1 research outputs found

    Influence of Container Resolutions on the Layout Stability of Squarified and Slice-And-Dice Treemaps

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    In this paper, we analyze the layout stability for the squarify and slice-and-dice treemap layout algorithms when changingthe visualization containers resolution. We also explore how rescaling a finished layout to another resolution compares toa recalculated layout, i.e. fixed layout versus changing layout. For our evaluation, we examine a real world use-case anduse a total of 240000 random data treemap visualizations. Rescaling slice-and-dice or squarify layouts affects the aspectratios. Recalculating slice-and-dice layouts is equivalent to rescaling since the layout is not affected by changing the containerresolution. Recalculating squarify layouts, on the other hand, yields stable aspect ratios but results in potentially huge layoutchanges. Finally, we provide guidelines for using rescaling, recalculation and the choice of algorithm