107 research outputs found

    Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications

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    A {\em randomized encoding} allows to express a ``complex\u27\u27 computation, given by a function ff and input xx, by a ``simple to compute\u27\u27 randomized representation f^(x)\hat{f}(x) whose distribution encodes f(x)f(x), while revealing nothing else regarding ff and xx. Existing randomized encodings, geared mostly to allow encoding with low parallel-complexity, have proven instrumental in various strong applications such as multiparty computation and parallel cryptography. This work focuses on another natural complexity measure: {\em the time required to encode}. We construct {\em succinct randomized encodings} where the time to encode a computation, given by a program Π\Pi and input xx, is essentially independent of Π\Pi\u27s time complexity, and only depends on its space complexity, as well as the size of its input, output, and description. The scheme guarantees computational privacy of (Π,x)(\Pi,x), and is based on indistinguishability obfuscation for a relatively simple circuit class, for which there exist instantiations based on polynomial hardness assumptions on multi-linear maps. We then invoke succinct randomized encodings to obtain several strong applications, including: \begin{itemize} \item Succinct indistinguishability obfuscation, where the obfuscated program iO(Π)iO({\Pi}) computes the same function as Π\Pi for inputs xx of apriori-bounded size. Obfuscating Π\Pi is roughly as fast as encoding the computation of Π\Pi on any such input xx. Here we also require subexponentially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits. \item Succinct functional encryption, where a functional decryption key corresponding to Π\Pi allows decrypting Π(x)\Pi(x) from encryptions of any plaintext xx of apriori-bounded size. Key derivation is as fast as encoding the corresponding computation. \item Succinct reusable garbling, a stronger form of randomized encodings where any number of inputs xx can be encoded separately of Π\Pi, independently of Π\Pi\u27s time and space complexity. \item Publicly-verifiable 2-message delegation where verifying the result of a long computation given by Π\Pi and input xx is as fast as encoding the corresponding computation. We also show how to transform any 2-message delegation scheme to an essentially non-interactive system where the verifier message is reusable. \end{itemize} Previously, succinct randomized encodings or any of the above applications were only known based on various non-standard knowledge assumptions. At the heart of our techniques is a generic method of compressing a piecemeal garbled computation, without revealing anything about the secret randomness utilized for garbling

    Output Compression, MPC, and iO for Turing Machines

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    In this work, we study the fascinating notion of output-compressing randomized encodings for Turing Machines, in a shared randomness model. In this model, the encoder and decoder have access to a shared random string, and the efficiency requirement is, the size of the encoding must be independent of the running time and output length of the Turing Machine on the given input, while the length of the shared random string is allowed to grow with the length of the output. We show how to construct output- compressing randomized encodings for Turing machines in the shared randomness model, assuming iO for circuits and any assumption in the set {LWE, DDH, Nth Residuosity}. We then show interesting implications of the above result to basic feasibility questions in the areas of secure multiparty computation (MPC) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO): 1. Compact MPC for Turing Machines in the Random Oracle Model: In the context of MPC, we consider the following basic feasibility question: does there exist a malicious-secure MPC protocol for Turing Machines whose communication complexity is independent of the running time and output length of the Turing Machine when executed on the combined inputs of all parties? We call such a protocol as a compact MPC protocol. Hubacek and Wichs [HW15] showed via an incompressibility argument, that, even for the restricted setting of circuits, it is impossible to construct a malicious secure two party computation protocol in the plain model where the communication complexity is independent of the output length. In this work, we show how to evade this impossibility by compiling any (non-compact) MPC protocol in the plain model to a compact MPC protocol for Turing Machines in the Random Oracle Model, assuming output-compressing randomized encodings in the shared randomness model. 2. Succinct iO for Turing Machines in the Shared Randomness Model: In all existing constructions of iO for Turing Machines, the size of the obfuscated program grows with a bound on the input length. In this work, we show how to construct an iO scheme for Turing Machines in the shared randomness model where the size of the obfuscated program is independent of a bound on the input length, assuming iO for circuits and any assumption in the set {LWE, DDH, Nth Residuosity}

    Succinct Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    Assuming the existence of iO for P/poly and one-way functions, we show how to succinctly garble bounded-space computations (BSC) M: the size of the garbled program (as well as the time needed to generate the garbling) only depends on the size and space (including the input and output) complexity of M, but not its running time. The key conceptual insight behind this construction is a method for using iO to compress a computation that can be performed piecemeal, without revealing anything about it. As corollaries of our succinct garbling scheme, we demonstrate the following: -functional encryption for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; -reusable succinct garbling schemes for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; - succinct iO for BSC from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially secure one-way functions; - (PerfectNIZK) SNARGS for bounded space and witness NP from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions. Previously such primitives were only know to exists based on “knowledge-based” assumptions (such as SNARKs and/or differing-input obfuscation). We finally demonstrate the first (non-succinct) iO for RAM programs with bounded input and output lengths, that has poly-logarithmic overhead, based on the existence of sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions

