138 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of algebraic varieties and infinite transitivity

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    We survey recent results on multiple transitivity of automorphism groups of affine algebraic varieties. We consider the property of infinite transitivity of the special automorphism group, which is equivalent to flexibility of the corresponding affine variety. These properties have important algebraic and geometric consequences. At the same time they are fulfilled for wide classes of varieties. Also we study situations where infinite transitivity takes place for automorphism groups generated by finitely many one-parameter subgroups. In the appendices to the paper, the results on infinitely transitive actions in complex analysis and in combinatorial group theory are discussed.Comment: 39 page

    Norms as products of linear polynomials

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    Let F be a number field, and let F\subset K be a field extension of degree n. Suppose that we are given 2r sufficiently general linear polynomials in r variables over F. Let X be the variety over F such that the F-points of X bijectively correspond to the representations of the product of these polynomials by a norm from K to F. Combining the circle method with descent we prove that the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to the Hasse principle and weak approximation on any smooth and projective model of X.Comment: 25 page

    Stable domination and independence in algebraically closed valued fields

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    We seek to create tools for a model-theoretic analysis of types in algebraically closed valued fields (ACVF). We give evidence to show that a notion of 'domination by stable part' plays a key role. In Part A, we develop a general theory of stably dominated types, showing they enjoy an excellent independence theory, as well as a theory of definable types and germs of definable functions. In Part B, we show that the general theory applies to ACVF. Over a sufficiently rich base, we show that every type is stably dominated over its image in the value group. For invariant types over any base, stable domination coincides with a natural notion of `orthogonality to the value group'. We also investigate other notions of independence, and show that they all agree, and are well-behaved, for stably dominated types. One of these is used to show that every type extends to an invariant type; definable types are dense. Much of this work requires the use of imaginary elements. We also show existence of prime models over reasonable bases, possibly including imaginaries

    Weil Spaces and Weil-Lie Groups

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    We define Weil spaces, Weil manifolds, Weil varieties and Weil Lie groups over an arbitrary commutative base ring K (in particular, over discrete rings such as the integers), and we develop the basic theory of such spaces, leading up the definition of a Lie algebra attached to a Weil Lie group. By definition, the category of Weil spaces is the category of functors from K-Weil algebras to sets; thus our notion of Weil space is similar to, but weaker than the one of Weil topos defined by E. Dubuc (1979). In view of recent result on Weil functors for manifolds over general topological base fields or rings by A. Souvay, this generality is the suitable context to formulate and to prove general results of infinitesimal differential geometry, as started by the approach developed in Bertram, Mem. AMS 900