5 research outputs found

    Induced saturation of graphs

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    A graph GG is HH-saturated for a graph HH, if GG does not contain a copy of HH but adding any new edge to GG results in such a copy. An HH-saturated graph on a given number of vertices always exists and the properties of such graphs, for example their highest density, have been studied intensively. A graph GG is HH-induced-saturated if GG does not have an induced subgraph isomorphic to HH, but adding an edge to GG from its complement or deleting an edge from GG results in an induced copy of HH. It is not immediate anymore that HH-induced-saturated graphs exist. In fact, Martin and Smith (2012) showed that there is no P4P_4-induced-saturated graph. Behrens et.al. (2016) proved that if HH belongs to a few simple classes of graphs such as a class of odd cycles of length at least 55, stars of size at least 22, or matchings of size at least 22, then there is an HH-induced-saturated graph. This paper addresses the existence question for HH-induced-saturated graphs. It is shown that Cartesian products of cliques are HH-induced-saturated graphs for HH in several infinite families, including large families of trees. A complete characterization of all connected graphs HH for which a Cartesian product of two cliques is an HH-induced-saturated graph is given. Finally, several results on induced saturation for prime graphs and families of graphs are provided.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure