122 research outputs found

    Large-scale methods in computational genomics

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    The explosive growth in biological sequence data coupled with the design and deployment of increasingly high throughput sequencing technologies has created a need for methods capable of processing large-scale sequence data in a time and cost effective manner. In this dissertation, we address this need through the development of faster algorithms, space-efficient methods, and high-performance parallel computing techniques for some key problems in computational genomics;The first problem addressed is the clustering of DNA sequences based on a measure of sequence similarity. Our clustering method: (i) guarantees linear space complexity, in contrast to the quadratic memory requirements of previously developed methods; (ii) identifies sequence pairs containing long maximal matches in the decreasing order of their maximal match lengths in run-time proportional to the sum of input and output sizes; (iii) provides heuristics to significantly reduce the number of pairs evaluated for checking sequence similarity without affecting quality; and (iv) has parallel strategies that provide linear speedup and a proportionate reduction in space per processor. Our approach has significantly enhanced the problem size reach while also drastically reducing the time to solution;The next problem we address is the de novo detection of genomic repeats called Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons. Our algorithm guarantees linear space complexity and produces high quality candidates for prediction in run-time proportional to the sum of input and output sizes. Validation of our approach on the yeast genome demonstrates both superior quality and performance results when compared to previously developed software;In a genome assembly project, fragments sequenced from a target genome are computationally assembled into numerous supersequences called contigs , which are then ordered and oriented into scaffolds . In this dissertation, we introduce a new problem called retroscaffolding for scaffolding contigs based on the knowledge of their LTR retrotransposon content. Through identification of sequencing gaps that span LTR retrotransposons, retroscaffolding provides a mechanism for prioritizing sequencing gaps for finishing purposes;While most of the problems addressed here have been studied previously, the main contribution in this dissertation is the development of methods that can scale to the largest available sequence collections


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    The increased availability of genomic data and the increased ease and lower costs of DNA sequencing have revolutionized biomedical research. One of the critical steps in most bioinformatics analyses is the assembly of the genome sequence of an organism using the data generated from the sequencing machines. Despite the long length of sequences generated by third-generation sequencing technologies (tens of thousands of basepairs), the automated reconstruction of entire genomes continues to be a formidable computational task. Although long read technologies help in resolving highly repetitive regions, the contigs generated from long read assembly do not always span a complete chromosome or even an arm of the chromosome. Recently, new genomic technologies have been developed that can ''bridge" across repeats or other genomic regions that are difficult to sequence or assemble and improve genome assemblies by ''scaffolding" together large segments of the genome. The problem of scaffolding is vital in the context of both single genome assembly of large eukaryotic genomes and in metagenomics where the goal is to assemble multiple bacterial genomes in a sample simultaneously. First, we describe SALSA2, a method we developed to use interaction frequency between any two loci in the genome obtained using Hi-C technology to scaffold fragmented eukaryotic genome assemblies into chromosomes. SALSA2 can be used with either short or long read assembly to generate highly contiguous and accurate chromosome level assemblies. Hi-C data are known to introduce small inversion errors in the assembly, so we included the assembly graph in the scaffolding process and used the sequence overlap information to correct the orientation errors. Next, we present our contributions to metagenomics. We developed a scaffolding and variant detection method MetaCarvel for metagenomic datasets. Several factors such as the presence of inter-genomic repeats, coverage ambiguities, and polymorphic regions in the genomes complicate the task of scaffolding metagenomes. Variant detection is also tricky in metagenomes because the different genomes within these complex samples are not known beforehand. We showed that MetaCarvel was able to generate accurate scaffolds and find genome-wide variations de novo in metagenomic datasets. Finally, we present EDIT, a tool for clustering millions of DNA sequence fragments originating from the highly conserved 16s rRNA gene in bacteria. We extended classical Four Russians' speed up to banded sequence alignment and showed that our method clusters highly similar sequences efficiently. This method can also be used to remove duplicates or near duplicate sequences from a dataset. With the increasing data being generated in different genomic and metagenomic studies using emerging sequencing technologies, our software tools and algorithms are well timed with the need of the community

    Paired is better: local assembly algorithms for NGS paired reads and applications to RNA-Seq

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    The analysis of biological sequences is one of the main research areas of Bioinformatics. Sequencing data are the input for almost all types of studies concerning genomic as well as transcriptomic sequences, and sequencing experiments should be conceived specifically for each type of application. The challenges posed by fundamental biological questions are usually addressed by firstly aligning or assemblying the reads produced by new sequencing technologies. Assembly is the first step when a reference sequence is not available. Alignment of genomic reads towards a known genome is fundamental, e.g., to find the differences among organisms of related species, and to detect mutations proper of the so-called "diseases of the genome". Alignment of transcriptomic reads against a reference genome, allows to detect the expressed genes as well as to annotate and quantify alternative transcripts. In this thesis we overview the approaches proposed in literature for solving the above mentioned problems. In particular, we deeply analyze the sequence assembly problem, with particular emphasys on genome reconstruction, both from a more theoretical point of view and in light of the characteristics of sequencing data produced by state-of-the-art technologies. We also review the main steps in a pipeline for the analysis of the transcriptome, that is, alignment, assembly, and transcripts quantification, with particular emphasys on the opportunities given by RNA-Seq technologies in enhancing precision. The thesis is divided in two parts, the first one devoted to the study of local assembly methods for Next Generation Sequencing data, the second one concerning the development of tools for alignment of RNA-Seq reads and transcripts quantification. The permanent theme is the use of paired reads in all fields of applications discussed in this thesis. In particular, we emphasyze the benefits of assemblying inserts from paired reads in a wide range of applications, from de novo assembly, to the analysis of RNA. The main contribution of this thesis lies in the introduction of innovative tools, based on well-studied heuristics fine tuned on the data. Software is always tested to specifically assess the correctness of prediction. The aim is to produce robust methods, that, having low false positives rate, produce a certified output characterized by high specificity.openDottorato di ricerca in InformaticaopenNadalin, Francesc

    Improving Scalability of Evolutionary Robotics with Reformulation

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    Creating systems that can operate autonomously in complex environments is a challenge for contemporary engineering techniques. Automatic design methods offer a promising alternative, but so far they have not been able to produce agents that outperform manual designs. One such method is evolutionary robotics. It has been shown to be a robust and versatile tool for designing robots to perform simple tasks, but more challenging tasks at present remain out of reach of the method. In this thesis I discuss and attack some problems underlying the scalability issues associated with the method. I present a new technique for evolving modular networks. I show that the performance of modularity-biased evolution depends heavily on the morphology of the robot’s body and present a new method for co-evolving morphology and modular control. To be able to reason about the new technique I develop reformulation framework: a general way to describe and reason about metaoptimization approaches. Within this framework I describe a new heuristic for developing metaoptimization approaches that is based on the technique for co-evolving morphology and modularity. I validate the framework by applying it to a practical task of zero-g autonomous assembly of structures with a fleet of small robots. Although this work focuses on the evolutionary robotics, methods and approaches developed within it can be applied to optimization problems in any domain

    High Performance Computing for DNA Sequence Alignment and Assembly

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    Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have dramatically increased the scale and scope of DNA sequencing. These data are used for a wide variety of important biological analyzes, including genome sequencing, comparative genomics, transcriptome analysis, and personalized medicine but are complicated by the volume and complexity of the data involved. Given the massive size of these datasets, computational biology must draw on the advances of high performance computing. Two fundamental computations in computational biology are read alignment and genome assembly. Read alignment maps short DNA sequences to a reference genome to discover conserved and polymorphic regions of the genome. Genome assembly computes the sequence of a genome from many short DNA sequences. Both computations benefit from recent advances in high performance computing to efficiently process the huge datasets involved, including using highly parallel graphics processing units (GPUs) as high performance desktop processors, and using the MapReduce framework coupled with cloud computing to parallelize computation to large compute grids. This dissertation demonstrates how these technologies can be used to accelerate these computations by orders of magnitude, and have the potential to make otherwise infeasible computations practical

