[0,T], where ⟨α,x⟩\langle{\alpha,x}\rangle denotes the Paley--Wiener--Zygmund stochastic integral ∫0Tα(t)dx(t)\int_0^T \alpha(t)dx(t), and {α1,…,αn}\{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n\} is an orthogonal set of nonzero functions in L2[0,T]L_2[0,T]. The Gaussian processes used in this paper are not stationary

    Approximation of integral operators using convolution-product expansions

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    We consider a class of linear integral operators with impulse responses varying regularly in time or space. These operators appear in a large number of applications ranging from signal/image processing to biology. Evaluating their action on functions is a computation-ally intensive problem necessary for many practical problems. We analyze a technique called convolution-product expansion: the operator is locally approximated by a convolution, allowing to design fast numerical algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform. We design various types of expansions, provide their explicit rates of approximation and their complexity depending on the time varying impulse response smoothness. This analysis suggests novel wavelet based implementations of the method with numerous assets such as optimal approximation rates, low complexity and storage requirements as well as adaptivity to the kernels regularity. The proposed methods are an alternative to more standard procedures such as panel clustering, cross approximations, wavelet expansions or hierarchical matrices

    Accelerating the 2-point and 3-point galaxy correlation functions using Fourier transforms

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    Though Fourier Transforms (FTs) are a common technique for finding correlation functions, they are not typically used in computations of the anisotropy of the two-point correlation function (2PCF) about the line of sight in wide-angle surveys because the line-of-sight direction is not constant on the Cartesian grid. Here we show how FTs can be used to compute the multipole moments of the anisotropic 2PCF. We also show how FTs can be used to accelerate the 3PCF algorithm of Slepian & Eisenstein (2015). In both cases, these FT methods allow one to avoid the computational cost of pair counting, which scales as the square of the number density of objects in the survey. With the upcoming large datasets of DESI, Euclid, and LSST, FT techniques will therefore offer an important complement to simple pair or triplet counts.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, accepted MNRAS Letters; v2 matches accepted versio

    Noise and Signal for Spectra of Intermittent Noiselike Emission

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    We show that intermittency of noiselike emission, after propagation through a scattering medium, affects the distribution of noise in the observed correlation function. Intermittency also affects correlation of noise among channels of the spectrum, but leaves the average spectrum, average correlation function, and distribution of noise among channels of the spectrum unchanged. Pulsars are examples of such sources: intermittent and affected by interstellar propagation. We assume that the source emits Gaussian white noise, modulated by a time-envelope. Propagation convolves the resulting time series with an impulse-response function that represents effects of dispersion, scattering, and absorption. We assume that this propagation kernel is shorter than the time for an observer to accumulate a single spectrum. We show that rapidly-varying intermittent emission tends to concentrate noise near the central lag of the correlation function. We derive mathematical expressions for this effect, in terms of the time envelope and the propagation kernel. We present examples, discuss effects of background noise, and compare our results with observations.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    A space of generalized Brownian motion path-valued continuous functions with application

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    In this paper, we introduce the paths space C0gBm\mathcal C_0^{\mathrm{gBm}} which is consists of generalized Brownian motion path-valued continuous functions on [0,T][0,T]. We next present several relevant examples of the paths space integral. We then discuss the concept of the analytic Feynman integration theory for functionals FF on the paths space C0gBm\mathcal C_0^{\mathrm{gBm}}

    Fast and Stable Pascal Matrix Algorithms

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    In this paper, we derive a family of fast and stable algorithms for multiplying and inverting n×nn \times n Pascal matrices that run in O(nlog2n)O(n log^2 n) time and are closely related to De Casteljau's algorithm for B\'ezier curve evaluation. These algorithms use a recursive factorization of the triangular Pascal matrices and improve upon the cripplingly unstable O(nlogn)O(n log n) fast Fourier transform-based algorithms which involve a Toeplitz matrix factorization. We conduct numerical experiments which establish the speed and stability of our algorithm, as well as the poor performance of the Toeplitz factorization algorithm. As an example, we show how our formulation relates to B\'ezier curve evaluation

    Rigid-Motion Scattering for Texture Classification

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    A rigid-motion scattering computes adaptive invariants along translations and rotations, with a deep convolutional network. Convolutions are calculated on the rigid-motion group, with wavelets defined on the translation and rotation variables. It preserves joint rotation and translation information, while providing global invariants at any desired scale. Texture classification is studied, through the characterization of stationary processes from a single realization. State-of-the-art results are obtained on multiple texture data bases, with important rotation and scaling variabilities.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to International Journal of Computer Visio

    A bootstrapping approach to jump inequalities and their applications

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    The aim of this paper is to present an abstract and general approach to jump inequalities in harmonic analysis. Our principal conclusion is the refinement of rr-variational estimates, previously known for r>2r>2, to end-point results for the jump quasi-seminorm corresponding to r=2r=2. This is applied to the dimension-free results recently obtained by the first two authors in collaboration with Bourgain and Wr\'obel (arXiv:1708.04639 and arXiv:1804.07679), and also to operators of Radon type treated by Jones, Seeger, and Wright.Comment: 25 pages, small correction

    Spatio-spectral concentration of convolutions

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    Differential equations may possess coefficients that vary on a spectrum of scales. Because coefficients are typically multiplicative in real space, they turn into convolution operators in spectral space, mixing all wavenumbers. However, in many applications, only the largest scales of the solution are of interest and so the question turns to whether it is possible to build effective coarse-scale models of the coefficients in such a manner that the large scales of the solution are left intact. Here we apply the method of numerical homogenization to deterministic linear equations to generate sub-grid-scale models of coefficients at desired frequency cutoffs. We use the Fourier basis to project, filter and compute correctors for the coefficients. The method is tested in 1D and 2D scenarios and found to reproduce the coarse scales of the solution to varying degrees of accuracy depending on the cutoff. We relate this method to mode-elimination Renormalization Group (RG) and discuss the connection between accuracy and the cutoff wavenumber. The tradeoff is governed by a form of the uncertainty principle for convolutions, which states that as the convolution operator is squeezed in the spectral domain, it broadens in real space. As a consequence, basis sparsity is a high virtue and the choice of the basis can be critical.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, in press, Journal of Computational Physic

    Haptic Assembly Using Skeletal Densities and Fourier Transforms

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    Haptic-assisted virtual assembly and prototyping has seen significant attention over the past two decades. However, in spite of the appealing prospects, its adoption has been slower than expected. We identify the main roadblocks as the inherent geometric complexities faced when assembling objects of arbitrary shape, and the computation time limitation imposed by the notorious 1 kHz haptic refresh rate. We addressed the first problem in a recent work by introducing a generic energy model for geometric guidance and constraints between features of arbitrary shape. In the present work, we address the second challenge by leveraging Fourier transforms to compute the constraint forces and torques. Our new concept of 'geometric energy' field is computed automatically from a cross-correlation of 'skeletal densities' in the frequency domain, and serves as a generalization of the manually specified virtual fixtures or heuristically identified mating constraints proposed in the literature. The formulation of the energy field as a convolution enables efficient computation using fast Fourier transforms (FFT) on the graphics processing unit (GPU). We show that our method is effective for low-clearance assembly of objects of arbitrary geometric and syntactic complexity.Comment: A shorter version was presented in ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE'2015) (Best Paper Award
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