3 research outputs found

    Hypercore Decomposition for Non-Fragile Hyperedges: Concepts, Algorithms, Observations, and Applications

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    Hypergraphs are a powerful abstraction for modeling high-order relations, which are ubiquitous in many fields. A hypergraph consists of nodes and hyperedges (i.e., subsets of nodes); and there have been a number of attempts to extend the notion of kk-cores, which proved useful with numerous applications for pairwise graphs, to hypergraphs. However, the previous extensions are based on an unrealistic assumption that hyperedges are fragile, i.e., a high-order relation becomes obsolete as soon as a single member leaves it. In this work, we propose a new substructure model, called (kk, tt)-hypercore, based on the assumption that high-order relations remain as long as at least tt fraction of the members remain. Specifically, it is defined as the maximal subhypergraph where (1) every node has degree at least kk in it and (2) at least tt fraction of the nodes remain in every hyperedge. We first prove that, given tt (or kk), finding the (kk, tt)-hypercore for every possible kk (or tt) can be computed in time linear w.r.t the sum of the sizes of hyperedges. Then, we demonstrate that real-world hypergraphs from the same domain share similar (kk, tt)-hypercore structures, which capture different perspectives depending on tt. Lastly, we show the successful applications of our model in identifying influential nodes, dense substructures, and vulnerability in hypergraphs.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure


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    In this paper, we study the problem of the anchored k -core. Given a graph G , an integer k and a budget b , we aim to identify b vertices in G so that we can determine the largest induced subgraph J in which every vertex, except the b vertices, has at least k neighbors in J . This problem was introduced by Bhawalkar and Kleinberg e t al. in the context of user engagement in social networks, where a user may leave a community if he/she has less than k friends engaged. The problem has been shown to be NP-hard and inapproximable. A polynomial-time algorithm for graphs with bounded tree-width has been proposed. However, this assumption usually does not hold in real-life graphs, and their techniques cannot be extended to handle general graphs. Motivated by this, we propose an efficient algorithm, namely onion-layer based anchored k-core (OLAK), for the anchored k -core problem on large scale graphs. To facilitate computation of the anchored k -core, we design an onion layer structure, which is generated by a simple onion-peeling-like algorithm against a small set of vertices in the graph. We show that computation of the best anchor can simply be conducted upon the vertices on the onion layers , which significantly reduces the search space. Based on the well-organized layer structure, we develop efficient candidates exploration, early termination and pruning techniques to further speed up computation. Comprehensive experiments on 10 real-life graphs demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed methods. </jats:p

    Efficient Progressive Minimum k-Core Search

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    As one of the most representative cohesive subgraph models, k-core model has recently received significant attention in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the problem of the minimum k-core search: given a graph G, an integer k and a set of query vertices Q = q, we aim to find the smallest k-core subgraph containing every query vertex q ∈ Q. It has been shown that this problem is NP-hard with a huge search space, and it is very challenging to find the optimal solution. There are several heuristic algorithms for this problem, but they rely on simple scoring functions and there is no guarantee as to the size of the resulting subgraph, compared with the optimal solution. Our empirical study also indicates that the size of their resulting subgraphs may be large in practice. In this paper, we develop an effective and efficient progressive algorithm, namely PSA, to provide a good trade-off between the quality of the result and the search time. Novel lower and upper bound techniques for the minimum k-core search are designed. Our extensive experiments on 12 real-life graphs demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the new techniques