3 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Workshop on the lambda-Prolog Programming Language

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    The expressiveness of logic programs can be greatly increased over first-order Horn clauses through a stronger emphasis on logical connectives and by admitting various forms of higher-order quantification. The logic of hereditary Harrop formulas and the notion of uniform proof have been developed to provide a foundation for more expressive logic programming languages. The 位-Prolog language is actively being developed on top of these foundational considerations. The rich logical foundations of 位-Prolog provides it with declarative approaches to modular programming, hypothetical reasoning, higher-order programming, polymorphic typing, and meta-programming. These aspects of 位-Prolog have made it valuable as a higher-level language for the specification and implementation of programs in numerous areas, including natural language, automated reasoning, program transformation, and databases

    Indefinite Reasoning with Definite Rules

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    In this paper we present a novel explanation of the source of indefinite information in common sense reasoning: Indefinite information arises from reports about the world expressed in terms of concepts that have been defined using only definite rules. Adopting this point of view, we show that first-order logic is insufficiently expressive to handle important examples of common sense reasoning. As a remedy, we propose the use of circumscribed definite rules, and we then investigate the proof theory of this more expressive framework. We consider two approaches: First, prototypical proofs, a special type of proof by induction, which yields a sound proof theory. Second, we describe cases in which there exists a decision procedure for answering queries, a particularly significant result because it shows that it is possible to have decidable query processing in circumscribed theories that are not equivalent to any first order theory.