    A Novel Tree Structure for Pattern Matching in Biological Sequences

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    This dissertation proposes a novel tree structure, Error Tree (ET), to more efficiently solve the Approximate Pattern Matching problem, a fundamental problem in bioinformatics and information retrieval. The problem involves different matching measures such as the Hamming distance, edit distance, and wildcard matching. The input is usually a text of length n over a fixed alphabet of size Σ, a pattern P of length m, and an integer k. The output is those subsequences in the text that are at a distance ≤ k from P by Hamming distance, edit distance, or wildcard matching. An immediate application of the approximate pattern matching is the Planted Motif Search, an important problem in many biological applications such as finding promoters, enhancers, locus control regions, transcription factors, etc. The (l, d)-Planted Motif Search is defined as the following: Given n sequences over an alphabet of size Σ, each of length m, and two integers l and d, find a motif M of length l, where in each sequence there is at least an l-mer (substring of length l) at a Hamming distance of ≤ d from M. Based on the ET structure, our algorithm ET-Motif solves this problem efficiently in time and space. The thesis also discusses how the ET structure may add efficiency when it comes to Genome Assembly and DNA Sequence Compression. Current high-throughput sequencing technologies generate millions or billions of short reads (100-1000 bases) that are sequenced from a genome of millions or billions bases long. The De novo Genome Assembly problem is to assemble the original genome as long and accurate as possible. Although high quality assemblies can be obtained by assembling multiple paired-end libraries with both short and long insert sizes, the latter is costly to generate. Moreover, the recent GAGE-B study showed that a remarkably good assembly quality can be obtained for bacterial genomes by state-of-the-art assemblers run on a single short-insert library with a very high coverage. This thesis introduces a novel Hierarchical Genome Assembly (HGA) method that takes further advantage of such high coverage by independently assembling disjoint subsets of reads, combining assemblies of the subsets, and finally re-assembling the combined contigs along with the original reads. We empirically evaluate this methodology for eight leading assemblers using seven GAGE-B bacterial datasets consisting of 100bp Illumina HiSeq and 250bp Illumina MiSeq reads with coverage ranging from 100x-∼200x. The results show that HGA leads to a significant improvement in the quality of the assembly for all evaluated assemblers and datasets. Still, the problem involves a major step which is overlapping the ends of the reads together and allowing few mismatches (i.e. the approximate matching problem). This requires computing the overlaps between the ends of all-against-all reads. The computation of such overlaps when allowing mismatches is intensive. The ET structure may further speed up this step. Lastly, due to the significant amount of DNA data generated by the Next- Generation-Sequencing machines, there is an increasing need to compress such data to reduce the storage space and transmission time. The Huffman encoding that incorporates DNA sequence characteristics proves to better compress DNA data. Different implementations of Huffman trees, centering on the selection of frequent repeats, are introduced in this thesis. Experimental results demonstrate improvement on the compression ratios for five genomes with lengths ranging from 5Mbp to 50Mbp, compared with the use of a standard Huffman tree algorithm. Hence, the thesis suggests an improvement on all DNA sequence compression algorithms that employ the conventional Huffman encoding. Moreover, approximate repeats can be compressed and further improve the results by encoding the Hamming or edit distance between these repeats. However, computing such distances requires additional costs in both time and space. These costs can be reduced by using the ET structure

    Data structures and algorithms for analysis of alternative splicing with RNA-Seq data

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    Whole-genome sequence analysis for pathogen detection and diagnostics

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    This dissertation focuses on computational methods for improving the accuracy of commonly used nucleic acid tests for pathogen detection and diagnostics. Three specific biomolecular techniques are addressed: polymerase chain reaction, microarray comparative genomic hybridization, and whole-genome sequencing. These methods are potentially the future of diagnostics, but each requires sophisticated computational design or analysis to operate effectively. This dissertation presents novel computational methods that unlock the potential of these diagnostics by efficiently analyzing whole-genome DNA sequences. Improvements in the accuracy and resolution of each of these diagnostic tests promises more effective diagnosis of illness and rapid detection of pathogens in the environment. For designing real-time detection assays, an efficient data structure and search algorithm are presented to identify the most distinguishing sequences of a pathogen that are absent from all other sequenced genomes. Results are presented that show these "signature" sequences can be used to detect pathogens in complex samples and differentiate them from their non-pathogenic, phylogenetic near neighbors. For microarray, novel pan-genomic design and analysis methods are presented for the characterization of unknown microbial isolates. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods, pan-genomic arrays are applied to the study of multiple strains of the foodborne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, revealing new insights into the diversity and evolution of the species. Finally, multiple methods are presented for the validation of whole-genome sequence assemblies, which are capable of identifying assembly errors in even finished genomes. These validated assemblies provide the ultimate nucleic acid diagnostic, revealing the entire sequence of a genome


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    Optical mapping and nanocoding are single molecule restriction mapping systems for interrogating genomic structure at a scale that cannot currently be achieved using DNA sequencing methods. In these mapping experiments, large DNA molecules approximately 500 kb are stretched, immobilized or confined, and then digested with a restriction endonuclease that cuts or nicks the DNA at its cognate sequence. The cut/nick sites are then observed through fluorescent microscopy and machine vision is used to estimate the length of the DNA fragments between consecutive sites. This produces, for each molecule, a barcode-like pattern comprising the ordered list of restriction fragment lengths Despite the promise of the optical mapping and nanocoding systems, there are few open source tools for working with the data generated by these platforms. Most analyses rely on custom in-house software pipelines using proprietary software. In this dissertation we present open source software tools for the alignment and vizualization of restriction mapping data. In this work we first present a review of the optical mapping and nanocoding systems and provide an overview of the current methods for aligning and assembling consensus restriction maps and their related applications. Next, we present the Maligner software for the alignment of a query restriction pattern to a reference pattern. Alignment is a fundamental problem which is the first step in many downstream analyses, such as consensus map assembly or structural variant calling. The Maligner software features both a sensitive dynamic programming implementation and a faster but less sensitive index based mode of alignment. We compare the Maligner software to other available tools for the task of aligning a sequence contig assembly to a reference optical map and for aligning single molecule maps to a reference. Next, we present a portable data visualization web application for visualizing pairwise alignments of restriction maps. Finally, we present updates to the Maligner software to support partial alignments of single molecule maps, allowing for the clustering of compatible split map alignments to identify structural variants
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