3,065 research outputs found

    Localized fluidization in granular materials: Theoretical and numerical study

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    We present analytical and numerical results on localized fluidization within a granular layer subjected to a local injection of fluid. As the injection rate increases the three different regimes previously reported in the literature are recovered: homogeneous expansion of the bed, fluidized cavity in which fluidization starts developing above the injection area, and finally the chimney of fluidized grains when the fluidization zone reaches the free surface. The analytical approach is at the continuum scale, based on Darcy's law and Therzaghi's effective stress principle. It provides a good description of the phenomenon as long as the porosity of the granular assembly remains relatively homogeneous, i.e. for small injection rates. The numerical approach is at the particle scale based on the coupled DEM-PFV method. It tackles the more heterogeneous situations which occur at larger injection rates. The results from both methods are in qualitative agreement with data published independently. A more quantitative agreement is achieved by the numerical model. A direct link is evidenced between the occurrence of the different regimes of fluidization and the injection aperture. While narrow apertures let the three different regimes be distinguished clearly, larger apertures tend to produce a single homogeneous fluidization regime. In the former case, it is found that the transition between the cavity regime and the chimney regime for an increasing injection rate coincides with a peak in the evolution of inlet pressure. Finally, the occurrence of the different regimes is defined in terms of the normalized flux and aperture

    Migration, trapping, and venting of gas in a soft granular material

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    Gas migration through a soft granular material involves a strong coupling between the motion of the gas and the deformation of the material. This process is relevant to a variety of natural phenomena, such as gas venting from sediments and gas exsolution from magma. Here, we study this process experimentally by injecting air into a quasi-2D packing of soft particles and measuring the morphology of the air as it invades and then rises due to buoyancy. We systematically increase the confining pre-stress in the packing by compressing it with a fluid-permeable piston, leading to a gradual transition in migration regime from fluidization to pathway opening to pore invasion. We find that mixed migration regimes emerge at intermediate confinement due to the spontaneous formation of a compaction layer at the top of the flow cell. By connecting these migration mechanisms with macroscopic invasion, trapping, and venting, we show that mixed regimes enable a sharp increase in the average amount of gas trapped within the packing, as well as much larger venting events. Our results suggest that the relationship between invasion, trapping, and venting could be controlled by modulating the confining stress

    Experiments in randomly agitated granular assemblies close to the jamming transition

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    We present here the preliminary results obtained for two experiments on randomly agitated granular assemblies using a novel way of shaking. First we discuss the transport properties of a 2D model system undergoing classical shaking that show the importance of large scale dynamics for this type of agitation and offer a local view of the microscopic motions of a grain. We then develop a new way of vibrating the system allowing for random accelerations smaller than gravity. Using this method we study the evolution of the free surface as well as results from a light scattering method for a 3D model system. The final aim of these experiments is to investigate the ideas of effective temperature on the one hand as a function of inherent states and on the other hand using fluctuation dissipation relations.Comment: Contribution to the volume "Unifying Concepts in Granular Media and Glasses", edt.s A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, H.J. Herrmann and M. Nicodem

    Effect of Viscosity Contrast and Wetting on Frictional Flow Patterns

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    Multiphase flows involving two fluids and a granular material occur in such diverse sce-narios as mud and debris flows, methane venting from sediments, degassing of volatiles from magma, and the processing of granular and particulate systems in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. The presence of the granular material introduces solid friction as a governing force in the dynamics, alongside viscosity and capillarity. This multitude of interacting elements and forces can give rise to instabilities and the emergence of patterns, making these multiphase frictional flows inherently difficult to predict or control. We refer to these granular-fluid-mixtures as frictional fluids.We explore here systematically the competition between frictional, viscous, and capillary forces in frictional fluid flows. Viscously stable (more viscous invading fluid) and unstable (more viscous defending fluid) scenarios are investigated, and we study wetting conditions from drainage (grains wetted by defending fluid), through mixed-wet, to imbibition (grains wetted by invading fluid). The emerging flow patterns are studied using both experiments and simulations. Firstly, the effect of viscous stabilization on frictional finger pattern formation is discovered. When the flow is viscously stable, increasing the viscous force leads to a striking transition from the growth of one solitary finger to the simultaneous growth of multiple, wandering fingers to the axisymmetric growth of a radial spoke pattern as the flow is increasingly viscously stabilised. When the flow is viscously unstable, in contrast, the invasion patterns transition from frictional fingering to classical viscous fingering as viscous force increases beyond a critical fluidisation threshold. Later, the effects of parameters such as plate spacing and its gradient along the cell, and the tilt angle of the cell, on the pattern formation is studied. Furthermore, viscously unstable fracturing in drainage is studied. A small change on the volume fraction of granular material which govern the friction stress in the system, can convert the invasion from bulldozing fractures to pore invasion. At high air pressure, the fractures form a radially symmetric pattern where the fractures also gradually widen over time. Finally, viscously stable displacement from imbibition through mixed-wet to drainage is explored. Here, three types of invasion dynamics happens simultaneously or sequentially: pore invasion, capillary bulldozing and erosion, and five regimes of invasion patterns are identified: (I) pure pore invasion, (II) pure capillary bulldozing, (III) capillary bulldozing followed by pore invasion, (IV) pore invasion followed by erosion and (V) capillary bulldozing followed by pore invasion and erosion. These are caused by the relative importance of capillarity, friction and viscous pressures determined by the experimentally controlled variables

