2 research outputs found

    Metric embedding with outliers

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    We initiate the study of metric embeddings with \emph{outliers}. Given some metric space (X,ρ)(X,\rho) we wish to find a small set of outlier points KXK \subset X and either an isometric or a low-distortion embedding of (XK,ρ)(X\setminus K,\rho) into some target metric space. This is a natural problem that captures scenarios where a small fraction of points in the input corresponds to noise. For the case of isometric embeddings we derive polynomial-time approximation algorithms for minimizing the number of outliers when the target space is an ultrametric, a tree metric, or constant-dimensional Euclidean space. The approximation factors are 3, 4 and 2, respectively. For the case of embedding into an ultrametric or tree metric, we further improve the running time to O(n2)O(n^2) for an nn-point input metric space, which is optimal. We complement these upper bounds by showing that outlier embedding into ultrametrics, trees, and dd-dimensional Euclidean space for any d2d\geq 2 are all NP-hard, as well as NP-hard to approximate within a factor better than 2 assuming the Unique Game Conjecture. For the case of non-isometries we consider embeddings with small \ell_{\infty} distortion. We present polynomial-time \emph{bi-criteria} approximation algorithms. Specifically, given some ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, let kϵk_\epsilon denote the minimum number of outliers required to obtain an embedding with distortion ϵ\epsilon. For the case of embedding into ultrametrics we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm which computes a set of at most 3kϵ3k_{\epsilon} outliers and an embedding of the remaining points into an ultrametric with distortion O(ϵlogn)O(\epsilon \log n). For embedding a metric of unit diameter into constant-dimensional Euclidean space we present a polynomial-time algorithm which computes a set of at most 2kϵ2k_{\epsilon} outliers and an embedding of the remaining points with distortion O(ϵ)O(\sqrt{\epsilon})

    Inapproximability for planar embedding problems

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    We consider the problem of computing a minimumdistortion bijection between two point-sets in R 2.Weprove the first non-trivial inapproximability result for this problem, for the case when the distortion is constant. More precisely, we show that there exist constants 0 <α<β, such that it is NP-hard to distinguish between spaces for which the distortion is either at most α, oratleastβ, under the Euclidean norm. This addresses a question of Kenyon, Rabani and Sinclair [KRS04], and extends a result due to Papadimitriou and Safra [PS05], who gave inapproximability for point-sets in R 3. We also apply similar ideas to the problem of computing a minimum-distortion embedding of a finite metric space into R 2. We obtain an analogous inapproximability result under the ℓ ∞ norm for this problem. Inapproximability for the case of constant distortion was previously known only for dimension at least 3 [MS08].