5 research outputs found

    Inferring behavioral specifications from large-scale repositories by leveraging collective intelligence

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    Despite their proven benefits, useful, comprehensible, and efficiently checkable specifications are not widely available. This is primarily because writing useful, non-trivial specifications from scratch is too hard, time consuming, and requires expertise that is not broadly available. Furthermore, the lack of specifications for widely-used libraries and frameworks, caused by the high cost of writing specifications, tends to have a snowball effect. Core libraries lack specifications, which makes specifying applications that use them expensive. To contain the skyrocketing development and maintenance costs of high assurance systems, this self-perpetuating cycle must be broken. The labor cost of specifying programs can be significantly decreased via advances in specification inference and synthesis, and this has been attempted several times, but with limited success. We believe that practical specification inference and synthesis is an idea whose time has come. Fundamental breakthroughs in this area can be achieved by leveraging the collective intelligence available in software artifacts from millions of open source projects. Finegrained access to such data sets has been unprecedented, but is now easily available. We identify research directions and report our preliminary results on advances in specification inference that can be had by using such data sets to infer specifications

    Inferring behavioral specifications from large-scale repositories by leveraging collective intelligence

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    Despite their proven benefits, useful, comprehensible, and efficiently checkable specifications are not widely available. This is primarily because writing useful, non-trivial specifications from scratch is too hard, time consuming, and requires expertise that is not broadly available. Furthermore, the lack of specifications for widely-used libraries and frameworks, caused by the high cost of writing specifications, tends to have a snowball effect. Core libraries lack specifications, which makes specifying applications that use them expensive. To contain the skyrocketing development and maintenance costs of high assurance systems, this self-perpetuating cycle must be broken. The labor cost of specifying programs can be significantly decreased via advances in specification inference and synthesis, and this has been attempted several times, but with limited success. We believe that practical specification inference and synthesis is an idea whose time has come. Fundamental breakthroughs in this area can be achieved by leveraging the collective intelligence available in software artifacts from millions of open source projects. Finegrained access to such data sets has been unprecedented, but is now easily available. We identify research directions and report our preliminary results on advances in specification inference that can be had by using such data sets to infer specifications.This article is published as Rajan, Hridesh, Tien N. Nguyen, Gary T. Leavens, and Robert Dyer. "Inferring behavioral specifications from large-scale repositories by leveraging collective intelligence." In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering-Volume 2, pp. 579-582. IEEE Press, 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICSE.2015.339. Posted with permission.</p

    Inferring Behavioral Specifications From Large-Scale Repositories By Leveraging Collective Intelligence

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    Despite their proven benefits, useful, comprehensible, and efficiently checkable specifications are not widely available. This is primarily because writing useful, non-trivial specifications from scratch is too hard, time consuming, and requires expertise that is not broadly available. Furthermore, the lack of specifications for widely-used libraries and frameworks, caused by the high cost of writing specifications, tends to have a snowball effect. Core libraries lack specifications, which makes specifying applications that use them expensive. To contain the skyrocketing development and maintenance costs of high assurance systems, this self-perpetuating cycle must be broken. The labor cost of specifying programs can be significantly decreased via advances in specification inference and synthesis, and this has been attempted several times, but with limited success. We believe that practical specification inference and synthesis is an idea whose time has come. Fundamental breakthroughs in this area can be achieved by leveraging the collective intelligence available in software artifacts from millions of open source projects. Fine-grained access to such data sets has been unprecedented, but is now easily available. We identify research directions and report our preliminary results on advances in specification inference that can be had by using such data sets to infer specifications

    Exploiting implicit belief to resolve sparse usage problem in usage-based specification mining

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    Frameworks and libraries provide application programming interfaces (APIs) that serve as building blocks in modern software development. As APIs present the opportunity of increased productivity, it also calls for correct use to avoid buggy code. The usage-based specification mining technique has shown great promise in solving this problem through a data-driven approach. These techniques leverage the use of the API in large corpora to understand the recurring usages of the APIs and infer behavioral specifications (pre- and post-conditions) from such usages. A challenge for such technique is thus inference in the presence of insufficient usages, in terms of both frequency and richness.We refer to this as a “sparse usage problem. This thesis presents the first technique to solve the sparse usage problem in usage-based precondition mining. Our key insight is to leverage implicit beliefs to overcome sparse usage. An implicit belief (IB) is the knowledge implicitly derived from the fact about the code. An IB about a program is known implicitly to a programmer via the language’s constructs and semantics, and thus not explicitly written or specified in the code. The technical underpinnings of our new precondition mining approach include a technique to analyze the data and control flow in the program leading to API calls to infer preconditions that are implicitly present in the code corpus, a catalog of 35 code elements in total that can be used to derive implicit beliefs from a program, and empirical evaluation of all of these ideas.We have analyzed over 350 millions lines of code and 7 libraries that suffer from the sparse usage problem. Our approach realizes 6 implicit beliefs and we have observed that adding single-level context sensitivity can further improve the result of usage-based precondition mining. The result shows that we achieve overall 60% in precision and 69% in recall and the accuracy is relatively improved by 32% in precision and 78% in recall compared to base usage-based mining approach for these libraries

    Formal foundations for hybrid effect analysis

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    Type-and-effect systems are a powerful tool for program construction and verification. Type-and-effect systems are useful because it can help reduce bugs in computer programs, enable compiler optimizations and also provide sort of program documentation. As software systems increasingly embrace dynamic features and complex modes of compilation, static effect systems have to reconcile over competing goals such as precision, soundness, modularity, and programmer productivity. In this thesis, we propose the idea of combining static and dynamic analysis for effect systems to improve precision and flexibility. We describe intensional effect polymorphism, a new foundation for effect systems that integrates static and dynamic effect checking. Our system allows the effect of polymorphic code to be intensionally inspected. It supports a highly precise notion of effect polymorphism through a lightweight notion of dynamic typing. When coupled with parametric polymorphism, the powerful system utilizes runtime information to enable precise effect reasoning, while at the same time retains strong type safety guarantees. The technical innovations of our design include a relational notion of effect checking, the use of bounded existential types to capture the subtle interactions between static typing and dynamic typing, and a differential alignment strategy to achieve efficiency in dynamic typing. We introduce the idea of first-class effects, where the computational effect of an expression can be programmatically reflected, passed around as values, and analyzed at run time. A broad range of designs “hard-coded in existing effect-guided analyses can be supported through intuitive programming abstractions. The core technical development is a type system with a couple of features. Our type system provides static guarantees to application-specific effect management properties through refinement types, promoting “correct-by-design effect-guided programming. Also, our type system computes not only the over-approximation of effects, but also their under-approximation. The duality unifies the common theme of permission vs. obligation in effect reasoning. Finally, we show the potential benefit of intensional effects by applying it to an event-driven system to obtain safe concurrency. The technical innovations of our system include a novel effect system to soundly approximate the dynamism introduced by runtime handlers registration, a static analysis to precompute the effects and a dynamic analysis that uses the precomputed effects to improve concurrency. Our design simplifies modular concurrency reasoning and avoids concurrency hazards