18 research outputs found

    Benefits of Coding on Age of Information in Broadcast Networks

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    Age of Information (AoI) is studied in two-user broadcast networks with feedback, and lower and upper bounds are derived on the expected weighted sum AoI of the users. In particular, a class of simple coding actions is considered and within this class, randomized and deterministic policies are devised. Explicit conditions are found for symmetric dependent channels under which coded randomized policies strictly outperform the corresponding uncoded policies. Similar behavior is numerically shown for deterministic policies

    Age of Information Aware Cache Updating with File- and Age-Dependent Update Durations

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    We consider a system consisting of a library of time-varying files, a server that at all times observes the current version of all files, and a cache that at the beginning stores the current versions of all files but afterwards has to update %fresh versions of these files from the server. Unlike previous works, the update duration is not constant but depends on the file and its Age of Information (AoI), i.e., of the time elapsed since it was last updated. The goal of this work is to design an update policy that minimizes the average AoI of all files with respect to a given popularity distribution. Actually a relaxed problem, close to the original optimization problem, is solved and a practical update policy is derived. The update policy relies on the file popularity and on the functions that characterize the update durations of the files depending on their AoI. Numerical simulations show a significant improvement of this new update policy compared to the so-called square-root policy that is optimal under file-independent and constant update durations.Comment: To be submitted to ICC 202

    Maximizing Information Freshness in Caching Systems with Limited Cache Storage Capacity

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    We consider a cache updating system with a source, a cache with limited storage capacity and a user. There are nn files. The source keeps the freshest versions of the files which are updated with known rates. The cache gets fresh files from the source, but it can only store the latest downloaded versions of KK files where K≤nK\leq n. The user gets the files either from the cache or from the source. If the user gets the files from the cache, the received files might be outdated depending on the file status at the source. If the user gets the files directly from the source, then the received files are always fresh, but the extra transmission times between the source and the user decreases the freshness at the user. Thus, we study the trade-off between storing the files at the cache and directly obtaining the files from the source at the expense of additional transmission times. We find analytical expressions for the average freshness of the files at the user for both of these scenarios. Then, we find the optimal caching status for each file (i.e., whether to store the file at the cache or not) and the corresponding file update rates at the cache to maximize the overall freshness at the user. We observe that when the total update rate of the cache is high, caching files improves the freshness at the user. However, when the total update rate of the cache is low, the optimal policy for the user is to obtain the frequently changing files and the files that have relatively small transmission times directly from the source.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2004.0947

    Accounting for Information Freshness in Scheduling of Content Caching

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    In this paper, we study the problem of optimal scheduling of content placement along time in a base station with limited cache capacity, taking into account jointly the offloading effect and freshness of information. We model offloading based on popularity in terms of the number of requests and information freshness based on the notion of age of information (AoI). The objective is to reduce the load of backhaul links as well as the AoI of contents in the cache via a joint cost function. For the resulting optimization problem, we prove its hardness via a reduction from the Partition problem. Next, via a mathematical reformulation, we derive a solution approach based on column generation and a tailored rounding mechanism. Finally, we provide performance evaluation results showing that our algorithm provides near-optimal solutions

    Age of Information with Gilbert-Elliot Servers and Samplers

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    We study age of information in a status updating system that consists of a single sampler, i.e., source node, that sends time-sensitive status updates to a single monitor node through a server node. We first consider a Gilbert-Elliot service profile at the server node. In this model, service times at the server node follow a finite state Markov chain with two states: bad{bad} state bb and good{good} state gg where the server is faster in state gg. We determine the time average age experienced by the monitor node and characterize the age-optimal state transition matrix PP with and without an average cost constraint on the service operation. Next, we consider a Gilbert-Elliot sampling profile at the source. In this model, the interarrival times follow a finite state Markov chain with two states: bad{bad} state bb and good{good} state gg where samples are more frequent in state gg. We find the time average age experienced by the monitor node and characterize the age-optimal state transition matrix PP

    Caching under Content Freshness Constraints

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    Several real-time delay-sensitive applications pose varying degrees of freshness demands on the requested content. The performance of cache replacement policies that are agnostic to these demands is likely to be sub-optimal. Motivated by this concern, in this paper, we study caching policies under a request arrival process which incorporates user freshness demands. We consider the performance metric to be the steady-state cache hit probability. We first provide a universal upper bound on the performance of any caching policy. We then analytically obtain the content-wise hit-rates for the Least Popular (LP) policy and provide sufficient conditions for the asymptotic optimality of cache performance under this policy. Next, we obtain an accurate approximation for the LRU hit-rates in the regime of large content population. To this end, we map the characteristic time of a content in the LRU policy to the classical Coupon Collector's Problem and show that it sharply concentrates around its mean. Further, we develop modified versions of these policies which eject cache redundancies present in the form of stale contents. Finally, we propose a new policy which outperforms the above policies by explicitly using freshness specifications of user requests to prioritize among the cached contents. We corroborate our analytical insights with extensive simulations

