19 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy of the k-shell method by removing redundant links-from a perspective of spreading dynamics

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    Recent study shows that the accuracy of the k-shell method in determining node coreness in a spreading process is largely impacted due to the existence of core-like group, which has a large k-shell index but a low spreading efficiency. Based on analysis of the structure of core-like groups in real-world networks, we discover that nodes in the core-like group are mutually densely connected with very few out-leaving links from the group. By defining a measure of diffusion importance for each edge based on the number of out-leaving links of its both ends, we are able to identify redundant links in the spreading process, which have a relatively low diffusion importance but lead to form the locally densely connected core-like group. After filtering out the redundant links and applying the k-shell method to the residual network, we obtain a renewed coreness for each node which is a more accurate index to indicate its location importance and spreading influence in the original network. Moreover, we find that the performance of the ranking algorithms based on the renewed coreness are also greatly enhanced. Our findings help to more accurately decompose the network core structure and identify influential nodes in spreading processes.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Identifying influential patents in citation networks using enhanced VoteRank centrality

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    This study proposes the usage of a method called VoteRank, created by Zhang et al. (2016), to identify influential nodes on patent citation networks. In addition, it proposes enhanced VoteRank algorithms, extending the Zhang et al. work. These novel algorithms comprise a reduction on the voting ability of the nodes affected by a chosen spreader if the nodes are distant from the spreader. One method uses a reduction factor that is linear regarding the distance from the spreader, which we called VoteRank-LRed. The other method uses a reduction factor that is exponential concerning the distance from the spreader, which we called VoteRank-XRed. By applying the methods to a citation network, we were able to demonstrate that VoteRank-LRed improved performance in choosing influence spreaders more efficiently than the original VoteRank on the tested citation network.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Identifying influential spreaders in complex networks based on gravity formula

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    How to identify the influential spreaders in social networks is crucial for accelerating/hindering information diffusion, increasing product exposure, controlling diseases and rumors, and so on. In this paper, by viewing the k-shell value of each node as its mass and the shortest path distance between two nodes as their distance, then inspired by the idea of the gravity formula, we propose a gravity centrality index to identify the influential spreaders in complex networks. The comparison between the gravity centrality index and some well-known centralities, such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and k-shell centrality, and so forth, indicates that our method can effectively identify the influential spreaders in real networks as well as synthetic networks. We also use the classical Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) epidemic model to verify the good performance of our method.Comment: 4 tables and 4 figures, accepted by Physica

    Finding important edges in networks through local information

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    In transportation, communication, social and other real complex networks, some critical edges act a pivotal part in controlling the flow of information and maintaining the integrity of the structure. Due to the importance of critical edges in theoretical studies and practical applications, the identification of critical edges gradually become a hot topic in current researches. Considering the overlap of communities in the neighborhood of edges, a novel and effective metric named subgraph overlap (SO) is proposed to quantifying the significance of edges. The experimental results show that SO outperforms all benchmarks in identifying critical edges which are crucial in maintaining the integrity of the structure and functions of networks

    Effects of human dynamics on epidemic spreading in C\^{o}te d'Ivoire

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    Understanding and predicting outbreaks of contagious diseases are crucial to the development of society and public health, especially for underdeveloped countries. However, challenging problems are encountered because of complex epidemic spreading dynamics influenced by spatial structure and human dynamics (including both human mobility and human interaction intensity). We propose a systematical model to depict nationwide epidemic spreading in C\^{o}te d'Ivoire, which integrates multiple factors, such as human mobility, human interaction intensity, and demographic features. We provide insights to aid in modeling and predicting the epidemic spreading process by data-driven simulation and theoretical analysis, which is otherwise beyond the scope of local evaluation and geometrical views. We show that the requirement that the average local basic reproductive number to be greater than unity is not necessary for outbreaks of epidemics. The observed spreading phenomenon can be roughly explained as a heterogeneous diffusion-reaction process by redefining mobility distance according to the human mobility volume between nodes, which is beyond the geometrical viewpoint. However, the heterogeneity of human dynamics still poses challenges to precise prediction

