51 research outputs found

    Incremental Stochastic Subgradient Algorithms for Convex Optimization

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    In this paper we study the effect of stochastic errors on two constrained incremental sub-gradient algorithms. We view the incremental sub-gradient algorithms as decentralized network optimization algorithms as applied to minimize a sum of functions, when each component function is known only to a particular agent of a distributed network. We first study the standard cyclic incremental sub-gradient algorithm in which the agents form a ring structure and pass the iterate in a cycle. We consider the method with stochastic errors in the sub-gradient evaluations and provide sufficient conditions on the moments of the stochastic errors that guarantee almost sure convergence when a diminishing step-size is used. We also obtain almost sure bounds on the algorithm's performance when a constant step-size is used. We then consider \ram{the} Markov randomized incremental subgradient method, which is a non-cyclic version of the incremental algorithm where the sequence of computing agents is modeled as a time non-homogeneous Markov chain. Such a model is appropriate for mobile networks, as the network topology changes across time in these networks. We establish the convergence results and error bounds for the Markov randomized method in the presence of stochastic errors for diminishing and constant step-sizes, respectively

    A distributed adaptive steplength stochastic approximation method for monotone stochastic Nash Games

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    We consider a distributed stochastic approximation (SA) scheme for computing an equilibrium of a stochastic Nash game. Standard SA schemes employ diminishing steplength sequences that are square summable but not summable. Such requirements provide a little or no guidance for how to leverage Lipschitzian and monotonicity properties of the problem and naive choices generally do not preform uniformly well on a breadth of problems. While a centralized adaptive stepsize SA scheme is proposed in [1] for the optimization framework, such a scheme provides no freedom for the agents in choosing their own stepsizes. Thus, a direct application of centralized stepsize schemes is impractical in solving Nash games. Furthermore, extensions to game-theoretic regimes where players may independently choose steplength sequences are limited to recent work by Koshal et al. [2]. Motivated by these shortcomings, we present a distributed algorithm in which each player updates his steplength based on the previous steplength and some problem parameters. The steplength rules are derived from minimizing an upper bound of the errors associated with players' decisions. It is shown that these rules generate sequences that converge almost surely to an equilibrium of the stochastic Nash game. Importantly, variants of this rule are suggested where players independently select steplength sequences while abiding by an overall coordination requirement. Preliminary numerical results are seen to be promising.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Washington, 201
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