    Morphodynamics of Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Three-Dimensional Deformable Granular Media

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    We study experimentally the displacement of one fluid by another in a granular pack to uncover relationships between fluid invasion and medium deformation. We develop an experimental setup that allows us to reconstruct the coupled invasion-deformation dynamics in 3D. We simultaneously characterize the fluid invasion pattern and document a transition from fluid-fluid displacement in pores to the formation of conduits by grain motion. We rationalize the findings in terms of a simple poromechanics model that indeed captures this transition as a result of the balance between viscous and frictional forces. These results contribute to elucidating the role of three dimensionality in the timing, mode, and morphology of fluid-fluid displacement and injection-induced deformation in porous media.United States. Department of Energy (Grant DE-SC0018357

    Non-Newtonian fluid injection into granular media

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    The process of fluid injection into granular media is relevant to a wide number of applications such as enhanced oil recovery, grouting, and the construction of permeable reactive barriers. The response of the subsurface is dependent on multiple factors such as in-situ stresses, fluid properties, flow rate, and formation type. Based on these conditions a variety of response mechanisms can be initiated ranging from simple porous infiltration to hydraulic fracturing. Currently, the mechanics of fluid injection into competent rock are well understood and can be sufficiently modeled using linear elastic fracture mechanics. Because the grains in rock formations are individually cemented together, they exhibit cohesion and are able to support tensile stresses. The linear elastic method assumes tensile failure due to stress concentrations at the fracture tip. A fracture propagates when the stress intensity factor exceeds the material toughness (Detournay, 1988) However, understanding fluid injection in cohesionless granular media presents a much larger obstacle. Currently, no theoretical models have been developed to deal with granular media displacements due to fluid injection. Difficulty arises from the complexity of fluid rheology and composition used in engineering processes, the strong coupling between fluid flow and mechanical deformation, the non-linear response of subsurface media, and the multi-scale nature of the problem. The structure of this thesis is intended to first give the reader a basic background of some of the fundamental concepts for non-Newtonian fluid flow in granular media. Fluid properties as well as some interaction mechanisms are described in relation to the injection process. Next, the results from an experimental series of injection tests are presented with a discussion of the failure/flow processes taking place. We developed a novel technique which allows us to visualize the injection process by use of a transparent Hele-Shaw cell. Specifically, we will be using polyacrylamide solutions at a variety of concentrations to study non-Newtonian effects on the response within the Hele-Shaw cell. By performing tests at a range of solution concentrations and injection rates we are to be able to identify a transition from an infiltration dominated flow regime to a fracturing dominated regime.M.S.Committee Chair: Haiying Huang; Committee Member: J. Carlos Santamarina; Committee Member: Leonid Germanovic


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    Problems involving mechanics of partially saturated soil and physics of flow through porous media are complex and largely unresolved based on using continuum approach. Recent advances in radiation based imaging techniques provide unique access to simultaneously observe continuum scale response while probing corresponding microstructure for developing predictive science and engineering tools in place of phenomenological approach used to date. Recent developments with X-ray/Synchrotron and neutron imaging techniques provided tools to visualize the interior of soil specimen at pore/grain level. X-ray and neutron radiation often presents complementary contrast for given condensed matter in the images due to different fundamental interaction mechanisms. While X-rays mainly interact with the electron clouds, neutrons directly interact with the nucleus of an atom. The dual-modal contrasts are well suited for probing the three phases (silica, air and water) of partially saturated sand since neutrons provide high penetration through large sample size and are very sensitive to water and X-rays of high energy can penetrate moderate sample sizes and clearly show the particle and void phases. Both neutron and X-ray imaging techniques are used to study microstructure of partially saturated compacted sand and water flow behavior through sand with different initial structures. Water distribution in compacted sand with different water contents for different grain shapes of sand was visualized with relatively coarse resolution neutron radiographs and tomograms. Dual-modal contrast of partially saturated sand was presented by using high spatial resolution neutron and X-ray imaging. Advanced image registration technique was used to combine the dual modality data for a more complete quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis such as grain size distribution, pore size distribution, coordination number, and water saturation along the height were obtained from the image data. Predictive simulations were performed to obtain capillary pressure – saturation curves and simulated two fluid phase (water and air) distribution based image data. In-situ water flow experiments were performed to investigate the effect of initial microstructure. Flow patterns for dense and loose states of Ottawa sand specimens were compared. Flow patterns and water distribution of dense Ottawa and Q-ROK sand specimens was visualized with high resolution neutron and X-ray image data
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