960 research outputs found

    Information Theoretic Principles of Universal Discrete Denoising

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    Today, the internet makes tremendous amounts of data widely available. Often, the same information is behind multiple different available data sets. This lends growing importance to latent variable models that try to learn the hidden information from the available imperfect versions. For example, social media platforms can contain an abundance of pictures of the same person or object, yet all of which are taken from different perspectives. In a simplified scenario, one may consider pictures taken from the same perspective, which are distorted by noise. This latter application allows for a rigorous mathematical treatment, which is the content of this contribution. We apply a recently developed method of dependent component analysis to image denoising when multiple distorted copies of one and the same image are available, each being corrupted by a different and unknown noise process. In a simplified scenario, we assume that the distorted image is corrupted by noise that acts independently on each pixel. We answer completely the question of how to perform optimal denoising, when at least three distorted copies are available: First we define optimality of an algorithm in the presented scenario, and then we describe an aymptotically optimal universal discrete denoising algorithm (UDDA). In the case of binary data and binary symmetric noise, we develop a simplified variant of the algorithm, dubbed BUDDA, which we prove to attain universal denoising uniformly.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    An Overview of Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing

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    Approximate message passing (AMP) is an algorithmic framework for solving linear inverse problems from noisy measurements, with exciting applications such as reconstructing images, audio, hyper spectral images, and various other signals, including those acquired in compressive signal acquisiton systems. The growing prevalence of big data systems has increased interest in large-scale problems, which may involve huge measurement matrices that are unsuitable for conventional computing systems. To address the challenge of large-scale processing, multiprocessor (MP) versions of AMP have been developed. We provide an overview of two such MP-AMP variants. In row-MP-AMP, each computing node stores a subset of the rows of the matrix and processes corresponding measurements. In column- MP-AMP, each node stores a subset of columns, and is solely responsible for reconstructing a portion of the signal. We will discuss pros and cons of both approaches, summarize recent research results for each, and explain when each one may be a viable approach. Aspects that are highlighted include some recent results on state evolution for both MP-AMP algorithms, and the use of data compression to reduce communication in the MP network

    Recovery from Linear Measurements with Complexity-Matching Universal Signal Estimation

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    We study the compressed sensing (CS) signal estimation problem where an input signal is measured via a linear matrix multiplication under additive noise. While this setup usually assumes sparsity or compressibility in the input signal during recovery, the signal structure that can be leveraged is often not known a priori. In this paper, we consider universal CS recovery, where the statistics of a stationary ergodic signal source are estimated simultaneously with the signal itself. Inspired by Kolmogorov complexity and minimum description length, we focus on a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation framework that leverages universal priors to match the complexity of the source. Our framework can also be applied to general linear inverse problems where more measurements than in CS might be needed. We provide theoretical results that support the algorithmic feasibility of universal MAP estimation using a Markov chain Monte Carlo implementation, which is computationally challenging. We incorporate some techniques to accelerate the algorithm while providing comparable and in many cases better reconstruction quality than existing algorithms. Experimental results show the promise of universality in CS, particularly for low-complexity sources that do not exhibit standard sparsity or compressibility.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Compression-Based Compressed Sensing

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    Modern compression algorithms exploit complex structures that are present in signals to describe them very efficiently. On the other hand, the field of compressed sensing is built upon the observation that "structured" signals can be recovered from their under-determined set of linear projections. Currently, there is a large gap between the complexity of the structures studied in the area of compressed sensing and those employed by the state-of-the-art compression codes. Recent results in the literature on deterministic signals aim at bridging this gap through devising compressed sensing decoders that employ compression codes. This paper focuses on structured stochastic processes and studies the application of rate-distortion codes to compressed sensing of such signals. The performance of the formerly-proposed compressible signal pursuit (CSP) algorithm is studied in this stochastic setting. It is proved that in the very low distortion regime, as the blocklength grows to infinity, the CSP algorithm reliably and robustly recovers nn instances of a stationary process from random linear projections as long as their count is slightly more than nn times the rate-distortion dimension (RDD) of the source. It is also shown that under some regularity conditions, the RDD of a stationary process is equal to its information dimension (ID). This connection establishes the optimality of the CSP algorithm at least for memoryless stationary sources, for which the fundamental limits are known. Finally, it is shown that the CSP algorithm combined by a family of universal variable-length fixed-distortion compression codes yields a family of universal compressed sensing recovery algorithms