2 research outputs found

    Inference Rights for Controlling Search in Generating Theorem Provers

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    We investigate the usage of so-called inference rights. We point out the prob-lems arising from the inflexibility of existing approaches to heuristically controlthe search of automated deduction systems, and we propose the application ofinference rights that are well-suited for controlling the search more flexibly. More-over, inference rights allow for a mechanism of "partial forgetting" of facts thatis not realizable in the most controlling aproaches. We study theoretical founda-tions of inference rights as well as the integration of inference rights into alreadyexisting inference systems. Furthermore, we present possibilities to control suchmodified inference systems in order to gain efficiency. Finally, we report onexperimental results obtained in the area of condensed detachment.The author was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

    Inference Rights for Controlling Search in Generating Theorem Provers

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    We investigate the usage of so-called inference rights. We point out the problems arising from the inflexibility of existing approaches to heuristically control the search of automated deduction systems, and we propose the application of inference rights that are well-suited for controlling the search more flexibly. Moreover, inference rights allow for a mechanism of "partial forgetting" of facts that is not realizable in the most controlling aproaches. We study theoretical foundations of inference rights as well as the integration of inference rights into already existing inference systems. Furthermore, we present possibilities to control such modified inference systems in order to gain efficiency. Finally, we report on experimental results obtained in the area of condensed detachment. The author was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 2 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction The original task of a theorem prover is to check efficiently if a goal is a logic consequence..