14 research outputs found

    Set It and Forget It: Approximating the Set Once Strip Cover Problem

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    We consider the Set Once Strip Cover problem, in which n wireless sensors are deployed over a one-dimensional region. Each sensor has a fixed battery that drains in inverse proportion to a radius that can be set just once, but activated at any time. The problem is to find an assignment of radii and activation times that maximizes the length of time during which the entire region is covered. We show that this problem is NP-hard. Second, we show that RoundRobin, the algorithm in which the sensors simply take turns covering the entire region, has a tight approximation guarantee of 3/2 in both Set Once Strip Cover and the more general Strip Cover problem, in which each radius may be set finitely-many times. Moreover, we show that the more general class of duty cycle algorithms, in which groups of sensors take turns covering the entire region, can do no better. Finally, we give an optimal O(n^2 log n)-time algorithm for the related Set Radius Strip Cover problem, in which all sensors must be activated immediately.Comment: briefly announced at SPAA 201

    Energy-efficient Area Coverage by Sensors with Adjustable Ranges

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    In wireless sensor networks, density control is an important technique for prolonging a network’s lifetime. To reduce the overall energy consumption, it is desirable to minimize the overlapping sensing area of the sensor nodes. In this paper, we study the problem of energy-efficient area coverage by the regular placement of sensors with adjustable sensing and communication ranges. We suggest a more accurate method to estimate efficiency than those currently used for coverage by sensors with adjustable ranges, and propose new density control models that considerably improve coverage using sensors with two sensing ranges. Calculations and extensive simulation show that the new models outperform existing ones in terms of various performance metrics

    A Survey of Coverage Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Coverage problem is an important issue in wireless sensor networks, which has a great impact on the performance of wireless sensor networks. Given a sensor network, the coverage problem is to determine how well the sensing field is monitored or tracked by sensors. In this paper, we classify the coverage problem into three categories: area coverage, target coverage, and barrier coverage, give detailed description of different algorithms belong to these three categories. Moreover, we specify the advantages and disadvantages of the existing classic algorithms, which can give a useful direction in this area

    Average Case Network Lifetime on an Interval with Adjustable Sensing Ranges

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    Given n sensors on an interval, each of which is equipped with an adjustable sensing radius and a unit battery charge that drains in inverse linear proportion to its radius, what schedule will maximize the lifetime of a network that covers the entire interval? Trivially, any reasonable algorithm is at least a 2-approximation for this Sensor Strip Cover problem, so we focus on developing an efficient algorithm that maximizes the expected network lifetime under a random uniform model of sensor distribution. We demonstrate one such algorithm that achieves an expected network lifetime within 12 % of the theoretical maximum. Most of the algorithms that we consider come from a particular family of RoundRobin coverage, in which sensors take turns covering predefined areas until their battery runs out

    Minimum-energy broadcast in random-grid ad-hoc networks: approximation and distributed algorithms

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    The Min Energy broadcast problem consists in assigning transmission ranges to the nodes of an ad-hoc network in order to guarantee a directed spanning tree from a given source node and, at the same time, to minimize the energy consumption (i.e. the energy cost) yielded by the range assignment. Min energy broadcast is known to be NP-hard. We consider random-grid networks where nodes are chosen independently at random from the nn points of a n×n\sqrt n \times \sqrt n square grid in the plane. The probability of the existence of a node at a given point of the grid does depend on that point, that is, the probability distribution can be non-uniform. By using information-theoretic arguments, we prove a lower bound (1ϵ)nπ(1-\epsilon) \frac n{\pi} on the energy cost of any feasible solution for this problem. Then, we provide an efficient solution of energy cost not larger than 1.1204nπ1.1204 \frac n{\pi}. Finally, we present a fully-distributed protocol that constructs a broadcast range assignment of energy cost not larger than 8n8n,thus still yielding constant approximation. The energy load is well balanced and, at the same time, the work complexity (i.e. the energy due to all message transmissions of the protocol) is asymptotically optimal. The completion time of the protocol is only an O(logn)O(\log n) factor slower than the optimum. The approximation quality of our distributed solution is also experimentally evaluated. All bounds hold with probability at least 11/nΘ(1)1-1/n^{\Theta(1)}.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Optimal Location through Distributed Algorithm to Avoid Energy Hole in Mobile Sink WSNs

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    In multihop data collection sensor network, nodes near the sink need to relay on remote data and, thus, have much faster energy dissipation rate and suffer from premature death. This phenomenon causes energy hole near the sink, seriously damaging the network performance. In this paper, we first compute energy consumption of each node when sink is set at any point in the network through theoretical analysis; then we propose an online distributed algorithm, which can adjust sink position based on the actual energy consumption of each node adaptively to get the actual maximum lifetime. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed algorithms significantly improve the lifetime of wireless sensor network. It lowers the network residual energy by more than 30% when it is dead. Moreover, the cost for moving the sink is relatively smaller