2 research outputs found

    Discovering Topical Aspects in Microblogs

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    Abstract We address the problem of discovering topical phrases or "aspects" from microblogging sites like Twitter, that correspond to key talking points or buzz around a particular topic or entity of interest. Inferring such topical aspects enables various applications such as trend detection and opinion mining for business analytics. However, mining high-volume microblog streams for aspects poses unique challenges due to the inherent noise, redundancy and ambiguity in users' social posts. We address these challenges by using a probabilistic model that incorporates various global and local indicators such as "uniqueness", "diversity" and "burstiness" of phrases, to infer relevant aspects. Our model is learned using an EM algorithm that uses automatically generated noisy labels, without requiring manual effort or domain knowledge. We present results on three months of Twitter data across different types of entities to validate our approach

    Improving Classification Accuracy using Automatically extracted Training Data

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    Classification is a core task in knowledge discovery and data mining, and there has been substantial research effort in developing sophisticated classification models. In a parallel thread, recent work from the NLP community suggests that for tasks such as natural language disambiguation even a simple algorithm can outperform a sophisticated one, if it is provided with large quantities of high quality training data. In those applications, training data occurs naturally in text corpora, and high quality training data sets running into billions of words have been reportedly used. We explore how we can apply the lessons from the NLP community to KDD tasks. Specifically, we investigate how to identify data sources that can yield training data at low cost and study whether the quantity of the automatically extracted training data can compensate for its lower quality. We carry out this investigation for the specific task of inferring whether a search query has commercial intent. We mine toolbar and click logs to extract queries from sites that are predominantly commercial (e.g., Amazon) and noncommercial (e.g., Wikipedia). We compare the accuracy obtained using such training data against manually labeled training data. Our results show that we can have large accuracy gains using automatically extracted training data at much lower cost