4 research outputs found

    Analisis Performa Bluetooth pada Sistem Alarm Pengingat Barang yang Tertinggal dengan Smartphone Android

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    Someone sometimes forgets to put their belongings so that they leave them somewhere, it will pose a risk of losing their belongings. To solve this problem, a reminder is needed so that it is expected to minimize the risk of loss. This device implements point-to-point communication from the Bluetooth Low Energy AT-09 transmitter module with Arduino Nano and the receiver module with an Android smartphone. This reminder device will activate an alarm on the Android smartphone application when the two modules are more than 5 meters away. The measured distance is converted from the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) value received by the smartphone which is affected by obstructions, packet loss, and delay. Based on the test results, at a distance of 5 meters, the system can be connected and work properly, in unobstructed conditions (Line of Sight) or obstructed conditions (Non-Line of Sight). In the blocked condition, it has a packet loss of 1.1% to 4.4%, the received signal strength (RSSI) has decreased the value to a difference of -8 dBm, and the delay time is 2 seconds.Seseorang terkadang lupa meletakkan barang bawaannya sehingga tertinggal suatu tempat, hal itu akan menimbulkan resiko kehilangan barang. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka dibutuhkan sebuah perangkat reminder (pengingat) sehingga diharapkan dapat meminimalisir resiko kehilangan. Perangkat ini menerapkan komunikasi point to point dari modul pemancar Bluetooth Low Energy AT-09 dengan arduino nano dan modul penerima dengan smartphone Android. Perangkat reminder ini akan mengaktifkan alarm pada aplikasi smartphone Android saat kedua modul berjarak lebih dari 5 meter. Jarak yang terukur dikonversi dari nilai Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) yang diterima oleh smartphone yang dipengaruhi oleh penghalang, packet loss, dan delay. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, pada jarak 5 meter sistem dapat terhubung dan bekerja dengan baik, dalam kondisi tidak terhalang (Line of Sight) maupun kondisi terhalang ( Non Line ofSight). Pada kondisi terhalang memiliki packet loss sebesar 1,1% sampai dengan 4,4%, kuat sinyal yang diterima (RSSI) mengalami penurunan nilai mencapai selisih -8, dan waktu delay 2 detik

    Committee "Robust adaptive genetic K-Means algorithm using greedy selection for clustering"

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