2 research outputs found


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    1983 / 1-4. szám Editorial Wintrobe, M. M.: Perspectives in hematology Herberman, R. B.: Leukemia antigens and immunity in man Högman, C. F.: New trends in blood component therapy Steinbuch, M.: New trends in plasma fractionation Sloviter, H. A.: Artificial blood Rozman, C.: Bone marrow biopsy Seewann, H. L. - Lehnert, M. - Jüttner, F.: The value of bone marrow biopsy in chronic myeloid leukaemia Montserrat, E. - Rozman, C.: Bone marrow biopsy in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a study of 208 cases Secker-Walker, L. M.: Cytogenetic factors in the prognosis of acute leukaemias Ness, P. M.: The association of Tn and leukemia Fiedler, H.: Efficacy control of HB blood donor screening Labie, D.: New antisickling agents Britten, A. - Etzel, F. - Ala, F. - Carman, C. - Smit Sibinga, C.: Supply and need of factor VIII concentrates Open Forum on Liability and Reality in Haemotherapy André, A.: Intorduction Marziale, F.: International juridical aspects of transfusion Hässig, A.. Industrial processing Weise, W.: Blood transmitted illnesses van Loghem, J. J.: International cooperation in blooc transfusion Announcement - ISBT Abstracts Obituary Index to Volume 16 Author Index Subject Inde