5 research outputs found

    Incremental Network Design with Minimum Spanning Trees

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    Given an edge-weighted graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set E0βŠ‚EE_0\subset E, the incremental network design problem with minimum spanning trees asks for a sequence of edges e1β€²,…,eTβ€²βˆˆEβˆ–E0e'_1,\ldots,e'_T\in E\setminus E_0 minimizing βˆ‘t=1Tw(Xt)\sum_{t=1}^Tw(X_t) where w(Xt)w(X_t) is the weight of a minimum spanning tree XtX_t for the subgraph (V,E0βˆͺ{e1β€²,…,etβ€²})(V,E_0\cup\{e'_1,\ldots,e'_t\}) and T=∣Eβˆ–E0∣T=\lvert E\setminus E_0\rvert. We prove that this problem can be solved by a greedy algorithm.Comment: 9 pages, minor revision based on reviewer comment

    Incremental Network Design with Minimum Spanning Trees

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    Given an edge-weighted graph G = (V,E) and a set E0βŠ‚E , the incremental network design problem with minimum spanning trees asks for a sequence of edges eβ€² 1 , … , e β€² T ∈ E βˆ– E 0 minimizing βˆ‘ T t = 1 w ( X t ) where w(Xt) is the weight of a minimum spanning tree Xt for the subgraph (V,E0βˆͺ { e β€² 1 , … , e β€² T } ) and T=|Eβˆ– E 0 |. We prove that this problem can be solved by a greedy algorithm

    Incremental Network Design with Minimum Spanning Trees

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