106 research outputs found

    Holistic View Of Important Elements For Mobile Commerce Continuance Purchase Intention In Indonesia

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    Perkembangan internet mengubah cara komunikasi dari satu arah menjadi berbagai arah. Selain itu, internet hadir untuk mempermudah kehidupan manusia dengan mempersingkat proses kerja sehingga terciptanya efisiensi. Salah satu industri yang tumbuh melesat adalah perdagangan. Perdagangan digital atau yang marak disebut e-commerce (electronic commerce) merupakan proses penjualan produk dan atau servis melalui media jaringan internet. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan angka penjualan melalui internet yang didominasi oleh pengguna ponsel pintar. Terlebih, pandemi COVID-19 yang mendorong masyarakat beralih berbelanja menggunakan media digital untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus dimana seluruh aktivitas dilakukan melalui genggaman yang kita kenal sebagai m-commerce (mobile commerce). Fenomena ini mendorong para pelaku bisnis menggunakan m-commerce sebagai media penjualan jika ingin mempertahankan roda bisnis. Terdapat banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh pemilik bisnis namun investasi untuk memaksimalkan m-commerce cukup tinggi terutama untuk UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah). Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian sekunder berdasarkan kerangka S-O-R (Stimulus, Organism, Response) untuk melihat stimulan yang paling efektif untuk mendorong konsumen dalam berbelanja berkelanjutan dalam media m-commerce. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan rumusan teori yang selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan untuk memprioritaskan elemen terpenting sehingga pemilik bisnis mampu mengalokasikan investasi terbaik dalam perngembangan m-commerce terutama diantara faktor kesenangan, pelayanan digital, kemanan, desain, kepuasan dan kepercayaan

    Website Design and Trust Elements: A/B Testing on a Start-up\u27s Website

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    Start-ups are young companies that are hardly known, especially during their early stages, by the relevant stakeholders. A start-up\u27s website is, therefore, often the first point of contact for potential customers, investors, or partners. Such a website usually explains the new product or service and presents the founding team with its competencies. The user\u27s perception of the website and its design can be crucial in determining whether the user is interested in getting in touch with the start-up or even considering the purchase of the respective product or service. User’s trust in the website and its operator is essential for this. The so-called trust elements, such as logos, testimonials, or seals, are intended to create trust on websites. So far, the influence of these elements on user behaviour has hardly been empirically proven in a real-life context. Therefore, we have applied the method of A/B testing to the website of a fictive start-up. Trust elements were placed on one variant of the website (A), whereas on the other variant, there were none (B). The experiment shows that the duration of the user sessions does not differ between the two variants. However, more requests were made on the website variant with trust elements

    Cell Phone Banking: Revisiting Predictors of Adoption in South Africa

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    More South African cell phone users now turn their mobile phones into platform for several financial transactions rather than their personal computers. The penetration of cell phone banking has more than doubled in the past few years. This study provides an update on the earlier study conducted by Brown et al. (2003) on the predictors of adoption of cell phone banking in South Africa. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among cell phone banking users that consisted of students, and workers from various fields of employment. A total of 220 questionnaires were gathered from the sampled population of cell phone banking customers. The data were analysed through partial least square with structural equation as well as regression splines. This article examines the most important predictors influencing cell phone banking adoption in South Africa. The results show that utility expectancy and user satisfaction are playing a determinant role in the adoption behaviour of users in South Africa

    Development of an evidence-based medicine mobile application for the use in medical education

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a methodology that is being incorporated into more medical school curricula. Boston University School of Medicine was one of early adopters of Evidence Based Medicine in the United States. A growing concern in the medical community was that the complexities of applying EBM might be lost when students enter into their clinical rotations, thus there is a need for development of a tool to help reinforce the EBM principles. METHODS: The research team in collaboration with the designers of the Finding Information Framework, a custom-made EBM finding information tool, worked to develop a mobile application to help reinforce the framework for medical students. The app was designed with both Apple and PC operating systems in mind. Key features that were identified from current literature to provide the most user-friendly mobile application. Thus, the research team specifically utilized iOS and Android platforms as both platforms have a centralized app store, possess the highest volume of medical apps available, and are most widely used in the United States by medical students. RESULTS: The Finding Information Framework was a custom-made tool developed to guide new users of EBM, and help them to apply the principles in practice. The mobile application served an added convenience by allowing easy access and fast utilization of the EBM tools. The app was designed on an Android platform first due to its open-source OS and ease in app development to new programmers. Initially, the user-friendly web-based tool, App Inventor (AI), powered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology was evaluated to program the pilot Android app. Using both the AI Component Designer and the Block Editor, several problems were encountered in AI, such as the simplicity of the program and the lack of freedom in design. This moved the project to create the app natively and with a collaborative effort with the BU's Global App Initiative club. Initially, a wireframe was built using Balsamiq. Subsequently, the Android app was built using Android SDK and the iOS app was built in XCode with Objective C; both platforms had design sections prepared in Sketch, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The last and final step was to obtain Boston University branding privileges for the app. CONCLUSION: The research team identified necessary features based on research to build a user-friendly, professional mobile application of an information mastery framework that can be used off-line. The app is called FIF as it is the title of the information mastery tool designed by BUSM EBM-VIG. With a clear mobile interface, it will be beneficial to the learning and training of medical students in EBM

    Rethinking Trust in E-Commerce in a Context-aware, Mobile World

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    Privacy invasion, surveillance and profiling are some identified vulnerabilities as a consequence of trusting context-aware technologies such as smart-phones. With PC-enabled e-commerce transactions, the technological ecosystem was smaller with a corresponding simpler chain of trust. Context-aware technologies such as smart-phones are increasingly being used in initiating and completing commercial transactions. It is argued that newer and richer understanding of the issue of trust informed by mobile commerce is important. Research is needed to understand the nature of trust in context-aware technologies. This might lead on the one hand to valuable insights into the effect of the awareness of risks on user behavior and on the other hand, to suggestions on what can or should be done from the retailer or provider’s side to enhance the communication of risks and privacy issues to users

    Impact of consumer trust online on purchasing intentions of young consumer in e-commerce

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    Abstract. The dynamic growth of e-commerce is encompassed by the sale of goods and services by means of telecommunication networks. One of the factors that determine its development is online trust - the relations between online sellers and consumers. In the herein paper, the most important circumstances of consumer trust online have been identified, while also an analysis of its impact on the intentions of entering transactions on websites have been conducted. The principal aim of the authors was to search for answers to the following questions: What is the level of consumer trust online among young people? What factors have an impact on the level of consumer trust of young people? How does consumer trust online have an impact on the intention to continue further relations with the website? In the search for answers to these questions, the method of critical analysis of subject-related literature and survey were applied
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