140 research outputs found

    Material Handling in Flexible Manufacturing System

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    PNNL Hoisting and Rigging Manual

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    Systematic Approach for the Development of Remote Handling System Concepts for High Energy Physics Research Facilities

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    Equipment maintenance is one of the most important areas in the life-cycle management of High Energy Physics (HEP) facilities. In HEP facilities (such as CERN, ISOLDE, GSI/FAIR,GANIL, FRIB and ESS), beam intensities are increasing. Ionizing radiation is a significant hazard. The ionizing radiation directly affects the health of radiation workers and therefore it is desirable to reduce human intervention through robotic operations. The Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), a HEP facility under construction in Darmstadt, Germany, will house the world’s most powerful Super Fragment Separator(Super-FRS) facility, which will require remote maintenance. One section of the Super-FRS is termed the main tunnel. This is 160m long and has four focal planes. The Super-FRS beamline inserts will require remote maintenance and remote inspection. To carry out these Remote Handling (RH) tasks, a RH system for the Super-FRS main tunnel is essential.RH equipment for HEP facilities are complex systems. They must operate within an intricate environment with multiple interfaces. However, there is very limited literature on how to approach the development and evaluation of RH concepts at HEP facilities even though various facilities have developed RH systems tailored to their individual environments.This thesis proposes new systematic approach for developing and evaluation of RH concept designs targeted to help maintenance procedures at HEP facilities. The systematic approach is composed of Systems Engineering (SE) State of the Art practices molded to fit HEP facilities needs and requirements. The SE approach for HEP facilities focuses on finding optimum RH solution by exploiting HEP facilities limited resources available compared to nuclear power production industry. The systematic approach is tested to develop the RH maintenance solution for Super-FRS main tunnel scenario for FAIR facility. The practice carried out during this research work resulted in the best possible RH solution for Super-FRS and is currently under development for the Super-FRS facility.The research work to develop systematic approach for development of RH system was based on a very critical State of the Art study that has not been carried for HEP facilities till now. The State of the Art studies explores the HEP facilities in detail and results in: classification of HEP facilities RH environments, classification of RH equipment currently used at HEP facilities and present status of SE knowledge integration within HEP facilities. The systematic approach to develop RH system and knowledge attained during State of the Art studies are utilized to develop three RH system concept designs that fulfill the Super-FRS RH requirements. This research work focuses on collaborating between RH experts to conduct reliable and creditable trade-off analysis for RH system concepts evaluation. The aim of collaboration with RH experts is to develop diversify the systematic approach for RH system concept development. The collaboration and the State of the Art studies enable the model to formalize the procedures that will ensure the integration of RH needs into facility’s development by classifying (Commercial Off-the–Shelf (COTS)) RH equipment and by identifying key steps in the development of RH concepts.The developed RH concepts for Super-FRS are evaluated for requirements traceability, functional analysis, radiation dose analysis, possible system failure scenarios, including cost estimates, and task sequence optimization analysis. The result of trade-off analysis is delivered in the form of optimal RH system design that fulfills the RH requirements and will be developed to carry out RH tasks at Super-FRS facility.This thesis provides details concerning each concept design’s merits and demerits, along with suggestions for design changes needed to improve RH system’s flexibility and performance. The systematic approach used to develop the RH concepts was used to identify and address the critical issues with Super-FRS tunnel layout, beamline insert designs, storage / transport of activated parts, and remote maintenance integration at very early stage of HEP facility design.The research work in this thesis paves the way for the future systematic RH systems concepts design, and development practices; by moving beyond the classical approaches to develop concept designs at the HEP facilities. The conclusion will also present a summary design comparison, relevant technologies, advantages, limitations and future research work opportunities.<br/

    Assessment of the Grouted IXC Monolith in Support of K East Basin Hazard Categorization

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    An evaluation of materials handling equipment in general merchandise warehouses Richmond, Va.

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    Like most persons exploring a new and unknown field, the writer did not know, at the start, in which directions his research might take him, how far it might lead or what he would find. The stated purpose of the study was to learn what methods and which types of equipment for handling materials were being used currently in general merchandise warehouses in Richmond. The stated objectives were to make a comparison between methods and equipment being used in Richmond and to evaluate them in light of these methods and types of equipment which were considered best by the authorities on these subjects. The author considered it probable that he would find differences in points of view and actions taken to solve similar situations and problems and in this respect he was not mistaken. It was the hope of the writer that he would be able to make direct comparisons of methods and equipment which would lead to definite conclusions, establishing that certain warehouses were superior to others in particular respects

    Hoisting and Rigging (Formerly Hoisting and Rigging Manual)

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    Life science payloads planning study integration facility survey results

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    The integration facility survey effort described is structured to examine the facility resources needed to conduct life science payload (LSP) integration checkout activities at NASA-JSC. The LSP integration facility operations and functions are defined along with the LSP requirements for facility design. A description of available JSC life science facilities is presented and a comparison of accommodations versus requirements is reported
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