5 research outputs found

    From moral concern to moral constraint

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    Current research into the neural basis of moral decision-making endorses a common theme: The mechanisms we use to make value-guided decisions concerning each other are remarkably similar to those we use to make value-guided decisions for ourselves. In other words, moral decisions are just another kind of ordinary decision. Yet, there is something unsettling about this conclusion: We often feel as if morality places an absolute constraint on our behavior, in a way unlike ordinary personal concerns. What is the neural and psychological basis of this feeling of moral constraint? Several models are considered and outstanding questions highlighted. Moral decisions are hard to make and fun to study. Suppose a woman notices $20 laying by the shoes of a stranger at the front of a checkout line. Her eyes linger on the orphaned bill. Will she point out the money to the customer who may have dropped it, or wait a moment until it can be discreetly pocketed? Watching this moment of uncertainty imparts a vicarious thrill because, to varying degrees, her competing motives are shared by us all. Psychology and neuroscience have much to say about her motive to keep the money. In fact, the integration of computational, neurobiological and psychological models to explain value-guided learning and choice stands out as one of the foremost accomplishments of contemporary behavioral research Attempts to define morality typically focus on two candidate features. The first is concern for others' welfare, which is emphasized in utilitarian or consequentialist philosophical theories. The second key feature is the concept of an absolute constraint, rule or law. This approach finds its philosophical apogee in the work of Kant. Following the lead of some philosophers, we could seek to refine a single and exact definition of the moral domain. This is a promising avenue if we wish to spend centuries gridlocked in intractable and often arcane debate. Recently, however, psychologists have charted a different course by arguing that moral cognition comprises multiple distinct but interrelated mechanisms Thus, research into the neuroscience of morality faces at least two big questions. First, what mechanisms acquire and encode moral concern: the value of others' welfare, ultimately allowing us to make decisions that flexibly trade off between interests when they collide? Second, what mechanisms acquire and encode the sense of moral constraint: the representation and value of a moral rule, or law? We have an impressive grip on the first issue, but are startling empty-handed on the second. Moral concern There are two principle literatures on the neuroscience of other-oriented concern. One interrogates the neural substrates of the perception of pain or reward in othersthat is, the basis of empathy. The second interrogates the neural substrates of decision-making on behalf of others. Both of these literatures converge on a common conclusion: The mechanisms we use to encode value and make decisions for ourselves are largely overlapping with those we use for others. The affective experience of pain or otherwise unpleasant experience activates a characteristic network of brain regions including anterior cingulate cortex and anterior insula, along with brainstem and regions of the cerebellum. Numerous studies show a similar network of activation (although not perfectly identical) when people observe pain in others Moral constraint In contrast to the well-developed literature on welfare concerns, we know little about how the brain represents moral rules as absolute constraints on behavior. Current research does, however, offer two promising approaches. One possibility is that our sense of inviolable moral rules comes from a unique kind of value representation principally designed to guide our own decision-making. Another possibility is that moral rules are grounded in psychological mechanisms principally designed to judge the actions of others. Model-free moral values A dominant theme of research in the last decade is that our sense of moral constraint derives from a unique kind of value representation -that strong rules are grounded in strong feelings. According to one early and influential proposal, the dual process model, controlled cognitive processes are responsible for utilitarian-like assignment of value to welfare while affective processes are responsible for the sense of inviolable constraint on 'up-close and personal' harms Two recent proposals attempt to translate this insight into the language of contemporary computational cognitive models of decision-making A key test for model-based versus model-free control is to assess whether a person continues to value an action even when it's connection to reward has been broken. A modelbased system immediately devalues the action because it plays no productive role in maximizing expected outcomes, whereas a model-free learning system continues to assign value to the action based on its prior history of reward. In this sense, model-free algorithms assign value directly to actions, whereas model-based algorithms assign value to outcomes and then derive action values via online planning. Many moral norms exhibit this signature property of model-free valuation. For instance, some American travelers feel compelled to tip foreign waiters 20% even when there is no such local norm. Presumably this does not reflect an underlying concern for the relevant outcome (well-funded foreign waitstaffs), but rather the habit-like internalization of an action-based value: Good service requires a tip. Indeed, evidence suggests that such altruistic actions are supported by internalized norms deployed automatically Research on habit learning has centered largely on the computational role of dopaminergic targets in the basal ganglia. Current neuropsychological research provides little association, however, between abnormal moral behavior and insult to the basal ganglia. Moreover, motor habits triggered by the basal ganglia are typically not accompanied by the subjective experience of value in the way that morals are: Tying your shoes feels automatic, but not desperately important. A more likely candidate for the encoding of action-based moral values is the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) There is, however, one major shortcoming of using model-free value assignment as basis for understanding our sense of 'moral constraint' as inviolable or absolute: These values are designed precisely in order to trade off against each other. Put colloquially, the application of reinforcement learning principles to the moral domain can help us to understand why murder always feels highly undesirable, but it is challenged to explain why murder would ever feel strictly forbidden (for instance, when the alternative is associated with an even less desirable model-free value). There are three ways out of this dilemma. One is to insist that the value assignments to moral concerns are simply very, very strong -so strong that they feel like inviolable constraints. The second is to suppose that a moral rule ('murder is wrong') feels inviolable not because the value assigned to it is extremely great, but rather because the content of the rule takes a law-like form. The third possibility is that our sense of inviolability comes from somewhere else entirely. These possibilities are not strictly exclusive of each other, and each deserves further research. Third-party evaluation One of the reasons that moral rules might feel inviolable is because we apply them universally -not just to ourselves, but to others. A rich tradition of psychological research maps the criteria we use to decide whether others have acted rightly or wrongly. Two particular criteria play a foundational role: Who did what (i.e., the causal role that a person plays in bring about harm), and whether they meant to (i.e., their intent or foresight of that harm) Intent-based moral judgment depends on a network of brain regions that have long been implicated in mental state reasoning, including medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), posterior cingulate and right and left temporoparietal junction (TPJ) In contrast, research into the neural basis of the 'harm/ causation' criterion is underdeveloped. At least two studies suggest that the amygdala may play a key role in encoding the negative value associated with harmful outcomes [5 ,44]. It is less clear what neural substrates contribute to the perception of moral responsibility: The causal link between an agent and a harm that supports our sense of condemnation and revenge. Some evidence indicates a role for the frontoparietal control network, and especially the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex A distinct line of research, however, provides some support for the application of common mechanisms to thirdparty judgment and first-person decision-making. In addition to condemning harmful action, people also condemn actions that are unfair. Studies of responder behavior in the ultimatum game find that the anterior insula (AI) responds more to unfair offers than to fair offers, and that responses of a greater magnitude are associated with an increased likelihood of spiteful punishment Moral rules How can cognitive neuroscience address the origin and application of moral rules? As this review attests, we have made great progress by treating non-moral cognition as a blueprint that exhaustively details the constituent mechanisms available to moral cognition. But, we may need to think of non-moral cognition not as a complete blueprint, but instead as an underlying scaffold: A framework of common elements that supports a structure of more unique design. What kind of structure are we looking for? We have tended to take as our object of study the moral decision: A determination of what to do, whom to trust, what is wrong, and so forth. Perhaps it is an apt moment to introduce an additional object of study: moral rules. This would position us to understand morality not only as the collection of concerns, but also a source of constraint

