5 research outputs found

    A Fast Minimum Degree Algorithm and Matching Lower Bound

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    The minimum degree algorithm is one of the most widely-used heuristics for reducing the cost of solving large sparse systems of linear equations. It has been studied for nearly half a century and has a rich history of bridging techniques from data structures, graph algorithms, and scientific computing. In this paper, we present a simple but novel combinatorial algorithm for computing an exact minimum degree elimination ordering in O(nm)O(nm) time, which improves on the best known time complexity of O(n3)O(n^3) and offers practical improvements for sparse systems with small values of mm. Our approach leverages a careful amortized analysis, which also allows us to derive output-sensitive bounds for the running time of O(min{mm+,Δm+}logn)O(\min\{m\sqrt{m^+}, \Delta m^+\} \log n), where m+m^+ is the number of unique fill edges and original edges that the algorithm encounters and Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph. Furthermore, we show there cannot exist an exact minimum degree algorithm that runs in O(nm1ε)O(nm^{1-\varepsilon}) time, for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0, assuming the strong exponential time hypothesis. This fine-grained reduction goes through the orthogonal vectors problem and uses a new low-degree graph construction called UU-fillers, which act as pathological inputs and cause any minimum degree algorithm to exhibit nearly worst-case performance. With these two results, we nearly characterize the time complexity of computing an exact minimum degree ordering.Comment: 17 page

    Graph Sketching Against Adaptive Adversaries Applied to the Minimum Degree Algorithm

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    Motivated by the study of matrix elimination orderings in combinatorial scientific computing, we utilize graph sketching and local sampling to give a data structure that provides access to approximate fill degrees of a matrix undergoing elimination in O(polylog(n))O(\text{polylog}(n)) time per elimination and query. We then study the problem of using this data structure in the minimum degree algorithm, which is a widely-used heuristic for producing elimination orderings for sparse matrices by repeatedly eliminating the vertex with (approximate) minimum fill degree. This leads to a nearly-linear time algorithm for generating approximate greedy minimum degree orderings. Despite extensive studies of algorithms for elimination orderings in combinatorial scientific computing, our result is the first rigorous incorporation of randomized tools in this setting, as well as the first nearly-linear time algorithm for producing elimination orderings with provable approximation guarantees. While our sketching data structure readily works in the oblivious adversary model, by repeatedly querying and greedily updating itself, it enters the adaptive adversarial model where the underlying sketches become prone to failure due to dependency issues with their internal randomness. We show how to use an additional sampling procedure to circumvent this problem and to create an independent access sequence. Our technique for decorrelating the interleaved queries and updates to this randomized data structure may be of independent interest.Comment: 58 pages, 3 figures. This is a substantially revised version of arXiv:1711.08446 with an emphasis on the underlying theoretical problem

    Inapproximability of Treewidth and Related Problems

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