9,508 research outputs found

    Information-theoretic Capacity of Clustered Random Networks

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    We analyze the capacity scaling laws of clustered ad hoc networks in which nodes are distributed according to a doubly stochastic shot-noise Cox process. We identify five different operational regimes, and for each regime we devise a communication strategy that allows to achieve a throughput to within a poly-logarithmic factor (in the number of nodes) of the maximum theoretical capacity.Comment: 6 pages, in Proceedings of ISIT 201

    Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Multiband OFDM for UWB Communications

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    In this paper, we analyze the frequency-hopping orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) system known as Multiband OFDM for high-rate wireless personal area networks (WPANs) based on ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission. Besides considering the standard, we also propose and study system performance enhancements through the application of Turbo and Repeat-Accumulate (RA) codes, as well as OFDM bit-loading. Our methodology consists of (a) a study of the channel model developed under IEEE 802.15 for UWB from a frequency-domain perspective suited for OFDM transmission, (b) development and quantification of appropriate information-theoretic performance measures, (c) comparison of these measures with simulation results for the Multiband OFDM standard proposal as well as our proposed extensions, and (d) the consideration of the influence of practical, imperfect channel estimation on the performance. We find that the current Multiband OFDM standard sufficiently exploits the frequency selectivity of the UWB channel, and that the system performs in the vicinity of the channel cutoff rate. Turbo codes and a reduced-complexity clustered bit-loading algorithm improve the system power efficiency by over 6 dB at a data rate of 480 Mbps.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (Sep. 28, 2005). Minor revisions based on reviewers' comments (June 23, 2006

    Green inter-cluster interference management in uplink of multi-cell processing systems

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    This paper examines the uplink of cellular systems employing base station cooperation for joint signal processing. We consider clustered cooperation and investigate effective techniques for managing inter-cluster interference to improve users' performance in terms of both spectral and energy efficiency. We use information theoretic analysis to establish general closed form expressions for the system achievable sum rate and the users' Bit-per-Joule capacity while adopting a realistic user device power consumption model. Two main inter-cluster interference management approaches are identified and studied, i.e., through: 1) spectrum re-use; and 2) users' power control. For the former case, we show that isolating clusters by orthogonal resource allocation is the best strategy. For the latter case, we introduce a mathematically tractable user power control scheme and observe that a green opportunistic transmission strategy can significantly reduce the adverse effects of inter-cluster interference while exploiting the benefits from cooperation. To compare the different approaches in the context of real-world systems and evaluate the effect of key design parameters on the users' energy-spectral efficiency relationship, we fit the analytical expressions into a practical macrocell scenario. Our results demonstrate that significant improvement in terms of both energy and spectral efficiency can be achieved by energy-aware interference management

    Speeding up Future Video Distribution via Channel-Aware Caching-Aided Coded Multicast

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    Future Internet usage will be dominated by the consumption of a rich variety of online multimedia services accessed from an exponentially growing number of multimedia capable mobile devices. As such, future Internet designs will be challenged to provide solutions that can deliver bandwidth-intensive, delay-sensitive, on-demand video-based services over increasingly crowded, bandwidth-limited wireless access networks. One of the main reasons for the bandwidth stress facing wireless network operators is the difficulty to exploit the multicast nature of the wireless medium when wireless users or access points rarely experience the same channel conditions or access the same content at the same time. In this paper, we present and analyze a novel wireless video delivery paradigm based on the combined use of channel-aware caching and coded multicasting that allows simultaneously serving multiple cache-enabled receivers that may be requesting different content and experiencing different channel conditions. To this end, we reformulate the caching-aided coded multicast problem as a joint source-channel coding problem and design an achievable scheme that preserves the cache-enabled multiplicative throughput gains of the error-free scenario,by guaranteeing per-receiver rates unaffected by the presence of receivers with worse channel conditions.Comment: 11 pages,6 figures,to appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Video Distribution over Future Interne

    Connectivity in Sub-Poisson Networks

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    We consider a class of point processes (pp), which we call {\em sub-Poisson}; these are pp that can be directionally-convexly (dcxdcx) dominated by some Poisson pp. The dcxdcx order has already been shown useful in comparing various point process characteristics, including Ripley's and correlation functions as well as shot-noise fields generated by pp, indicating in particular that smaller in the dcxdcx order processes exhibit more regularity (less clustering, less voids) in the repartition of their points. Using these results, in this paper we study the impact of the dcxdcx ordering of pp on the properties of two continuum percolation models, which have been proposed in the literature to address macroscopic connectivity properties of large wireless networks. As the first main result of this paper, we extend the classical result on the existence of phase transition in the percolation of the Gilbert's graph (called also the Boolean model), generated by a homogeneous Poisson pp, to the class of homogeneous sub-Poisson pp. We also extend a recent result of the same nature for the SINR graph, to sub-Poisson pp. Finally, as examples we show that the so-called perturbed lattices are sub-Poisson. More generally, perturbed lattices provide some spectrum of models that ranges from periodic grids, usually considered in cellular network context, to Poisson ad-hoc networks, and to various more clustered pp including some doubly stochastic Poisson ones.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Proc. of Allerton 2010. For an extended version see http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00497707 version

    Deploy-As-You-Go Wireless Relay Placement: An Optimal Sequential Decision Approach using the Multi-Relay Channel Model

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    We use information theoretic achievable rate formulas for the multi-relay channel to study the problem of as-you-go deployment of relay nodes. The achievable rate formulas are for full-duplex radios at the relays and for decode-and-forward relaying. Deployment is done along the straight line joining a source node and a sink node at an unknown distance from the source. The problem is for a deployment agent to walk from the source to the sink, deploying relays as he walks, given that the distance to the sink is exponentially distributed with known mean. As a precursor, we apply the multi-relay channel achievable rate formula to obtain the optimal power allocation to relays placed along a line, at fixed locations. This permits us to obtain the optimal placement of a given number of nodes when the distance between the source and sink is given. Numerical work suggests that, at low attenuation, the relays are mostly clustered near the source in order to be able to cooperate, whereas at high attenuation they are uniformly placed and work as repeaters. We also prove that the effect of path-loss can be entirely mitigated if a large enough number of relays are placed uniformly between the source and the sink. The structure of the optimal power allocation for a given placement of the nodes, then motivates us to formulate the problem of as-you-go placement of relays along a line of exponentially distributed length, and with the exponential path-loss model, so as to minimize a cost function that is additive over hops. The hop cost trades off a capacity limiting term, motivated from the optimal power allocation solution, against the cost of adding a relay node. We formulate the problem as a total cost Markov decision process, establish results for the value function, and provide insights into the placement policy and the performance of the deployed network via numerical exploration.Comment: 21 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.432

    An information-theoretic framework for resolving community structure in complex networks

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    To understand the structure of a large-scale biological, social, or technological network, it can be helpful to decompose the network into smaller subunits or modules. In this article, we develop an information-theoretic foundation for the concept of modularity in networks. We identify the modules of which the network is composed by finding an optimal compression of its topology, capitalizing on regularities in its structure. We explain the advantages of this approach and illustrate them by partitioning a number of real-world and model networks.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure