17 research outputs found

    Event sequence metric learning

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    In this paper we consider a challenging problem of learning discriminative vector representations for event sequences generated by real-world users. Vector representations map behavioral client raw data to the low-dimensional fixed-length vectors in the latent space. We propose a novel method of learning those vector embeddings based on metric learning approach. We propose a strategy of raw data subsequences generation to apply a metric learning approach in a fully self-supervised way. We evaluated the method over several public bank transactions datasets and showed that self-supervised embeddings outperform other methods when applied to downstream classification tasks. Moreover, embeddings are compact and provide additional user privacy protection

    Multivariate Density Estimation with Deep Neural Mixture Models

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    Albeit worryingly underrated in the recent literature on machine learning in general (and, on deep learning in particular), multivariate density estimation is a fundamental task in many applications, at least implicitly, and still an open issue. With a few exceptions, deep neural networks (DNNs) have seldom been applied to density estimation, mostly due to the unsupervised nature of the estimation task, and (especially) due to the need for constrained training algorithms that ended up realizing proper probabilistic models that satisfy Kolmogorov's axioms. Moreover, in spite of the well-known improvement in terms of modeling capabilities yielded by mixture models over plain single-density statistical estimators, no proper mixtures of multivariate DNN-based component densities have been investigated so far. The paper fills this gap by extending our previous work on neural mixture densities (NMMs) to multivariate DNN mixtures. A maximum-likelihood (ML) algorithm for estimating Deep NMMs (DNMMs) is handed out, which satisfies numerically a combination of hard and soft constraints aimed at ensuring satisfaction of Kolmogorov's axioms. The class of probability density functions that can be modeled to any degree of precision via DNMMs is formally defined. A procedure for the automatic selection of the DNMM architecture, as well as of the hyperparameters for its ML training algorithm, is presented (exploiting the probabilistic nature of the DNMM). Experimental results on univariate and multivariate data are reported on, corroborating the effectiveness of the approach and its superiority to the most popular statistical estimation techniques

    CCNN: An Artificial Intelligent based Classifier to Credit Card Fraud Detection System with Optimized Cognitive Learning Model

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    Nowadays digital transactions play a vital role in money transaction processes. Last 5 years statistical report portrays the growth of internet money transaction especially credit card and unified payments interface. Mean time increasing numerous banking threats and digital transaction fraud rates also growing significantly. Data engineering techniques provide ultra supports to detect credit card forgery problems in online and offline mode transactions. This credit card fraud detection (CCFD) and prevention-based data processing issues raising because of two major reasons first, classification rate of legitimate and forgery uses is frequently changing, and next one is fraud detection dataset values are vastly asymmetric. Through this research work investigating performance of various existing classifier with our proposed cognitive convolutional neural network (CCNN) classifier. Existing classifiers like Logistic Regression (LR), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). These models are facing various challenges of low performance rate and high complexity because of low hit rate and accuracy. Through this research work we introduce cognitive learning-based CCNN classifier methodology with artificial intelligence for achieve maximum accuracy rate and minimal complexity issues. For experimental data analysis uses dataset of credit card transactions attained from specific region cardholders containing 284500 transactions and its various features. Also, this dataset contains unstructured and non-dimensional data are converted into structured data with the help of over sample and under sample method. Performance analysis shows proposed CCNN classifier model provide significant improvement on accuracy, specificity, sensitivity and hit rate. The results are shown in comparison. After cross-validation, the accuracy of the CCNN classification algorithm model for transaction fraudulent detection archived 99% which using the over-sampling model

