9,056 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Faculty-Developed Academic Software: A Study of Five iCampus Projects

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    Instruction in higher education must adapt more rapidly to: changes in workforce needs, global issues, advances in disciplines, and resource constraints. The pace of such improvement depends on the speed with which new ideas and materials are adopted across institutions. In 1999 Microsoft pledged $25 million and staff support for iCampus, a seven-year MIT project to develop pioneering uses of educational technology. The TLT Group studied five iCampus projects in order to identify factors affecting institutionalization and widespread dissemination. Among the factors impeding adoption: lack of rewards and support for faculty to adopt innovations; faculty isolation; and a lack of attention to adoption issues among projects selected for funding. The study made recommendations for universities, foundations, government agencies and corporations: 1) continue making education more authentic, active, collaborative, and feedback-rich; 2) create demand to adopt ideas and materials from other sources by encouraging all faculty members to improve and document learning in their programs, year after year; 3) nurture coalitions for instructional improvement, across and within institutions; 4) create more effective higher education corporate alliances; and 5) improve institutional services to support faculty in educational design, software development, assessment methods, formative evaluation, and/or in sharing ideas with others who teach comparable courses

    Open-TEE - An Open Virtual Trusted Execution Environment

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    Hardware-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are widely deployed in mobile devices. Yet their use has been limited primarily to applications developed by the device vendors. Recent standardization of TEE interfaces by GlobalPlatform (GP) promises to partially address this problem by enabling GP-compliant trusted applications to run on TEEs from different vendors. Nevertheless ordinary developers wishing to develop trusted applications face significant challenges. Access to hardware TEE interfaces are difficult to obtain without support from vendors. Tools and software needed to develop and debug trusted applications may be expensive or non-existent. In this paper, we describe Open-TEE, a virtual, hardware-independent TEE implemented in software. Open-TEE conforms to GP specifications. It allows developers to develop and debug trusted applications with the same tools they use for developing software in general. Once a trusted application is fully debugged, it can be compiled for any actual hardware TEE. Through performance measurements and a user study we demonstrate that Open-TEE is efficient and easy to use. We have made Open- TEE freely available as open source.Comment: Author's version of article to appear in 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2015, Helsinki, Finland, August 20-22, 201

    Open Source ERP In Organization: Research Agenda

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    Open Source Software (OSS) is a growing phenomenon, changing the way in which Information Systems (IS) are developed, distributed and implemented. The success of OSS in the worldwide market for operating systems, web servers, and other infrastructure software is substantial. However, it is still infrequent in ERP type application domains, which are said to be impossible to design from an OS angle. While a significant number of research investigate aspects of OS, few researches were dedicated to OS ERP. Based on a review of the academic and professional literature, this paper aims to improve our understanding of the current influence of OS ERP in organizations, to provide a new light on a previously developed topic and to challenge the conventional wisdom in our field which stipulates that there are some areas like ERP applications where OS could not be developed

    When the Sea meets City: Transformation towards a Smart Sea in Finland

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    The Baltic Sea is increasingly becoming a living laboratory for rapid prototyping and testing solutions from cleaner and safer shipping to remote and autonomous navigation. The maritime industry in Finland is rapidly undergoing digital transformation to make activities at sea smarter. A Smart Sea can be understood as an ecosystem across city and sea interface in which businesses, knowledge institutions, citizens, municipal agencies and government collaborate towards shared situational awareness and create value in multiple dimensions – economic, social and environmental. This article presents Smart Sea implementation journey in Finnish public sector through notable improvements and setbacks, and identifies larger transformation effects for the society

