219 research outputs found

    Individualized Rank Aggregation using Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    In recent years rank aggregation has received significant attention from the machine learning community. The goal of such a problem is to combine the (partially revealed) preferences over objects of a large population into a single, relatively consistent ordering of those objects. However, in many cases, we might not want a single ranking and instead opt for individual rankings. We study a version of the problem known as collaborative ranking. In this problem we assume that individual users provide us with pairwise preferences (for example purchasing one item over another). From those preferences we wish to obtain rankings on items that the users have not had an opportunity to explore. The results here have a very interesting connection to the standard matrix completion problem. We provide a theoretical justification for a nuclear norm regularized optimization procedure, and provide high-dimensional scaling results that show how the error in estimating user preferences behaves as the number of observations increase

    Clustering and Inference From Pairwise Comparisons

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    Given a set of pairwise comparisons, the classical ranking problem computes a single ranking that best represents the preferences of all users. In this paper, we study the problem of inferring individual preferences, arising in the context of making personalized recommendations. In particular, we assume that there are nn users of rr types; users of the same type provide similar pairwise comparisons for mm items according to the Bradley-Terry model. We propose an efficient algorithm that accurately estimates the individual preferences for almost all users, if there are rmax{m,n}logmlog2nr \max \{m, n\}\log m \log^2 n pairwise comparisons per type, which is near optimal in sample complexity when rr only grows logarithmically with mm or nn. Our algorithm has three steps: first, for each user, compute the \emph{net-win} vector which is a projection of its (m2)\binom{m}{2}-dimensional vector of pairwise comparisons onto an mm-dimensional linear subspace; second, cluster the users based on the net-win vectors; third, estimate a single preference for each cluster separately. The net-win vectors are much less noisy than the high dimensional vectors of pairwise comparisons and clustering is more accurate after the projection as confirmed by numerical experiments. Moreover, we show that, when a cluster is only approximately correct, the maximum likelihood estimation for the Bradley-Terry model is still close to the true preference.Comment: Corrected typos in the abstrac