3 research outputs found

    Shannon Capacity of Signal Transduction for Multiple Independent Receptors

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    Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is considered a model system for signal transduction, the mechanism by which cells exchange chemical messages. Our previous work calculated the Shannon capacity of a single cAMP receptor; however, a typical cell may have thousands of receptors operating in parallel. In this paper, we calculate the capacity of a cAMP signal transduction system with an arbitrary number of independent, indistinguishable receptors. By leveraging prior results on feedback capacity for a single receptor, we show (somewhat unexpectedly) that the capacity is achieved by an IID input distribution, and that the capacity for n receptors is n times the capacity for a single receptor.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    Molecular Communication Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of SARS-CoV2 Transmission in Human Respiratory System

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-CoronaVirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) caused the ongoing pandemic. This pandemic devastated the world by killing more than a million people, as of October 2020. It is imperative to understand the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV2 so that novel and interdisciplinary prevention, diagnostic, and therapeutic techniques could be developed. In this work, we model and analyze the transmission of SARS-CoV2 through the human respiratory tract from a molecular communication perspective. We consider that virus diffusion occurs in the mucus layer so that the shape of the tract does not have a significant effect on the transmission. Hence, this model reduces the inherent complexity of the human respiratory system. We further provide the impulse response of SARS-CoV2-ACE2 receptor binding event to determine the proportion of the virus population reaching different regions of the respiratory tract. Our findings confirm the results in the experimental literature on higher mucus flow rate causing virus migration to the lower respiratory tract. These results are especially important to understand the effect of SARS-CoV2 on the different human populations at different ages who have different mucus flow rates and ACE2 receptor concentrations in the different regions of the respiratory tract.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communication

    Information Rates of Controlled Protein Interactions Using Terahertz Communication

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    In this work, we present a paradigm bridging electromagnetic (EM) and molecular communication through a stimuli-responsive intra-body model. It has been established that protein molecules, which play a key role in governing cell behavior, can be selectively stimulated using Terahertz (THz) band frequencies. By triggering protein vibrational modes using THz waves, we induce changes in protein conformation, resulting in the activation of a controlled cascade of biochemical and biomechanical events. To analyze such an interaction, we formulate a communication system composed of a nanoantenna transmitter and a protein receiver. We adopt a Markov chain model to account for protein stochasticity with transition rates governed by the nanoantenna force. Both two-state and multi-state protein models are presented to depict different biological configurations. Closed form expressions for the mutual information of each scenario is derived and maximized to find the capacity between the input nanoantenna force and the protein state. The results we obtain indicate that controlled protein signaling provides a communication platform for information transmission between the nanoantenna and the protein with a clear physical significance. The analysis reported in this work should further research into the EM-based control of protein networks.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscienc