29,873 research outputs found

    Incidences with Curves in ℝ^d

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    We prove that the number of incidences between m points and n bounded-degree curves with k degrees of freedom in R^d is I(P, C) = O (mdk-d+1/^k +ε_n^(dk)−d−+1/dk-d + ∑^(d-1)/_(j=2) m/jk−j+1+/k ε_n d(j−1)(k−1)/(d−1)(jk−j+1) q_j /(d−j)(k−1) (d−1)(jk−j+1) +m + n), where the constant of proportionality depends on k, ε and d, for any ε > 0, provided that no j-dimensional surface of degree c_j (k, d, ε), a constant parameter depending on k, d, j, and ε, contains more than q_j input curves, and that the q_j ’s satisfy certain mild conditions. This bound generalizes a recent result of Sharir and Solomon [20] concerning point-line incidences in four dimensions (where d = 4 and k = 2), and partly generalizes a recent result of Guth [8] (as well as the earlier bound of Guth and Katz [10]) in three dimensions (Guth’s three-dimensional bound has a better dependency on q). It also improves a recent d-dimensional general incidence bound by Fox, Pach, Sheffer, Suk, and Zahl [7], in the special case of incidences with algebraic curves. Our results are also related to recent works by Dvir and Gopi [4] and by Hablicsek and Scherr [11] concerning rich lines in high-dimensional spaces

    Bounds of incidences between points and algebraic curves

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    We prove new bounds on the number of incidences between points and higher degree algebraic curves. The key ingredient is an improved initial bound, which is valid for all fields. Then we apply the polynomial method to obtain global bounds on R\mathbb{R} and C\mathbb{C}.Comment: 11 page

    Point-curve incidences in the complex plane

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    We prove an incidence theorem for points and curves in the complex plane. Given a set of mm points in R2{\mathbb R}^2 and a set of nn curves with kk degrees of freedom, Pach and Sharir proved that the number of point-curve incidences is O(mk2k1n2k22k1+m+n)O\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big). We establish the slightly weaker bound Oε(mk2k1+εn2k22k1+m+n)O_\varepsilon\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}+\varepsilon}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big) on the number of incidences between mm points and nn (complex) algebraic curves in C2{\mathbb C}^2 with kk degrees of freedom. We combine tools from algebraic geometry and differential geometry to prove a key technical lemma that controls the number of complex curves that can be contained inside a real hypersurface. This lemma may be of independent interest to other researchers proving incidence theorems over C{\mathbb C}.Comment: The proof was significantly simplified, and now relies on the Picard-Lindelof theorem, rather than on foliation

    Ramsey-type theorems for lines in 3-space

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    We prove geometric Ramsey-type statements on collections of lines in 3-space. These statements give guarantees on the size of a clique or an independent set in (hyper)graphs induced by incidence relations between lines, points, and reguli in 3-space. Among other things, we prove that: (1) The intersection graph of n lines in R^3 has a clique or independent set of size Omega(n^{1/3}). (2) Every set of n lines in R^3 has a subset of n^{1/2} lines that are all stabbed by one line, or a subset of Omega((n/log n)^{1/5}) such that no 6-subset is stabbed by one line. (3) Every set of n lines in general position in R^3 has a subset of Omega(n^{2/3}) lines that all lie on a regulus, or a subset of Omega(n^{1/3}) lines such that no 4-subset is contained in a regulus. The proofs of these statements all follow from geometric incidence bounds -- such as the Guth-Katz bound on point-line incidences in R^3 -- combined with Tur\'an-type results on independent sets in sparse graphs and hypergraphs. Although similar Ramsey-type statements can be proved using existing generic algebraic frameworks, the lower bounds we get are much larger than what can be obtained with these methods. The proofs directly yield polynomial-time algorithms for finding subsets of the claimed size.Comment: 18 pages including appendi