2 research outputs found

    An谩lisis e integraci贸n de informaci贸n de datos biol贸gicos mediante an谩lisis funcional

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias de la Computaci贸n)--Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba, Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a, F铆sica y Computaci贸n, 2019.El an谩lisis funcional refiere a un conjunto de t茅cnicas que tienen como fin detectar aquellas funciones o procesos que se encuentran desregulados en un experimento biol贸gico. Con el continuo avance en las tecnolog铆as de obtenci贸n de expresi贸n de muestras biol贸gicas, la cantidad de bases de datos de libre disponibilidad aumenta constantemente. Las t茅cnicas de an谩lisis funcional se basan en el estudio de un 煤nico experimento, en la era del Big Data resulta natural notar la necesidad de explotar esta gran cantidad de bases de datos para su integraci贸n, y as铆, generar nuevas fuentes de informaci贸n. Esta tesis propone, como objetivo principal, brindar una metodolog铆a que permita integrar grandes cantidades de bases de datos de expresi贸n biol贸gica. Integrando informaci贸n de diversas poblaciones, fenotipos, enfermedades, entre otros, se podr谩 detectar patrones que caractericen cada grupo. Como primera instancia de tesis, se realiz贸 una comparaci贸n exhaustiva de diversas alternativas para llevar a cabo el an谩lisis funcional. Con tantas alternativas existentes, que siguen diversos supuestos e ideas, esta evaluaci贸n nos llev贸 a la creaci贸n del pipeline de An谩lisis Funcional Integrador: IFA. El IFA realiza su an谩lisis tomando alternativas que otorgaron los mejores resultados desde un punto de vista biol贸gico y estad铆stico. Para cumplir con el objetivo principal de esta tesis, presentamos la herramienta MIGSA (Massive and Integrative Gene Set Analysis). Gracias a esta herramienta, es ahora posible llevar a cabo un an谩lisis funcional masivo e integrador de grandes cantidades de bases de datos biol贸gicas que provienen tanto de distintas poblaciones como de distintas fuentes biol贸gicas (genes, prote铆nas, entre otras). Adem谩s, MIGSA provee diversas herramientas que permiten explorar y visualizar f谩cilmente los resultados, y de esta manera, validar y generar nuevas hip贸tesis de estudio. La utilidad de nuestra herramienta fue comprobada ya que permiti贸, para sub-grupos de c谩ncer de mama -con pron贸sticos bien distintivos-, detectar genes y procesos biol贸gicos que los caracterizan. MIGSA representa una herramienta que permite detectar efectivamente aspectos biol贸gicos que podr铆an ser blancos de drogas, y as铆 contrarrestar la condici贸n bajo estudio.Functional analysis refers to a set of techniques aimed at detecting those functions or processes that are deregulated in a biological experiment. With the continuous advances in technologies for obtaining the expression of biological samples, the number of freely available databases is constantly increasing. Functional analysis techniques are based on the study of a single experiment, in the era of Big Data, it is natural to notice the need to exploit this large amount of databases for integration, and thus generate new sources of information. This thesis proposes, as the main objective, to provide a methodology to integrate large amounts of databases of biological expression. Integrating information of diverse populations, phenotypes, diseases, among others, it will be possible to detect patterns that characterize each group. As the first instance of the thesis, an exhaustive comparison of diverse alternatives was made to carry out the functional analysis. With so many existing alternatives that follow different assumptions and ideas, this evaluation led to the creation of the Integrating Functional Analysis pipeline: IFA. The IFA carries out its analysis taking alternatives that gave the best results from a biological and statistical point of view. In order to fulfill the main objective of this thesis, we present the tool MIGSA (Massive and Integrative Gene Set Analysis). Thanks to this tool, it is now possible to carry out a massive and integrative functional analysis of large quantities of biological databases that come from different populations as well as from different biological sources (genes, proteins, among others). In addition, MIGSA provides several tools that allow to easily explore and visualize the results, and in this way, validate and generate new study hypotheses. The usefulness of our tool was proved since it allowed, for subgroups of breast cancer -with very distinctive prognoses-, to detect genes and biological processes that characterize them. MIGSA represents a tool that allows us to effectively detect biological aspects that could be drug targets, and thus counteract the condition under study.Rodr铆guez, Juan Cruz. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a, F铆sica y Computaci贸n; Argentina

    Improving information retrieval in functional analysis

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    Transcriptome analysis is essential to understand the mechanisms regulating key biological processes and functions. The first step usually consists of identifying candidate genes; to find out which pathways are affected by those genes, however, functional analysis (FA) is mandatory. The most frequently used strategies for this purpose are Gene Set and Singular Enrichment Analysis (GSEA and SEA) over Gene Ontology. Several statistical methods have been developed and compared in terms of computational efficiency and/or statistical appropriateness. However, whether their results are similar or complementary, the sensitivity to parameter settings, or possible bias in the analyzed terms has not been addressed so far. Here, two GSEA and four SEA methods and their parameter combinations were evaluated in six datasets by comparing two breast cancer subtypes with well-known differences in genetic background and patient outcomes. We show that GSEA and SEA lead to different results depending on the chosen statistic, model and/or parameters. Both approaches provide complementary results from a biological perspective. Hence, an Integrative Functional Analysis (IFA) tool is proposed to improve information retrieval in FA. It provides a common gene expression analytic framework that grants a comprehensive and coherent analysis. Only a minimal user parameter setting is required, since the best SEA/GSEA alternatives are integrated. IFA utility was demonstrated by evaluating four prostate cancer and the TCGA breast cancer microarray datasets, which showed its biological generalization capabilities.Fil: Rodriguez, Juan Cruz. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Germ谩n Alexis. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - C贸rdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecolog铆a Animal. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas F铆sicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecolog铆a Animal; ArgentinaFil: Fresno Rodr铆guez, Crist贸bal. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba; ArgentinaFil: Llera, Andrea Sabina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioqu铆micas de Buenos Aires. Fundaci贸n Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioqu铆micas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Elmer Andres. Universidad Cat贸lica de C贸rdoba; Argentin