4,796 research outputs found

    Network as a computer: ranking paths to find flows

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    We explore a simple mathematical model of network computation, based on Markov chains. Similar models apply to a broad range of computational phenomena, arising in networks of computers, as well as in genetic, and neural nets, in social networks, and so on. The main problem of interaction with such spontaneously evolving computational systems is that the data are not uniformly structured. An interesting approach is to try to extract the semantical content of the data from their distribution among the nodes. A concept is then identified by finding the community of nodes that share it. The task of data structuring is thus reduced to the task of finding the network communities, as groups of nodes that together perform some non-local data processing. Towards this goal, we extend the ranking methods from nodes to paths. This allows us to extract some information about the likely flow biases from the available static information about the network.Comment: 12 pages, CSR 200

    Bidirectional PageRank Estimation: From Average-Case to Worst-Case

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    We present a new algorithm for estimating the Personalized PageRank (PPR) between a source and target node on undirected graphs, with sublinear running-time guarantees over the worst-case choice of source and target nodes. Our work builds on a recent line of work on bidirectional estimators for PPR, which obtained sublinear running-time guarantees but in an average-case sense, for a uniformly random choice of target node. Crucially, we show how the reversibility of random walks on undirected networks can be exploited to convert average-case to worst-case guarantees. While past bidirectional methods combine forward random walks with reverse local pushes, our algorithm combines forward local pushes with reverse random walks. We also discuss how to modify our methods to estimate random-walk probabilities for any length distribution, thereby obtaining fast algorithms for estimating general graph diffusions, including the heat kernel, on undirected networks.Comment: Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW) 201

    PRSim: Sublinear Time SimRank Computation on Large Power-Law Graphs

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    {\it SimRank} is a classic measure of the similarities of nodes in a graph. Given a node uu in graph G=(V,E)G =(V, E), a {\em single-source SimRank query} returns the SimRank similarities s(u,v)s(u, v) between node uu and each node v∈Vv \in V. This type of queries has numerous applications in web search and social networks analysis, such as link prediction, web mining, and spam detection. Existing methods for single-source SimRank queries, however, incur query cost at least linear to the number of nodes nn, which renders them inapplicable for real-time and interactive analysis. { This paper proposes \prsim, an algorithm that exploits the structure of graphs to efficiently answer single-source SimRank queries. \prsim uses an index of size O(m)O(m), where mm is the number of edges in the graph, and guarantees a query time that depends on the {\em reverse PageRank} distribution of the input graph. In particular, we prove that \prsim runs in sub-linear time if the degree distribution of the input graph follows the power-law distribution, a property possessed by many real-world graphs. Based on the theoretical analysis, we show that the empirical query time of all existing SimRank algorithms also depends on the reverse PageRank distribution of the graph.} Finally, we present the first experimental study that evaluates the absolute errors of various SimRank algorithms on large graphs, and we show that \prsim outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, accuracy, index size, and scalability.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 201

    Snake: a Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Regularized Problems over Large Graphs

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    A regularized optimization problem over a large unstructured graph is studied, where the regularization term is tied to the graph geometry. Typical regularization examples include the total variation and the Laplacian regularizations over the graph. When applying the proximal gradient algorithm to solve this problem, there exist quite affordable methods to implement the proximity operator (backward step) in the special case where the graph is a simple path without loops. In this paper, an algorithm, referred to as "Snake", is proposed to solve such regularized problems over general graphs, by taking benefit of these fast methods. The algorithm consists in properly selecting random simple paths in the graph and performing the proximal gradient algorithm over these simple paths. This algorithm is an instance of a new general stochastic proximal gradient algorithm, whose convergence is proven. Applications to trend filtering and graph inpainting are provided among others. Numerical experiments are conducted over large graphs
