1 research outputs found

    Application of information technology (IT) in Iraq's petroleum industry

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    The crucial role of information technology (IT) in operating and managing industrial systems is widely recognized, and Iraq's IT capabilities hold great promise for its industrial and other economic sectors. The demand for IT services has risen considerably, particularly for oil and gas companies, which face the challenge of boosting capital asset returns while ensuring safety and sustainability. They need to manage rising demands as well as competition for access to oil reserves while driving improved asset reliability, productivity, and performance. This application show how information technology is used in the petroleum industry. It specifically examines information technology applications in the upstream, midstream, and downstream important segments of the petroleum industry during the drilling process. The increased price volatility's noteworthy effect on the profitability of the energy industry is just one of the current supply chain management challenges. Better supply chain management aids in lowering operational costs, a challenge that many businesses are under demand to address right away. The study's theoretical and practical value is in exposing the characteristics and issues with the infrastructure supporting the Iraqi oil industry and in creating a control algorithm for the evolution of its Regular visual inspections of pipelines, offshore oil rigs, and other infrastructure may be carried out swiftly and safely thanks to technology. Light devices that enable temperature checks using infrared scanning are available in modern applications. Hazards like poisonous substances can be identified by other sensors from a safe distance. Enhancing oil and gas safety with artificial intelligence technologies protects the environment and ensures worker safet