    Identifying a set of influential spreaders in complex networks

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    Identifying a set of influential spreaders in complex networks plays a crucial role in effective information spreading. A simple strategy is to choose top-rr ranked nodes as spreaders according to influence ranking method such as PageRank, ClusterRank and kk-shell decomposition. Besides, some heuristic methods such as hill-climbing, SPIN, degree discount and independent set based are also proposed. However, these approaches suffer from a possibility that some spreaders are so close together that they overlap sphere of influence or time consuming. In this report, we present a simply yet effectively iterative method named VoteRank to identify a set of decentralized spreaders with the best spreading ability. In this approach, all nodes vote in a spreader in each turn, and the voting ability of neighbors of elected spreader will be decreased in subsequent turn. Experimental results on four real networks show that under Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model, VoteRank outperforms the traditional benchmark methods on both spreading speed and final affected scale. What's more, VoteRank is also superior to other group-spreader identifying methods on computational time.Comment: 13 pages, 6 Figures, 37 reference

    Multicores-periphery structure in networks

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    Many real-world networks exhibit a multicores-periphery structure, with densely connected vertices in multiple cores surrounded by a general periphery of sparsely connected vertices. Identification of the multicores-periphery structure can provide a new lens to understand the structures and functions of various real-world networks. This paper defines the multicores-periphery structure and introduces an algorithm to identify the optimal partition of multiple cores and the periphery in general networks. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm by applying it to a well-known social network and a patent technology network, which are best characterized by the multicores-periphery structure. The analyses also reveal the differences between our multicores-periphery detection algorithm and two state-of-the-art algorithms for detecting the single core-periphery structure and community structure.Comment: 26 page

    Accurate ranking of influential spreaders in networks based on dynamically asymmetric link-impact

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    We propose an efficient and accurate measure for ranking spreaders and identifying the influential ones in spreading processes in networks. While the edges determine the connections among the nodes, their specific role in spreading should be considered explicitly. An edge connecting nodes i and j may differ in its importance for spreading from i to j and from j to i. The key issue is whether node j, after infected by i through the edge, would reach out to other nodes that i itself could not reach directly. It becomes necessary to invoke two unequal weights wij and wji characterizing the importance of an edge according to the neighborhoods of nodes i and j. The total asymmetric directional weights originating from a node leads to a novel measure si which quantifies the impact of the node in spreading processes. A s-shell decomposition scheme further assigns a s-shell index or weighted coreness to the nodes. The effectiveness and accuracy of rankings based on si and the weighted coreness are demonstrated by applying them to nine real-world networks. Results show that they generally outperform rankings based on the nodes' degree and k-shell index, while maintaining a low computational complexity. Our work represents a crucial step towards understanding and controlling the spread of diseases, rumors, information, trends, and innovations in networks.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Leveraging local h-index to identify and rank influential spreaders in networks

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    Identifying influential nodes in complex networks has received increasing attention for its great theoretical and practical applications in many fields. Traditional methods, such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and coreness centrality, have more or less disadvantages in detecting influential nodes, which have been illustrated in related literatures. Recently, the h-index, which is utilized to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar, has been introduced to the network world to evaluate a node's spreading ability. However, this method assigns too many nodes with the same value, which leads to a resolution limit problem in distinguishing the real influence of these nodes. In this paper, we propose a local h-index centrality (LH-index) method for identifying and ranking influential nodes in networks. The LH-index method simultaneously takes into account of h-index values of the node itself and its neighbors, which is based on the idea that a node connects to more influential nodes will also be influential. According to the simulation results with the stochastic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model in four real world networks and several simulated networks, we demonstrate the effectivity of the LH-index method in identifying influential nodes in networks.Comment: 15 pages,6 figure

    Weighted H-index for identifying influential spreaders

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    Spreading is a ubiquitous process in the social, biological and technological systems. Therefore, identifying influential spreaders, which is important to prevent epidemic spreading and to establish effective vaccination strategies, is full of theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, a weighted h-index centrality based on virtual nodes extension is proposed to quantify the spreading influence of nodes in complex networks. Simulation results on real-world networks reveal that the proposed method provides more accurate and more consistent ranking than the five classical methods. Moreover, we observe that the monotonicity and the computational complexity of our measure can also yield excellent performance