5 research outputs found

    Exploiting Multi-typed Treebanks for Parsing with Deep Multi-task Learning

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    Various treebanks have been released for dependency parsing. Despite that treebanks may belong to different languages or have different annotation schemes, they contain syntactic knowledge that is potential to benefit each other. This paper presents an universal framework for exploiting these multi-typed treebanks to improve parsing with deep multi-task learning. We consider two kinds of treebanks as source: the multilingual universal treebanks and the monolingual heterogeneous treebanks. Multiple treebanks are trained jointly and interacted with multi-level parameter sharing. Experiments on several benchmark datasets in various languages demonstrate that our approach can make effective use of arbitrary source treebanks to improve target parsing models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Deep Temporal Sigmoid Belief Networks for Sequence Modeling

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    Deep dynamic generative models are developed to learn sequential dependencies in time-series data. The multi-layered model is designed by constructing a hierarchy of temporal sigmoid belief networks (TSBNs), defined as a sequential stack of sigmoid belief networks (SBNs). Each SBN has a contextual hidden state, inherited from the previous SBNs in the sequence, and is used to regulate its hidden bias. Scalable learning and inference algorithms are derived by introducing a recognition model that yields fast sampling from the variational posterior. This recognition model is trained jointly with the generative model, by maximizing its variational lower bound on the log-likelihood. Experimental results on bouncing balls, polyphonic music, motion capture, and text streams show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art predictive performance, and has the capacity to synthesize various sequences.Comment: to appear in NIPS 201

    Structured Generative Models of Natural Source Code

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    We study the problem of building generative models of natural source code (NSC); that is, source code written and understood by humans. Our primary contribution is to describe a family of generative models for NSC that have three key properties: First, they incorporate both sequential and hierarchical structure. Second, we learn a distributed representation of source code elements. Finally, they integrate closely with a compiler, which allows leveraging compiler logic and abstractions when building structure into the model. We also develop an extension that includes more complex structure, refining how the model generates identifier tokens based on what variables are currently in scope. Our models can be learned efficiently, and we show empirically that including appropriate structure greatly improves the models, measured by the probability of generating test programs

    Many Languages, One Parser

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    We train one multilingual model for dependency parsing and use it to parse sentences in several languages. The parsing model uses (i) multilingual word clusters and embeddings; (ii) token-level language information; and (iii) language-specific features (fine-grained POS tags). This input representation enables the parser not only to parse effectively in multiple languages, but also to generalize across languages based on linguistic universals and typological similarities, making it more effective to learn from limited annotations. Our parser's performance compares favorably to strong baselines in a range of data scenarios, including when the target language has a large treebank, a small treebank, or no treebank for training

    Incremental sigmoid belief networks for grammar learning

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    We propose a class of Bayesian networks appropriate for structured prediction problems where the Bayesian network’s model structure is a function of the predicted output structure. These incremental sigmoid belief networks (ISBNs) make decoding possible because inference with partial output structures does not require summing over the unboundedly many compatible model structures, due to their directed edges and incrementally specified model structure. ISBNs are specifically targeted at challenging structured prediction problems such as natural language parsing, where learning the domain’s complex statistical dependencies benefits from large numbers of latent variables. While exact inference in ISBNs with large numbers of latent variables is not tractable, we propose two efficient approximations. First, we demonstrate that a previous neural network parsing model can be viewed as a coarse mean-field approximation to inference with ISBNs. We then derive a more accurate but still tractable variational approximation, which proves effective in artificial experiments. We compare the effectiveness of these models on a benchmark natural language parsing task, where they achieve accuracy competitive with the state-of-the-art. The model which is a closer approximation model of natural language grammar learning