    Success factors in technology-push innovation process

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    Teknologian työntövoiman ajama innovaatioprosessi käynnistyy yrityksen sisäisen toiminnan tuloksena. Yritys pyrkii luomaan innovaation ilman, että markkinoilla olisi kysyntää uutta tuotetta kohtaan. Innovaatioiden ympärillä olevaa uuden luomiseen liittyvää prosessia on tutkittu laajasti kirjallisuudessa, mutta teknologian työntövoimaan vaikuttavia menestystekijöitä on silti vaikea listata. Tämän tutkielman on tarkoitus ensin määritellä innovaatio tyypit ja myöhemmin käsitellä teknologian työntövoiman menestystekijöitä jatkaen aiempaan kirjallisuuteen perustuvaa tutkimusta. Tutkimus vastaa kysymykseen, miten luoda menestyvä teknologinen työntö? Aineisto on kerätty aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta, kolmesta haastattelusta, sekä kahdesta case tutkimuksesta. Haastattelut tarjoavat käytännönläheisen näkökulman ja case tutkimukset käsittelevät aihetta kahden yrityksen, Nokian ja Applen avulla. Tutkimustulokset jatkavat aiempaa tutkimusta luomalla kattavamman listan menestykseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että teknologisen työntövoiman innovaatioprosessin menestymiseen vaikuttavat yrityksen yhteistyökyky, organisaatiokulttuuri, riskien hallinta, sekä kyky hyödyntää aiemmin toteutettuja, toimivia ratkaisuja uusissa innovaatioissa.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Design of Services for the Incremental Innovation Management in SMEs

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    [EN] The article presents an empirical study with small and medium Peruvian businesses in the health and hotel industries aiming to develop incremental innovative products and services through insights, ideas generation, and solutions validation at the front-end open innovation strategy. The indirect research of trends, customer journey mapping, ethnography, and direct interaction with users, through in-depth interviews and iterative dynamic group sessions, generated value creation. Small businesses can develop services design according to their human and financial limitations using knowledge management processes based on four axes: scanning the environment, observing, depth interviews, and lean and design thinking. There are alternative paths that take into account and involve a greater collaboration of users that small businesses can explore and exploit in a process aimed at the user. The case study allows concluding that incremental innovation processes do not have to be tedious, uncertain, or expensive for small and medium enterprises.Carvalho-Proença, JJ.; Jiménez-Sáez, F. (2020). Design of Services for the Incremental Innovation Management in SMEs. Universidad & Empresa. 22(39):1-20. https://doi.org/10.12804/revistas.urosario.edu.co/empresa/a.7480120223

    Regulating Black-Box Medicine

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    Data drive modern medicine. And our tools to analyze those data are growing ever more powerful. As health data are collected in greater and greater amounts, sophisticated algorithms based on those data can drive medical innovation, improve the process of care, and increase efficiency. Those algorithms, however, vary widely in quality. Some are accurate and powerful, while others may be riddled with errors or based on faulty science. When an opaque algorithm recommends an insulin dose to a diabetic patient, how do we know that dose is correct? Patients, providers, and insurers face substantial difficulties in identifying high-quality algorithms; they lack both expertise and proprietary information. How should we ensure that medical algorithms are safe and effective? Medical algorithms need regulatory oversight, but that oversight must be appropriately tailored. Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suggested that it will regulate algorithms under its traditional framework, a relatively rigid system that is likely to stifle innovation and to block the development of more flexible, current algorithms. This Article draws upon ideas from the new governance movement to suggest a different path. FDA should pursue a more adaptive regulatory approach with requirements that developers disclose information underlying their algorithms. Disclosure would allow FDA oversight to be supplemented with evaluation by providers, hospitals, and insurers. This collaborative approach would supplement the agency’s review with ongoing real-world feedback from sophisticated market actors. Medical algorithms have tremendous potential, but ensuring that such potential is developed in high-quality ways demands a careful balancing between public and private oversight, and a role for FDA that mediates—but does not dominate—the rapidly developing industry

    An analysis on key factors of Agile Project Management

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    Agile software development is a new method for developing and implementing software. It depends more on ad hoc approaches to planning and control in favor of the more organic processes of teamwork and mutual education. After reviewing several case studies of business initiatives, this chapter defines and describes agile project management. It discusses the historical context of the shift from conventional management's emphasis on top-down supervision and process standardization to agile's emphasis on self-managing teams, with all of the advantages and complications it entails. In this section, you will study the four cornerstones of agile project management: minimal critical specification, self-organizing teams, redundancy, and feedback and learning