    Visual Recognition with Deep Nearest Centroids

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    We devise deep nearest centroids (DNC), a conceptually elegant yet surprisingly effective network for large-scale visual recognition, by revisiting Nearest Centroids, one of the most classic and simple classifiers. Current deep models learn the classifier in a fully parametric manner, ignoring the latent data structure and lacking simplicity and explainability. DNC instead conducts nonparametric, case-based reasoning; it utilizes sub-centroids of training samples to describe class distributions and clearly explains the classification as the proximity of test data and the class sub-centroids in the feature space. Due to the distance-based nature, the network output dimensionality is flexible, and all the learnable parameters are only for data embedding. That means all the knowledge learnt for ImageNet classification can be completely transferred for pixel recognition learning, under the "pre-training and fine-tuning" paradigm. Apart from its nested simplicity and intuitive decision-making mechanism, DNC can even possess ad-hoc explainability when the sub-centroids are selected as actual training images that humans can view and inspect. Compared with parametric counterparts, DNC performs better on image classification (CIFAR-10, ImageNet) and greatly boots pixel recognition (ADE20K, Cityscapes), with improved transparency and fewer learnable parameters, using various network architectures (ResNet, Swin) and segmentation models (FCN, DeepLabV3, Swin). We feel this work brings fundamental insights into related fields.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Automated functional testing of online search services

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    Search services are the main interface through which people discover information on the Internet. A fundamental challenge in testing search services is the lack of oracles. The sheer volume of data on the Internet prohibits testers from verifying the results. Furthermore, it is difficult to objectively assess the ranking quality because different assessors can have very different opinions on the relevance of a Web page to a query. This paper presents a novel method for automatically testing search services without the need of a human oracle. The experimental findings reveal that some commonly used search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, and Live Search, are not as reliable as what most users would expect. For example, they may fail to find pages that exist in their own repositories, or rank pages in a way that is logically inconsistent. Suggestions are made for search service providers to improve their service quality. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A novel method for automatically testing search services without the need of a human oracle is presented. The experimental findings reveal that some commonly used search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, and Live Search, are not as reliable as what most users would expect. For example, they may fail to find pages that exist in their own repositories, or rank pages in a way that is logically inconsistent. Suggestions are made for search service providers to improve their service quality. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Classifying and scoring of molecules with the NGN: new datasets, significance tests, and generalization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p/> <p>This paper demonstrates how a Neural Grammar Network learns to classify and score molecules for a variety of tasks in chemistry and toxicology. In addition to a more detailed analysis on datasets previously studied, we introduce three new datasets (BBB, FXa, and toxicology) to show the generality of the approach. A new experimental methodology is developed and applied to both the new datasets as well as previously studied datasets. This methodology is rigorous and statistically grounded, and ultimately culminates in a Wilcoxon significance test that proves the effectiveness of the system. We further include a complete generalization of the specific technique to arbitrary grammars and datasets using a mathematical abstraction that allows researchers in different domains to apply the method to their own work.</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our work can be viewed as an alternative to existing methods to solve the quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) problem. To this end, we review a number approaches both from a methodological and also a performance perspective. In addition to these approaches, we also examined a number of chemical properties that can be used by generic classifier systems, such as feed-forward artificial neural networks. In studying these approaches, we identified a set of interesting benchmark problem sets to which many of the above approaches had been applied. These included: ACE, AChE, AR, BBB, BZR, Cox2, DHFR, ER, FXa, GPB, Therm, and Thr. Finally, we developed our own benchmark set by collecting data on toxicology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that our system performs better than, or comparatively to, the existing methods over a broad range of problem types. Our method does not require the expert knowledge that is necessary to apply the other methods to novel problems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that our success is due to the ability of our system to: 1) encode molecules losslessly before presentation to the learning system, and 2) leverage the design of molecular description languages to facilitate the identification of relevant structural attributes of the molecules over different problem domains.</p

    Fraud detection using machine leaning: a comparative analysis of neural networks & support vector machines

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Science in Finance at Strathmore UniversityFraud detection and prevention tools have been evolving over the past decade with the ever growing combination of resources, tools, and applications in big data analytics. The rapid adoption of a new breed of models is offering much deeper insights into data. There are numerous machine learning techniques in use today but irrespective of the method employed the objective remains to demonstrate comparable or better recognition performance in terms of the precision and recall metrics. This study evaluates two advanced Machine Learning approaches: Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks while taking a look at Deep Learning. The aim is to identify the approach that best identifies fraud cases and discuss challenges in their implementation. The approaches were evaluated on real-life credit card transaction data. Support Vector Machines demonstrated overall better performance across the various evaluation measures although Deep Neural Networks showed impressive results with better computational efficiency