    Patchable Indistinguishability Obfuscation: iO for Evolving Software

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    In this work, we introduce patchable indistinguishability obfuscation: our notion adapts the notion of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) to a very general setting where obfuscated software evolves over time. We model this broadly by considering software patches P as arbitrary Turing Machines that take as input the description of a Turing Machine M, and output a new Turing Machine description M\u27 = P(M). Thus, a short patch P can cause changes everywhere in the description of M and can even cause the description length of the machine to increase by an arbitrary polynomial amount. We further consider multi-program patchable indistinguishability obfuscation where a patch is applied not just to a single machine M, but to an unbounded set of machines M_1,..., M_n to yield P(M_1),.., P(M_n). We consider both single-program and multi-program patchable indistinguishability obfuscation in a setting where there are an unbounded number of patches that can be adaptively chosen by an adversary. We show that sub-exponentially secure iO for circuits and sub-exponentially secure re-randomizable encryption schemes imply single-program patchable indistinguishability obfuscation; and we show that sub-exponentially secure iO for circuits and sub-exponentially secure DDH imply multi-program patchable indistinguishability obfuscation. At the our heart of results is a new notion of splittable iO that allows us to transform any iO scheme into a patchable one. Finally, we exhibit some simple applications of patchable indistinguishability obfuscation, to demonstrate how these concepts can be applied

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation with Non-trivial Efficiency

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    It is well known that *inefficient* indistinguishability obfuscators (iO) with running time poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^n, where C is the circuit to be obfuscated, lambda is the security parameter, and n is the input length of C, exists *unconditionally*: simply output the function table of C (i.e., the output of C on all possible inputs). Such inefficient obfuscators, however, are not useful for applications. We here consider iO with a slightly ``non-trivial\u27\u27 notion of efficiency: the running-time of the obfuscator may still be ``trivial\u27\u27 (namely, poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^n), but we now require that the obfuscated code is just slightly smaller than the truth table of C (namely poly(|C|,lambda) . 2^{n(1-epsilon)}, where epsilon >0); we refer to this notion as *iO with exponential efficiency*, or simply *exponentially-efficient iO (XiO)*. We show that, perhaps surprisingly, under the subexponential LWE assumption, subexponentially-secure XiO for polynomial-size circuits implies (polynomial-time computable) iO for all polynomial-size circuits

    Time-Lock Puzzles from Randomized Encodings

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    Time-lock puzzles are a mechanism for sending messages "to the future". A sender can quickly generate a puzzle with a solution s that remains hidden until a moderately large amount of time t has elapsed. The solution s should be hidden from any adversary that runs in time significantly less than t, including resourceful parallel adversaries with polynomially many processors. While the notion of time-lock puzzles has been around for 22 years, there has only been a single candidate proposed. Fifteen years ago, Rivest, Shamir and Wagner suggested a beautiful candidate time-lock puzzle based on the assumption that exponentiation modulo an RSA integer is an "inherently sequential" computation. We show that various flavors of randomized encodings give rise to time-lock puzzles of varying strengths, whose security can be shown assuming the mere existence of non-parallelizing languages, which are languages that require circuits of depth at least t to decide, in the worst-case. The existence of such languages is necessary for the existence of time-lock puzzles. We instantiate the construction with different randomized encodings from the literature, where increasingly better efficiency is obtained based on increasingly stronger cryptographic assumptions, ranging from one-way functions to indistinguishability obfuscation. We also observe that time-lock puzzles imply one-way functions, and thus the reliance on some cryptographic assumption is necessary. Finally, generalizing the above, we construct other types of puzzles such as proofs of work from randomized encodings and a suitable worst-case hardness assumption (that is necessary for such puzzles to exist)

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines: Constant Overhead and Amortization

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    We study the asymptotic efficiency of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) on two fronts: - Obfuscation size: Present constructions of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) create obfuscated programs where the size of the obfuscated program is at least a multiplicative factor of security parameter larger than the size of the original program. In this work, we construct the first iO scheme for (bounded-input) Turing machines that achieves only a constant multiplicative overhead in size. The constant in our scheme is, in fact, 2. - Amortization: Suppose we want to obfuscate an arbitrary polynomial number of (bounded-input) Turing machines M_1,...,M_n. We ask whether it is possible to obfuscate M_1,...,M_n using a single application of an iO scheme for a circuit family where the size of any circuit is independent of n as well the size of any Turing machine M_i. In this work, we resolve this question in the affirmative, obtaining a new bootstrapping theorem for obfuscating arbitrarily many Turing machines. Our results rely on the existence of sub-exponentially secure iO for circuits and re-randomizable encryption schemes. In order to obtain these results, we develop a new template for obfuscating Turing machines that is of independent interest and has recently found application in subsequent work on patchable obfuscation [Ananth et al, EUROCRYPT\u2717]

    Succinct Garbling Schemes from Functional Encryption through a Local Simulation Paradigm

