32 research outputs found

    Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are integral

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    Let GG be a finite group, SβŠ†Gβˆ–{1}S\subseteq G\setminus\{1\} be a set such that if a∈Sa\in S, then aβˆ’1∈Sa^{-1}\in S, where 11 denotes the identity element of GG. The undirected Cayley graph Cay(G,S)Cay(G,S) of GG over the set SS is the graph whose vertex set is GG and two vertices aa and bb are adjacent whenever abβˆ’1∈Sab^{-1}\in S. The adjacency spectrum of a graph is the multiset of all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the graph. A graph is called integral whenever all adjacency spectrum elements are integers. Following Klotz and Sander, we call a group GG Cayley integral whenever all undirected Cayley graphs over GG are integral. Finite abelian Cayley integral groups are classified by Klotz and Sander as finite abelian groups of exponent dividing 44 or 66. Klotz and Sander have proposed the determination of all non-abelian Cayley integral groups. In this paper we complete the classification of finite Cayley integral groups by proving that finite non-abelian Cayley integral groups are the symmetric group S3S_{3} of degree 33, C3β‹ŠC4C_{3} \rtimes C_{4} and Q8Γ—C2nQ_{8}\times C_{2}^{n} for some integer nβ‰₯0n\geq 0, where Q8Q_8 is the quaternion group of order 88.Comment: Title is change

    Integral Cayley graphs and groups

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    We solve two open problems regarding the classification of certain classes of Cayley graphs with integer eigenvalues. We first classify all finite groups that have a "non-trivial" Cayley graph with integer eigenvalues, thus solving a problem proposed by Abdollahi and Jazaeri. The notion of Cayley integral groups was introduced by Klotz and Sander. These are groups for which every Cayley graph has only integer eigenvalues. In the second part of the paper, all Cayley integral groups are determined.Comment: Submitted June 18 to SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Integral Cayley graphs over a group of order 6n6n

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    In this paper, we study the integral Cayley graphs over a non-abelian group U6n=⟨a,b∣a2n=b3=1,aβˆ’1ba=bβˆ’1⟩U_{6n}=\langle a,b\mid a^{2n}=b^3=1, a^{-1}ba=b^{-1}\rangle of order 6n6n. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the integrality of Cayley graphs over U6nU_{6n}. We also study relationships between the integrality of Cayley graphs over U6nU_{6n} and the Boolean algebra of cyclic groups. As applications, we construct some infinite families of connected integral Cayley graphs over U6nU_{6n}

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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