36,117 research outputs found

    SVS-JOIN : efficient spatial visual similarity join for geo-multimedia

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    In the big data era, massive amount of multimedia data with geo-tags has been generated and collected by smart devices equipped with mobile communications module and position sensor module. This trend has put forward higher request on large-scale geo-multimedia retrieval. Spatial similarity join is one of the significant problems in the area of spatial database. Previous works focused on spatial textual document search problem, rather than geo-multimedia retrieval. In this paper, we investigate a novel geo-multimedia retrieval paradigm named spatial visual similarity join (SVS-JOIN for short), which aims to search similar geo-image pairs in both aspects of geo-location and visual content. Firstly, the definition of SVS-JOIN is proposed and then we present the geographical similarity and visual similarity measurement. Inspired by the approach for textual similarity join, we develop an algorithm named SVS-JOIN B by combining the PPJOIN algorithm and visual similarity. Besides, an extension of it named SVS-JOIN G is developed, which utilizes spatial grid strategy to improve the search efficiency. To further speed up the search, a novel approach called SVS-JOIN Q is carefully designed, in which a quadtree and a global inverted index are employed. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two geo-image datasets and the results demonstrate that our solution can address the SVS-JOIN problem effectively and efficiently

    Streaming Similarity Self-Join

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    We introduce and study the problem of computing the similarity self-join in a streaming context (SSSJ), where the input is an unbounded stream of items arriving continuously. The goal is to find all pairs of items in the stream whose similarity is greater than a given threshold. The simplest formulation of the problem requires unbounded memory, and thus, it is intractable. To make the problem feasible, we introduce the notion of time-dependent similarity: the similarity of two items decreases with the difference in their arrival time. By leveraging the properties of this time-dependent similarity function, we design two algorithmic frameworks to solve the sssj problem. The first one, MiniBatch (MB), uses existing index-based filtering techniques for the static version of the problem, and combines them in a pipeline. The second framework, Streaming (STR), adds time filtering to the existing indexes, and integrates new time-based bounds deeply in the working of the algorithms. We also introduce a new indexing technique (L2), which is based on an existing state-of-the-art indexing technique (L2AP), but is optimized for the streaming case. Extensive experiments show that the STR algorithm, when instantiated with the L2 index, is the most scalable option across a wide array of datasets and parameters
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