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    We study a simulation paradigm, referred to as local simulation, in garbling schemes. This paradigm captures simulation proof strategies in which the simulator consists of many local simulators that generate different blocks of the garbled circuit. A useful property of such a simulation strategy is that only a few of these local simulators depend on the input, whereas the rest of the local simulators only depend on the circuit. We formalize this notion by defining locally simulatable garbling schemes. By suitably realizing this notion, we give a new construction of succinct garbling schemes for Turing machines assuming the polynomial hardness of compact functional encryption and standard assumptions (such as either CDH or LWE). Prior constructions of succinct garbling schemes either assumed sub-exponential hardness of compact functional encryption or were designed only for small-space Turing machines. We also show that a variant of locally simulatable garbling schemes can be used to generically obtain adaptively secure garbling schemes for circuits. All prior constructions of adaptively secure garbling that use somewhere equivocal encryption can be seen as instantiations of our construction

    Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications

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    A {\em randomized encoding} allows to represent a ``complex\u27\u27 function f(x)f(x) by a ``simpler\u27\u27 randomized function f^(x;r)\hat{f}(x;r) whose output distribution encodes f(x)f(x), while revealing nothing else regarding xx. Existing randomized encodings, geared mostly to allow encoding with low parallel complexity, have proven instrumental in various strong applications such as multiparty computation and parallel cryptography. This work focuses on another natural complexity measure: {\em the time required to encode}. We construct {\em succinct randomized encodings} where a computation given by a (Turing or random-access) machine MM, and input xx, requiring time tt and space ss, can be encoded roughly in time \poly(|x|,\log t,s), thus inducing significant savings in time when s≪ts \ll t. The scheme guarantees computational input-privacy and is based on indistinguishability obfuscation for a relatively simple circuit class, which can in turn be based on a polynomial version of the subgroup elimination assumption on multilinear graded encodings. We then invoke succinct randomized encodings to obtain several strong applications, including: \begin{itemize} \item Indistinguishability obfuscation for uniform (Turing or random-access) machines, where the obfuscated machine \iO(M) computes the same function as MM for inputs xx of apriori-fixed maximal size nn, and is computed in time \poly(n,\log t,s). \item Functional encryption for uniform machines, where a functional decryption key corresponding to MM allows decrypting M(x)M(x) from encryptions of xx. As in the previous case, inputs xx are of apriori-fixed maximal size nn, and key derivation time is roughly \poly(n,\log t,s). \item Publicly-verifiable 2-message delegation where verification time is roughly \poly(n,\log t,s). We also show how to transform any 2-message delegation scheme to an essentially non-interactive system where the verifier message is reusable. \end{itemize} For the first application, we also require subexponentially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits, and for the second polynomial indistinguishability obfuscation, which can be replaced by more concrete polynomial hardness assumptions on multilinear graded-encodings. Previously, both applications were only known based on various non-standard knowledge assumptions

    Output-Compressing Randomized Encodings and Applications

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    We consider randomized encodings (RE) that enable encoding a Turing machine Pi and input x into its ``randomized encoding\u27\u27 \hat{Pi}(x) in sublinear, or even polylogarithmic, time in the running-time of Pi(x), independent of its output length. We refer to the former as sublinear RE and the latter as compact RE. For such efficient RE, the standard simulation-based notion of security is impossible, and we thus consider a weaker (distributional) indistinguishability-based notion of security: Roughly speaking, we require indistinguishability of \hat{Pi}_0(x_0) and \hat{Pi}_0(x_1) as long as Pi_0,x_0 and Pi_1,x_1 are sampled from some distributions such that Pi_0(x_0),Time(Pi_0(x_0)) and Pi_1(x_1),Time(Pi_1(x_1)) are indistinguishable. We first observe that compact RE is equivalent to a variant of the notion of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO)---which we refer to as puncturable iO---for the class of Turing machines without inputs. For the case of circuits, puncturable iO and iO are equivalent (and this fact is implicitly used in the powerful ``punctured program\u27\u27 paradigm by Sahai and Waters [SW13]). We next show the following: - Impossibility in the Plain Model: Assuming the existence of subexponentially secure one-way functions, subexponentially-secure sublinear RE does not exists. (If additionally assuming subexponentially-secure iO for circuits we can also rule out polynomially-secure sublinear RE.) As a consequence, we rule out also puncturable iO for Turing machines (even those without inputs). - Feasibility in the CRS model and Applications to iO for circuits: Subexponentially-secure sublinear RE in the CRS model and one-way functions imply iO for circuits through a simple construction generalizing GGM\u27s PRF construction. Additionally, any compact (even with sublinear compactness) functional encryption essentially directly yields a sublinear RE in the CRS model, and as such we get an alternative, modular, and simpler proof of the results of [AJ15,BV15] showing that subexponentially-secure sublinearly compact FE implies iO. We further show other ways of instantiating sublinear RE in the CRS model (and thus also iO): under the subexponential LWE assumption, it suffices to have a subexponentially secure FE schemes with just sublinear ciphertext (as opposed to having sublinear encryption time). - Applications to iO for Unbounded-input Turing machines: Subexponentially-secure compact RE for natural restricted classes of distributions over programs and inputs (which are not ruled out by our impossibility result, and for which we can give candidate constructions) imply iO for unbounded-input Turing machines. This yields the first construction of iO for unbounded-input Turing machines that does not rely on (public-coin) differing-input obfuscation
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