    Cache Updating Strategy Minimizing the Age of Information with Time-Varying Files' Popularities

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    We consider updating strategies for a local cache which downloads time-sensitive files from a remote server through a bandwidth-constrained link. The files are requested randomly from the cache by local users according to a popularity distribution which varies over time according to a Markov chain structure. We measure the freshness of the requested time-sensitive files through their Age of Information (AoI). The goal is then to minimize the average AoI of all requested files by appropriately designing the local cache's downloading strategy. To achieve this goal, the original problem is relaxed and cast into a Constrained Markov Decision Problem (CMDP), which we solve using a Lagrangian approach and Linear Programming. Inspired by this solution for the relaxed problem, we propose a practical cache updating strategy that meets all the constraints of the original problem. Under certain assumptions, the practical updating strategy is shown to be optimal for the original problem in the asymptotic regime of a large number of files. For a finite number of files, we show the gain of our practical updating strategy over the traditional square-root-law strategy (which is optimal for fixed non time-varying file popularities) through numerical simulations.Comment: To appear ITW202

    Freshness-Optimal Caching for Information Updating Systems with Limited Cache Storage Capacity

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    In this paper, we investigate a cache updating system with a server containing NN files, KK relays and MM users. The server keeps the freshest versions of the files which are updated with fixed rates. Each relay can download the fresh files from the server in a certain period of time. Each user can get the fresh files from any relay as long as the relay has stored the fresh versions of the requested files. Due to the limited storage capacity and updating capacity of each relay, different cache designs will lead to different average freshness of all updating files at users. In order to keep the average freshness as large as possible in the cache updating system, we formulate an average freshness-optimal cache updating problem (AFOCUP) to obtain an optimal cache scheme. However, because of the nonlinearity of the AFOCUP, it is difficult to seek out the optimal cache scheme. As a result, an linear approximate model is suggested by distributing the total update rates completely in accordance with the number of files in the relay in advance. Then we utilize the greedy algorithm to search the optimal cache scheme that is satisfied with the limited storage capacity of each relay. Finally, some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the performance of the approximate solution

    Can We Achieve Fresh Information with Selfish Users in Mobile Crowd-Learning?

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    The proliferation of smart mobile devices has spurred an explosive growth of mobile crowd-learning services, where service providers rely on the user community to voluntarily collect, report, and share real-time information for a collection of scattered points of interest. A critical factor affecting the future large-scale adoption of such mobile crowd-learning applications is the freshness of the crowd-learned information, which can be measured by a metric termed ``age-of-information'' (AoI). However, we show that the AoI of mobile crowd-learning could be arbitrarily bad under selfish users' behaviors if the system is poorly designed. This motivates us to design efficient reward mechanisms to incentivize mobile users to report information in time, with the goal of keeping the AoI and congestion level of each PoI low. Toward this end, we consider a simple linear AoI-based reward mechanism and analyze its AoI and congestion performances in terms of price of anarchy (PoA), which characterizes the degradation of the system efficiency due to selfish behavior of users. Remarkably, we show that the proposed mechanism achieves the optimal AoI performance asymptotically in a deterministic scenario. Further, we prove that the proposed mechanism achieves a bounded PoA in general stochastic cases, and the bound only depends on system parameters. Particularly, when the service rates of PoIs are symmetric in stochastic cases, the achieved PoA is upper-bounded by 1/21/2 asymptotically. Collectively, this work advances our understanding of information freshness in mobile crowd-learning systems

    Age of Information Performance of Multiaccess Strategies with Packet Management

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    We consider a system consisting of NN source nodes communicating with a common receiver. Each source node has a buffer of infinite capacity to store incoming bursty traffic in the form of status updates transmitted in packets, which should maintain the status information at the receiver fresh. Packets waiting for transmission can be discarded to avoid wasting network resources for the transmission of stale information. We investigate the age of information (AoI) performance of the system under scheduled and random access. Moreover, we present analysis of the AoI with and without packet management at the transmission queue of the source nodes, where as packet management we consider the capability to replace unserved packets at the queue whenever newer ones arrive. Finally, we provide simulation results that illustrate the impact of the network operating parameters on the age performance of the different access protocols