2 research outputs found

    Independent set in categorical products of cographs and splitgraphs

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    We show that there are polynomial-time algorithms to compute maximum independent sets in the categorical products of two cographs and two splitgraphs. We show that the ultimate categorical independence ratio is computable in polynomial time for cographs

    Weak Modular Product of Bipartite Graphs, Bicliques and Isomorphism

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    A 1978 theorem of Kozen states that two graphs on nn vertices are isomorphic if and only if there is a clique of size nn in the weak modular product between the two graphs. Restricting to bipartite graphs and considering complete bipartite subgraphs (bicliques) therein, we study the combinatorics of the weak modular product. We identify cases where isomorphism is tractable using this approach, which we call Isomorphism via Biclique Enumeration (IvBE). We find that IvBE is polynomial for bipartite 2K22K_2-free graphs and quasi-polynomial for families of bipartite graphs, where the largest induced matching and largest induced crown graph grows slowly in nn, that is, O(polylog n)O(\mathrm{polylog }\, n). Furthermore, as expected a straightforward corollary of Kozen's theorem and Lov\'{a}sz's sandwich theorem is if the weak modular product between two graphs is perfect, then checking if the graphs are isomorphic is polynomial in nn. However, we show that for balanced, bipartite graphs this is only true in a few trivial cases. In doing so we define a new graph product on bipartite graphs, the very weak modular product. The results pertaining to bicliques in bipartite graphs proved here may be of independent interest.Comment: Algorithm 1 (IvBE) is irreparably flawed. Moreover, Theorem 2, concerning perfection of weak modular products of balanced, bipartite graphs is incorrect. Thank you to an anonymous reviewer for pointing out these flaws in the paper. We have now enumerated all perfect product graphs in the work at arXiv:1809.0993