5 research outputs found

    Metric suite to Evaluate Reusability of Software Product Line

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    Metrics have long been used to measure and evaluate  software products and processes. Software product line architecture is a field in which few metrics have been applied, a surprising fact given the important role of software product line architecture in software product line development. Recently, Some metrics have been developed to assess software product line architecture. These metrics are useful but have not been widely used in industry. In this paper, some new metrics are provided to assess reusability of Software product line architecture. Our metrics are evaluated in action.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i2.513

    Extractability Effectiveness on Software Product Line

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    A software product line consists of a family of software systems. Most of quality attributes are defined for single systems. When we are facing a family of products instead of a single system, some aspects of architecture evaluation, such as cost, time, and reusability of available assets, become more highlighted. In this paper a new quality attribute for software product line, which we called it extractability, is introduced. Also extractability measuring method and relationship between extractability with some quality attributes is presented. At the end, Extractability Effectiveness on Software Product Line is evaluated in practice.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i1.410

    An Approach for Decision Support on the Uncertainty in Feature Model Evolution

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    Abstract-Software systems could be seen as a hierarchy of features which are evolving due to the dynamic of the working environments. The companies who build software thus need to make an appropriate strategy, which takes into consideration of such dynamic, to select features to be implemented. In this work, we propose an approach to facilitate such selection by providing a means to capture the uncertainty of evolution in feature models. We also provide two analyses to support the decision makers. The approach is exemplified in the Smart Grid scenario

    Anwendungen von #SAT Solvern für Produktlinien: Masterarbeit

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    Product lines are widely used for managing families of similar products. Typically, product lines are complex and infeasible to analyze manually. In the last two decades, product-line analyses have been reduced to satisfiability problems which are well understood. However, there are methods for which satisfiability is not sufficient. Recently, researchers begun to reduce other problems to #SAT. Yet, only few applications have been considered and those are fairly limited in their scope. Furthermore, the authors mainly propose ad-hoc solutions that are only applicable under certain restrictions or do not scale to large product lines. In this thesis, we aim show the benefits of applying #SAT for the analysis of product lines. To this end, we make the following contributions: First, we summarize applications dependent on #AT considered in the literature and propose new applications to motivate the usage of #SAT technology. Second, we present a variety of algorithms and optimizations for these applications including new proposals. Third, we empirically evaluate 10 proposed algorithms with 14 off-the-shelf #SAT solvers on 131 industrial feature models to identify the fastest algorithms and solvers. Our results show that for each analysis at least one algorithm and solver scale on a vast majority of the feature models, whereas Linux and an automotive model not be analyzed at all. In addition, our results further reveal the benefits of knowledge compilation to deterministic decomposable negation normal form for performing counting-based analyses. Overall, our work shows that #SAT dependent analyses for feature models open a new variety of different applications and scale to a large number of industrial feature models.Produktlinien sind weit verbreitet für die Verwaltung von Familien verwandter Pro- dukte. In der Regel sind Produktlinien komplex und manuell schwer zu analysieren. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden Produktlinienanalysen auf Erfüllbarkeit- sprobleme reduziert, für welche es eine Vielzahl an effizienten Werkzeugen gibt. Allerdings ist Erfüllbarkeit nicht für alle Analysen hinreichend. Kürzlich haben Forscher damit begonnen, andere Probleme auf #SAT zu reduzieren. Es wur- den jedoch nur wenige Anwendungen in Betracht gezogen und auch der Anwen- dungsbereich ist begrenzt. Darüber hinaus schlagen die Autoren hauptsächlich Ad-hoc-Lösungen vor, die nur unter bestimmten Einschränkungen der Produktlin- ien anwendbar sind oder nicht für große Produktlinien skalieren. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir die Vorteile von #SAT Anwendungen für Produtlinien auf. Unser wis- senschaftlicher Beitrag besteht aus den folgenden drei Punkten: Zuerst fassen wir die in der Literatur betrachteten #SAT-Anwendungen zusammen und schlagen neue Anwendungen vor, um den Einsatz von #SAT-Technologien zu motivieren. Zweit- ens stellen wir eine Vielzahl von Algorithmen und Optimierungen für diese Anwen- dungen vor, einschließlich neuer Vorschläge. Drittens führen wir eine empirische Evaluation von 10 der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen mit 14 #SAT-Solvern auf 131 industriellen Feature-Modellen aus, um die schnellsten Algorithmen und Solver zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation zeigen, dass wir für jede Analyse wenig- stens einen Algorithmus und Solver identifiziert haben, die für industrielle Feature- Modelle skalieren. Dazu sind die Ergebnisse ein starker Indikator für die Vorteile des Einsatzes von d-DNNFs bei #SAT-Anwendungen. Insgesamt zeigt unsere Ar- beit, dass #SAT-abhängige Analysen für Feature-Modelle eine Vielzahl neuer un- terschiedlicher Anwendungen ermöglicht und für viele industirelle Feature-Modelle skaliert