4,366 research outputs found

    In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification

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    In the past few years, the field of computer vision has gone through a revolution fueled mainly by the advent of large datasets and the adoption of deep convolutional neural networks for end-to-end learning. The person re-identification subfield is no exception to this. Unfortunately, a prevailing belief in the community seems to be that the triplet loss is inferior to using surrogate losses (classification, verification) followed by a separate metric learning step. We show that, for models trained from scratch as well as pretrained ones, using a variant of the triplet loss to perform end-to-end deep metric learning outperforms most other published methods by a large margin.Comment: Lucas Beyer and Alexander Hermans contributed equally. Updates: Minor fixes, new SOTA comparisons, add CUHK03 result

    MassFace: an efficient implementation using triplet loss for face recognition

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    In this paper we present an efficient implementation using triplet loss for face recognition. We conduct the practical experiment to analyze the factors that influence the training of triplet loss. All models are trained on CASIA-Webface dataset and tested on LFW. We analyze the experiment results and give some insights to help others balance the factors when they apply triplet loss to their own problem especially for face recognition task. Code has been released in https://github.com/yule-li/MassFace

    In Defense of the Classification Loss for Person Re-Identification

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    The recent research for person re-identification has been focused on two trends. One is learning the part-based local features to form more informative feature descriptors. The other is designing effective metric learning loss functions such as the triplet loss family. We argue that learning global features with classification loss could achieve the same goal, even with some simple and cost-effective architecture design. In this paper, we first explain why the person re-id framework with standard classification loss usually has inferior performance compared to metric learning. Based on that, we further propose a person re-id framework featured by channel grouping and multi-branch strategy, which divides global features into multiple channel groups and learns the discriminative channel group features by multi-branch classification layers. The extensive experiments show that our framework outperforms prior state-of-the-arts in terms of both accuracy and inference speed

    Metric Attack and Defense for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-ID) has attracted much attention recently due to its great importance in video surveillance. In general, distance metrics used to identify two person images are expected to be robust under various appearance changes. However, our work observes the extreme vulnerability of existing distance metrics to adversarial examples, generated by simply adding human-imperceptible perturbations to person images. Hence, the security danger is dramatically increased when deploying commercial re-ID systems in video surveillance. Although adversarial examples have been extensively applied for classification analysis, it is rarely studied in metric analysis like person re-identification. The most likely reason is the natural gap between the training and testing of re-ID networks, that is, the predictions of a re-ID network cannot be directly used during testing without an effective metric. In this work, we bridge the gap by proposing Adversarial Metric Attack, a parallel methodology to adversarial classification attacks. Comprehensive experiments clearly reveal the adversarial effects in re-ID systems. Meanwhile, we also present an early attempt of training a metric-preserving network, thereby defending the metric against adversarial attacks. At last, by benchmarking various adversarial settings, we expect that our work can facilitate the development of adversarial attack and defense in metric-based applications

    VOC-ReID: Vehicle Re-identification based on Vehicle-Orientation-Camera

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    Vehicle re-identification is a challenging task due to high intra-class variances and small inter-class variances. In this work, we focus on the failure cases caused by similar background and shape. They pose serve bias on similarity, making it easier to neglect fine-grained information. To reduce the bias, we propose an approach named VOC-ReID, taking the triplet vehicle-orientation-camera as a whole and reforming background/shape similarity as camera/orientation re-identification. At first, we train models for vehicle, orientation and camera re-identification respectively. Then we use orientation and camera similarity as penalty to get final similarity. Besides, we propose a high performance baseline boosted by bag of tricks and weakly supervised data augmentation. Our algorithm achieves the second place in vehicle re-identification at the NVIDIA AI City Challenge 2020.Comment: AICity2020 Challenge, CVPR 2020 workshop, code avaible at github(link in abstract

    Cross-Resolution Person Re-identification with Deep Antithetical Learning

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    Images with different resolutions are ubiquitous in public person re-identification (ReID) datasets and real-world scenes, it is thus crucial for a person ReID model to handle the image resolution variations for improving its generalization ability. However, most existing person ReID methods pay little attention to this resolution discrepancy problem. One paradigm to deal with this problem is to use some complicated methods for mapping all images into an artificial image space, which however will disrupt the natural image distribution and requires heavy image preprocessing. In this paper, we analyze the deficiencies of several widely-used objective functions handling image resolution discrepancies and propose a new framework called deep antithetical learning that directly learns from the natural image space rather than creating an arbitrary one. We first quantify and categorize original training images according to their resolutions. Then we create an antithetical training set and make sure that original training images have counterparts with antithetical resolutions in this new set. At last, a novel Contrastive Center Loss(CCL) is proposed to learn from images with different resolutions without being interfered by their resolution discrepancies. Extensive experimental analyses and evaluations indicate that the proposed framework, even using a vanilla deep ReID network, exhibits remarkable performance improvements. Without bells and whistles, our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin

    ReadNet:Towards Accurate ReID with Limited and Noisy Samples

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    Person re-identification (ReID) is an essential cross-camera retrieval task to identify pedestrians. However, the photo number of each pedestrian usually differs drastically, and thus the data limitation and imbalance problem hinders the prediction accuracy greatly. Additionally, in real-world applications, pedestrian images are captured by different surveillance cameras, so the noisy camera related information, such as the lights, perspectives and resolutions, result in inevitable domain gaps for ReID algorithms. These challenges bring difficulties to current deep learning methods with triplet loss for coping with such problems. To address these challenges, this paper proposes ReadNet, an adversarial camera network (ACN) with an angular triplet loss (ATL). In detail, ATL focuses on learning the angular distance among different identities to mitigate the effect of data imbalance, and guarantees a linear decision boundary as well, while ACN takes the camera discriminator as a game opponent of feature extractor to filter camera related information to bridge the multi-camera gaps. ReadNet is designed to be flexible so that either ATL or ACN can be deployed independently or simultaneously. The experiment results on various benchmark datasets have shown that ReadNet can deliver better prediction performance than current state-of-the-art methods

    Triplet Distillation for Deep Face Recognition

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved a great success in face recognition, which unfortunately comes at the cost of massive computation and storage consumption. Many compact face recognition networks are thus proposed to resolve this problem. Triplet loss is effective to further improve the performance of those compact models. However, it normally employs a fixed margin to all the samples, which neglects the informative similarity structures between different identities. In this paper, we propose an enhanced version of triplet loss, named triplet distillation, which exploits the capability of a teacher model to transfer the similarity information to a small model by adaptively varying the margin between positive and negative pairs. Experiments on LFW, AgeDB, and CPLFW datasets show the merits of our method compared to the original triplet loss.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables, accpeted by ICML 2019 ODML-CDNNR Worksho

    Person Re-identification Using Visual Attention

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    Despite recent attempts for solving the person re-identification problem, it remains a challenging task since a person's appearance can vary significantly when large variations in view angle, human pose, and illumination are involved. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on using a gradient-based attention mechanism in deep convolution neural network for solving the person re-identification problem. Our model learns to focus selectively on parts of the input image for which the networks' output is most sensitive to and processes them with high resolution while perceiving the surrounding image in low resolution. Extensive comparative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on the challenging CUHK01, CUHK03, and Market 1501 datasets.Comment: Published at IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 201

    Metric Embedding Autoencoders for Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Transfer Learning

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    Cross-dataset transfer learning is an important problem in person re-identification (Re-ID). Unfortunately, not too many deep transfer Re-ID models exist for realistic settings of practical Re-ID systems. We propose a purely deep transfer Re-ID model consisting of a deep convolutional neural network and an autoencoder. The latent code is divided into metric embedding and nuisance variables. We then utilize an unsupervised training method that does not rely on co-training with non-deep models. Our experiments show improvements over both the baseline and competitors' transfer learning models.Comment: ICANN 2018 (The 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks) proceedin
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