3 research outputs found

    In Cyber-Space No One Can Hear You S·CREAM, A Root Cause Analysis for Socio-Technical Security

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    Inspired by the root cause analysis techniques that in the field of safety research and practice help investigators understand the reasons of an incident, this paper investigates the use of root cause analysis in security. We aim at providing a systematic method for the security analyst to identify the socio-technical attack modes that can potentially endanger a system’s security

    From Situation Awareness to Action: An Information Security Management Toolkit for Socio-Technical Security Retrospective and Prospective Analysis

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    Inspired by the root cause analysis procedures common in safety, we propose a methodology for a prospective and a retrospective analysis of security and a tool that implements it. When applied prospectively, the methodology guides analysts to assess socio-technical vulnerabilities in a system, helping them to evaluate their choices in designing security policies and controls. But the methodology works also retrospectively. It assists analysts in retrieving the causes of an observed socio-technical attack, guiding them to understand where the information security management of the system has failed. The methodology is tuned to find causes that root in the human-related factors that an attacher can exploit to execute its intrusion

    Socio-Technical Aspects of Security Analysis

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    This thesis seeks to establish a semi-automatic methodology for security analysis when users are considered part of the system. The thesis explores this challenge, which we refer to as ‘socio-technical security analysis’. We consider that a socio-technical vulnerability is the conjunction of a human behaviour, the factors that foster the occurrence of this behaviour, and a system. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate which human-related factors should be considered in system security, and how to incorporate these identified factors into an analysis framework. Finding a way to systematically detect, in a system, the socio-technical vulnerabilities that can stem from insecure human behaviours, along with the factors that influence users into engaging in these behaviours is a long journey that we can summarise in three research questions: 1. How can we detect a socio-technical vulnerability in a system? 2. How can we identify in the interactions between a system and its users, the human behaviours that can harm this system’s security? 3. How can we identify the factors that foster human behaviours that are harmful to a system’s security? A review of works that aim at bringing social sciences findings into security analysis reveals that there is no unified way to do it. Identifying the points where users can harm a system’s security, and clarifying what factors can foster an insecure behaviour is a complex matter. Hypotheses can arise about the usability of the system, aspects pertaining to the user or the organisational context but there is no way to find and test them all. Further, there is currently no way to systematically integrate the results regarding hypotheses we tested in a security analysis. Thus, we identify two objectives related to these methodological challenges that this thesis aims at fulfilling in its contributions: 1. What form should a framework that intends to identify harmful behaviours for security, and to investigate the factors that foster their occurrence take? 2. What form should a semi-automatic, or tool-assisted methodology for the security analysis of socio-technical systems take? The thesis provides partial answers to the questions. First it defines a methodological framework called STEAL that provides a common ground for an interdisciplinary approach to security analysis. STEAL supports the interaction between computer scientists and social scientists by providing a common reference model to describe a system with its human and non-human components, potential attacks and defences, and the surrounding context. We validate STEAL in a two experimental studies, showing the role of the context and graphical cues in Wi-Fi networks’ security. Then the thesis complements STEAL with a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methodology for security inspired from the ones used in safety. This methodology, called S·CREAM aims at being more systematic than the research methods that can be used with STEAL (surveys for instance) and at providing reusable findings for analysing security. To do so, S·CREAM provides a retrospective analysis to identify the factors that can explain the success of past attacks and a methodology to compile these factors in a form that allows for the consideration of their potential effects on a system’s security, given an attacker Threat Model. The thesis also illustrates how we developed a tool—the S·CREAM assistant— that supports the methodology with an extensible knowledge base and computer-supported reasoning