898 research outputs found

    GAGAN: Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Deep generative models learned through adversarial training have become increasingly popular for their ability to generate naturalistic image textures. However, aside from their texture, the visual appearance of objects is significantly influenced by their shape geometry; information which is not taken into account by existing generative models. This paper introduces the Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (GAGAN) for incorporating geometric information into the image generation process. Specifically, in GAGAN the generator samples latent variables from the probability space of a statistical shape model. By mapping the output of the generator to a canonical coordinate frame through a differentiable geometric transformation, we enforce the geometry of the objects and add an implicit connection from the prior to the generated object. Experimental results on face generation indicate that the GAGAN can generate realistic images of faces with arbitrary facial attributes such as facial expression, pose, and morphology, that are of better quality than current GAN-based methods. Our method can be used to augment any existing GAN architecture and improve the quality of the images generated

    Disentangling Factors of Variation by Mixing Them

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    We propose an approach to learn image representations that consist of disentangled factors of variation without exploiting any manual labeling or data domain knowledge. A factor of variation corresponds to an image attribute that can be discerned consistently across a set of images, such as the pose or color of objects. Our disentangled representation consists of a concatenation of feature chunks, each chunk representing a factor of variation. It supports applications such as transferring attributes from one image to another, by simply mixing and unmixing feature chunks, and classification or retrieval based on one or several attributes, by considering a user-specified subset of feature chunks. We learn our representation without any labeling or knowledge of the data domain, using an autoencoder architecture with two novel training objectives: first, we propose an invariance objective to encourage that encoding of each attribute, and decoding of each chunk, are invariant to changes in other attributes and chunks, respectively; second, we include a classification objective, which ensures that each chunk corresponds to a consistently discernible attribute in the represented image, hence avoiding degenerate feature mappings where some chunks are completely ignored. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the MNIST, Sprites, and CelebA datasets.Comment: CVPR 201