146,271 research outputs found

    A unifying Petri net model of non-interference and non-deducibility information flow security

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    In this paper we introduce FIFO Information Flow Nets (FIFN) as a model for describing information flow security properties. The FIFN is based on Petri nets and has been derived from the work described in [Var89], [Var90] and [Rou86]. Using this new model, we present the information flow security properties Non-Interference between Places (which corresponds to Non-Interference) and Non-Deducibility on Views (which corresponds to Non-Deducibility on Inputs). Then we consider a very general composition operation and show that neither Non-Interference on Places nor Non-Deducibility on Views is preserved under this composition operation. This leads us to a new definition of information flow security referred to as the Feedback Non-Deducibility on Views. We then show that this definition is preserved under the composition operation. This leads us to a new definition of information flow security referred to as the Feedback Non-Deducibility on Views. We then show that this definition is preserved under the composition operation. We then show some similarities between this property and the notion of Non-Deducibility on Strategies

    Neurons, knowledge hypernets, and information flow

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    We described a model of a neuron and a system for modelling nets of neurons. We notice that this could lead to application of Mengerā€™s Theorem to information flow. In this paper we deal briefly with that topic in the system model. We deduce the transport network max-flow, min-cut theorem of Ford and Fulkerson for information flow and discuss the meaning of information flow

    On Languages Accepted by P/T Systems Composed of joins

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    Recently, some studies linked the computational power of abstract computing systems based on multiset rewriting to models of Petri nets and the computation power of these nets to their topology. In turn, the computational power of these abstract computing devices can be understood by just looking at their topology, that is, information flow. Here we continue this line of research introducing J languages and proving that they can be accepted by place/transition systems whose underlying net is composed only of joins. Moreover, we investigate how J languages relate to other families of formal languages. In particular, we show that every J language can be accepted by a log n space-bounded non-deterministic Turing machine with a one-way read-only input. We also show that every J language has a semilinear Parikh map and that J languages and context-free languages (CFLs) are incomparable

    Deep Expander Networks: Efficient Deep Networks from Graph Theory

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    Efficient CNN designs like ResNets and DenseNet were proposed to improve accuracy vs efficiency trade-offs. They essentially increased the connectivity, allowing efficient information flow across layers. Inspired by these techniques, we propose to model connections between filters of a CNN using graphs which are simultaneously sparse and well connected. Sparsity results in efficiency while well connectedness can preserve the expressive power of the CNNs. We use a well-studied class of graphs from theoretical computer science that satisfies these properties known as Expander graphs. Expander graphs are used to model connections between filters in CNNs to design networks called X-Nets. We present two guarantees on the connectivity of X-Nets: Each node influences every node in a layer in logarithmic steps, and the number of paths between two sets of nodes is proportional to the product of their sizes. We also propose efficient training and inference algorithms, making it possible to train deeper and wider X-Nets effectively. Expander based models give a 4% improvement in accuracy on MobileNet over grouped convolutions, a popular technique, which has the same sparsity but worse connectivity. X-Nets give better performance trade-offs than the original ResNet and DenseNet-BC architectures. We achieve model sizes comparable to state-of-the-art pruning techniques using our simple architecture design, without any pruning. We hope that this work motivates other approaches to utilize results from graph theory to develop efficient network architectures.Comment: ECCV'1

    Rantai Pasok Agroindustri Sabut Kelapa pada PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo Kecamatan Matuari Kota Bitung

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    This study aims to determine the production process of processing, coconut coirĀ  fishing nets and describe the flow of products, information flows and financial flows in the supply chain of fishing nets at PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, Matuari District, Bitung City. This research was conducted for 2 months from September to October 2022. The sampling method used the purposive sampling method with the purpose and objective of the research, namely by selecting one of the staff/employees at PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo. The research uses primary data obtained from direct observation and interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive analysis with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that supply chain actors in product flow, information flow and financial flow were farmers, collectors, PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, expedition services and customers. Product flow in the Jaring Ikan supply chain, namely the supply of raw materials from coconut coir supply farmers to PT. Berkat Abadi Korindo, coconut fiber rope products has been exported to customers using expedition services. The flow of information that flows, namely information about the supply of raw materials from suppliers to factories and then product information from factories to customers. The financial flow that flows is in the form of payments made which pay to suppliers in cash/cash while for customer payments to the factory, namely the transfer payment system.

    Passenger flow and station facilities modelling for metro station layout design

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    This paper presents the simulation model development of passenger flow in a metro station. The model allows studies of passenger flow in stations with different layouts and facilities, thus providing valuable information, such as passenger flow and density of passenger at critical locations and passenger-handling facilities within a station, to the operators. The adoption of the concept of Petri nets in the simulation model is discussed. Examples are provided to demonstrate its application to passenger flow analysis, train scheduling and the testing of alternative station layouts

    Network as a computer: ranking paths to find flows

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    We explore a simple mathematical model of network computation, based on Markov chains. Similar models apply to a broad range of computational phenomena, arising in networks of computers, as well as in genetic, and neural nets, in social networks, and so on. The main problem of interaction with such spontaneously evolving computational systems is that the data are not uniformly structured. An interesting approach is to try to extract the semantical content of the data from their distribution among the nodes. A concept is then identified by finding the community of nodes that share it. The task of data structuring is thus reduced to the task of finding the network communities, as groups of nodes that together perform some non-local data processing. Towards this goal, we extend the ranking methods from nodes to paths. This allows us to extract some information about the likely flow biases from the available static information about the network.Comment: 12 pages, CSR 200

    Optimizing sterilized logistics in hospitals

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    This paper deals with the optimization of the flow of sterile instruments in hospital which takes place between the sterilization department and the operating theatre. This topic is especially of interest in view of the current attempts of hospitals to cut costs by outsourcing sterilization tasks. Oftentimes, outsourcing implies placing the sterilization unit at a larger distance, hence introducing a longer logistic loop, which may result in lower instrument availability, and higher cost. This paper discusses the optimization problems that have to besolved when redesigning processes so as to improve material availability and reduce cost. We consider changing the logistic management principles, use of visibility information, and optimizing the composition of the nets of sterile materials.Economics (Jel: A)
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