41 research outputs found

    Information Theoretical Estimators Toolbox

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    We present ITE (information theoretical estimators) a free and open source, multi-platform, Matlab/Octave toolbox that is capable of estimating many different variants of entropy, mutual information, divergence, association measures, cross quantities, and kernels on distributions. Thanks to its highly modular design, ITE supports additionally (i) the combinations of the estimation techniques, (ii) the easy construction and embedding of novel information theoretical estimators, and (iii) their immediate application in information theoretical optimization problems. ITE also includes a prototype application in a central problem class of signal processing, independent subspace analysis and its extensions.Comment: 5 pages; ITE toolbox: https://bitbucket.org/szzoli/ite

    Direct Ensemble Estimation of Density Functionals

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    Estimating density functionals of analog sources is an important problem in statistical signal processing and information theory. Traditionally, estimating these quantities requires either making parametric assumptions about the underlying distributions or using non-parametric density estimation followed by integration. In this paper we introduce a direct nonparametric approach which bypasses the need for density estimation by using the error rates of k-NN classifiers asdata-driven basis functions that can be combined to estimate a range of density functionals. However, this method is subject to a non-trivial bias that dramatically slows the rate of convergence in higher dimensions. To overcome this limitation, we develop an ensemble method for estimating the value of the basis function which, under some minor constraints on the smoothness of the underlying distributions, achieves the parametric rate of convergence regardless of data dimension.Comment: 5 page

    Computing Entropies With Nested Sampling

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    The Shannon entropy, and related quantities such as mutual information, can be used to quantify uncertainty and relevance. However, in practice, it can be difficult to compute these quantities for arbitrary probability distributions, particularly if the probability mass functions or densities cannot be evaluated. This paper introduces a computational approach, based on Nested Sampling, to evaluate entropies of probability distributions that can only be sampled. I demonstrate the method on three examples: a simple gaussian example where the key quantities are available analytically; (ii) an experimental design example about scheduling observations in order to measure the period of an oscillating signal; and (iii) predicting the future from the past in a heavy-tailed scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in Entropy. 21 pages, 3 figures. Software available at https://github.com/eggplantbren/InfoNes

    Finite-Sample Analysis of Fixed-k Nearest Neighbor Density Functional Estimators

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    We provide finite-sample analysis of a general framework for using k-nearest neighbor statistics to estimate functionals of a nonparametric continuous probability density, including entropies and divergences. Rather than plugging a consistent density estimate (which requires k→∞k \to \infty as the sample size n→∞n \to \infty) into the functional of interest, the estimators we consider fix k and perform a bias correction. This is more efficient computationally, and, as we show in certain cases, statistically, leading to faster convergence rates. Our framework unifies several previous estimators, for most of which ours are the first finite sample guarantees.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figure

    HyperGI: Automated Detection and Repair of Information Flow Leakage

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    Maintaining confidential information control in soft-ware is a persistent security problem where failure means secrets can be revealed via program behaviors. Information flow control techniques traditionally have been based on static or symbolic analyses — limited in scalability and specialized to particular languages. When programs do leak secrets there are no approaches to automatically repair them unless the leak causes a functional test to fail. We present our vision for HyperGI, a genetic improvement framework that detects, localizes and repairs information leakage. Key elements of HyperGI include (1) the use of two orthogonal test suites, (2) a dynamic leak detection approach which estimates and localizes potential leaks, and (3) a repair component that produces a candidate patch using genetic improvement. We demonstrate the successful use of HyperGI on several programs with no failing functional test cases. We manually examine the resulting patches and identify trade-offs and future directions for fully realizing our vision

    Information Theoretical Estimators (ITE) Toolbox

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