300 research outputs found

    Filling the G_ap_s: Multivariate Time Series Imputation by Graph Neural Networks

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    Dealing with missing values and incomplete time series is a labor-intensive, tedious, inevitable task when handling data coming from real-world applications. Effective spatio-temporal representations would allow imputation methods to reconstruct missing temporal data by exploiting information coming from sensors at different locations. However, standard methods fall short in capturing the nonlinear time and space dependencies existing within networks of interconnected sensors and do not take full advantage of the available - and often strong - relational information. Notably, most state-of-the-art imputation methods based on deep learning do not explicitly model relational aspects and, in any case, do not exploit processing frameworks able to adequately represent structured spatio-temporal data. Conversely, graph neural networks have recently surged in popularity as both expressive and scalable tools for processing sequential data with relational inductive biases. In this work, we present the first assessment of graph neural networks in the context of multivariate time series imputation. In particular, we introduce a novel graph neural network architecture, named GRIN, which aims at reconstructing missing data in the different channels of a multivariate time series by learning spatio-temporal representations through message passing. Empirical results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the imputation task on relevant real-world benchmarks with mean absolute error improvements often higher than 20%.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 202

    Missing Value Imputation for Multi-attribute Sensor Data Streams via Message Propagation (Extended Version)

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    Sensor data streams occur widely in various real-time applications in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). However, sensor data streams feature missing values due to factors such as sensor failures, communication errors, or depleted batteries. Missing values can compromise the quality of real-time analytics tasks and downstream applications. Existing imputation methods either make strong assumptions about streams or have low efficiency. In this study, we aim to accurately and efficiently impute missing values in data streams that satisfy only general characteristics in order to benefit real-time applications more widely. First, we propose a message propagation imputation network (MPIN) that is able to recover the missing values of data instances in a time window. We give a theoretical analysis of why MPIN is effective. Second, we present a continuous imputation framework that consists of data update and model update mechanisms to enable MPIN to perform continuous imputation both effectively and efficiently. Extensive experiments on multiple real datasets show that MPIN can outperform the existing data imputers by wide margins and that the continuous imputation framework is efficient and accurate.Comment: Accepted at VLDB 202

    STING: Self-attention based Time-series Imputation Networks using GAN

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    Time series data are ubiquitous in real-world applications. However, one of the most common problems is that the time series data could have missing values by the inherent nature of the data collection process. So imputing missing values from multivariate (correlated) time series data is imperative to improve a prediction performance while making an accurate data-driven decision. Conventional works for imputation simply delete missing values or fill them based on mean/zero. Although recent works based on deep neural networks have shown remarkable results, they still have a limitation to capture the complex generation process of the multivariate time series. In this paper, we propose a novel imputation method for multivariate time series data, called STING (Self-attention based Time-series Imputation Networks using GAN). We take advantage of generative adversarial networks and bidirectional recurrent neural networks to learn latent representations of the time series. In addition, we introduce a novel attention mechanism to capture the weighted correlations of the whole sequence and avoid potential bias brought by unrelated ones. Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that STING outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of imputation accuracy as well as downstream tasks with the imputed values therein.Comment: 10 pages. This paper is an accepted version by ICDM'21. The published version is https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/967918

    Learning to Reconstruct Missing Data from Spatiotemporal Graphs with Sparse Observations

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    Modeling multivariate time series as temporal signals over a (possibly dynamic) graph is an effective representational framework that allows for developing models for time series analysis. In fact, discrete sequences of graphs can be processed by autoregressive graph neural networks to recursively learn representations at each discrete point in time and space. Spatiotemporal graphs are often highly sparse, with time series characterized by multiple, concurrent, and long sequences of missing data, e.g., due to the unreliable underlying sensor network. In this context, autoregressive models can be brittle and exhibit unstable learning dynamics. The objective of this paper is, then, to tackle the problem of learning effective models to reconstruct, i.e., impute, missing data points by conditioning the reconstruction only on the available observations. In particular, we propose a novel class of attention-based architectures that, given a set of highly sparse discrete observations, learn a representation for points in time and space by exploiting a spatiotemporal propagation architecture aligned with the imputation task. Representations are trained end-to-end to reconstruct observations w.r.t. the corresponding sensor and its neighboring nodes. Compared to the state of the art, our model handles sparse data without propagating prediction errors or requiring a bidirectional model to encode forward and backward time dependencies. Empirical results on representative benchmarks show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202
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