4 research outputs found

    Inexpensive fusion methods for enhancing feature detection

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    Recent successful approaches to high-level feature detection in image and video data have treated the problem as a pattern classification task. These typically leverage the techniques learned from statistical machine learning, coupled with ensemble architectures that create multiple feature detection models. Once created, co-occurrence between learned features can be captured to further boost performance. At multiple stages throughout these frameworks, various pieces of evidence can be fused together in order to boost performance. These approaches whilst very successful are computationally expensive, and depending on the task, require the use of significant computational resources. In this paper we propose two fusion methods that aim to combine the output of an initial basic statistical machine learning approach with a lower-quality information source, in order to gain diversity in the classified results whilst requiring only modest computing resources. Our approaches, validated experimentally on TRECVid data, are designed to be complementary to existing frameworks and can be regarded as possible replacements for the more computationally expensive combination strategies used elsewhere

    TRECVid 2007 experiments at Dublin City University

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    In this paper we describe our retrieval system and experiments performed for the automatic search task in TRECVid 2007. We submitted the following six automatic runs: ā€¢ F A 1 DCU-TextOnly6: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features. ā€¢ F A 1 DCU-ImgBaseline4: Baseline visual expert only run, no ASR/MT used. Made use of query-time generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-ImgOnlyEnt5: Automatic generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion at index time. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntHigh3: Combination of coefficient generation which combined the coefficients generated by the query-time approach, and the index-time approach, with greater weight given to the index-time coefficient. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntAuto2: As above, except that greater weight is given to the query-time coefficient that was generated. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-autoMixed1: Query-time expert coefficient generation that used both visual and text experts

    An investigation into weighted data fusion for content-based multimedia information retrieval

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    Content Based Multimedia Information Retrieval (CBMIR) is characterised by the combination of noisy sources of information which, in unison, are able to achieve strong performance. In this thesis we focus on the combination of ranked results from the independent retrieval experts which comprise a CBMIR system through linearly weighted data fusion. The independent retrieval experts are low-level multimedia features, each of which contains an indexing function and ranking algorithm. This thesis is comprised of two halves. In the ļ¬rst half, we perform a rigorous empirical investigation into the factors which impact upon performance in linearly weighted data fusion. In the second half, we leverage these ļ¬nding to create a new class of weight generation algorithms for data fusion which are capable of determining weights at query-time, such that the weights are topic dependent

    Inexpensive fusion methods for enhancing feature detection

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    Recent successful approaches to high-level feature detection in image and video data have treated the problem as a pattern classification task. These typically leverage the techniques learned from statistical Machine Learning, coupled with ensemble architectures that create multiple feature detection models. Once created, co-occurrence between learned features can be captured to further boost performance. At multiple stages throughout these frameworks, various pieces of evidence can be fused together in order to boost performance. These approaches whilst very successful are computationally expensive, and de-pending on the task, require the use of significant computational resources. In this paper we propose two fusion methods that aim to combine the output of an initial basic statistical machine learning approach with a lower-quality information source, in order to gain diversity in the classified results whilst requir-ing only modest computing resources. Our approaches, validated experimentally on TRECVid data, are designed to be complementary to existing frameworks and can be regarded as possible replacements for the more computationally expensive combination strategies used elsewhere. 1