    Humor Affects Fairness Considerations in the Gain and Loss Contexts

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    Human decision-making behaviors in social contexts are largely driven by fairness considerations. The dual-process model suggests that in addition to cognitive processes, emotion contributes to economic decision-making. Although humor, as an effective emotional regulation strategy to induce positive emotion, may influence an individual’s emotional state and decision-making behavior, previous studies have not examined how humor modulates fairness-related responses in the gain and loss contexts simultaneously. This study uses the Ultimatum Game (UG) in gain and loss contexts to explore this issue. The results show, in the gain context, viewing humorous pictures compared to humorless pictures increased acceptance rates and this effect was moderated by the offer size. However, we did not find the same effect in the loss context. These findings indicate that humor’s affection for fairness considerations may depend on the context and provide insight into the finite power of humor in human sociality, cooperation and norm compliance

    Common and distinct equity preferences in children and adults

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    Fairness plays a crucial role in children’s social life and has garnered considerable attention. However, previous research and theories primarily examined the development of children’s fairness behaviors in the conflict between self-interest motivation and fairness-complying motivation, neglecting the influence of advantage-seeking motivation. Moreover, despite the well-established role of gain/loss frame in human decision-making, it remains largely unclear whether the framing effect modulates fairness behaviors in children. It was hypothesized that children would exhibit advantage-seeking motivation resulting in more selfish behaviors in the loss context. To examine the hypothesis, we combined an adapted dictator game and computational modeling to investigate various motivations underlying fairness behaviors of children in both loss and gain contexts and to explore the developmental directions by contrasting children and adults. In addition, the current design enabled the dissociation between fairness knowledge and behaviors by asking participants to decide for themselves (the first-party role) or for others (the third-party role). This study recruited a total of 34 children (9–10 years, Mage = 9.82, SDage = 0.38, 16 females) and 31 college students (Mage = 19.81, SDage = 1.40, 17 females). The behavioral results indicated that children behaved more selfishly in first-party and more fairly in third-party than adults, without any significant framing effects. The computational results revealed that both children and adults exhibited aversion to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity in third-party. However, they showed distinct preferences for advantageous inequity in first-party, with advantage-seeking preferences among children and aversion to advantageous inequity among adults. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of children’s social preferences and their developmental directions